Sunday, October 05, 2008

563. My Hands are Cold

Yul was in the shower. For what seemed like a long time. Rog fiddled with breakfast, poured another cup of brew, buttoned and unbuttoned his shirt, made faces in the mirror and still, the shower showered on. Bored, he noticed his comm, blinking.

the scene shows rog picking up his comm, listening. his face changes expression, the comm drops from his hand. in slow motion he sprints to the bathroom. the door is locked, something she never does. rog yells, no response, only the steady sound of the shower. he yells her name again. still no response. with all his might he rams the door with his shoulder.

Through the mist of steam, a shape behind the glass, not moving, not standing.

the camera is in the bathroom and the sound of the shower is louder, we do not see yul, but the door. we hear the muffled shoulder and see the door give, almost exhale and contract between blows. the door gives way and we see rog, we see the moment of realization on his face. yul is lying on the shower floor, a small trickle of blood flowing from her mouth to the drain. he picks her up, limp in his arms, crook of knee in crook of elbow, her wet-haired head held tight against his chest, the shower cascading down upon them both like rain. the camera focuses on rog's face and the gamma rises, skin mutes pale and one can't tell what is water and what are tears.

"Baby, hold on." His head bends back, eyes upward, bare muscled arms and chest ripped in the holding, straining within as without. "This is not gonna happen." Rog blinks, waiting on an answer, eyes still cast upward. "Do you hear me. This is not gonna happen."

scene fades with rog standing, eyes upward. the sound of the shower fades into the soundtrack, which starts faint and grows: The Killers' Human


Ms Storm said...

I love that man, always have, always will. :-) Better than Quaid.

First paragraph was a smiler and the reason for the above thought. And the baby, which I'm not sure would sound as sweet in another mouth.

Fast paced and urgent, a prime example of a Poppet-cliffhanger, edge of ones seat, nail-biting, worrisome, we have learned happy-endings are not guaranteed and that your characters are mortal, all that is left to do now is to hope, hope that Rog's will will get her where she needs to be in time and that once there, there will be remedy. As always, you paint the scene well, and with the song you made me miss my stripey leg warmers, and also increased the urgency of the situation. Very nicely done all round!

Trée said...

Sometimes I just want to have fun and write not to write but just to write. This is one of those chapters, a chapter I feel, through the soundtrack, through the images, as if a movie. Just pure fun. :-D

Constance said...

You're making me cry with this...

Trée said...

Annie, if you are going to cry, at least come cry on my shoulder. :-)

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes I just want to have fun and write not to write but just to write...."

I know that feeling. I love that feeling. when I write JUST TO WRITE, its awesome....

Trée said...

Just like hugging, hugging to hug. Hope you are feeling better. :-)

Mona said...

wow! That is dramatic! It always does happen but we never want it to happen & cannot accept it has happened, although we know it is sure to happen anytime!

Trée said...

Mona, sometimes the chapters roll before my eyes like film and I don't want to write, I want to see and watch. And I do like watching. :-D

Stargazer said...

I can see this playing out as in a movie. And that fractal is striking. Very POW!

Trée said...

Thanks Deb :-)

j said...

How intense! Rog's mundane actions, making faces in a mirror, oblivious to what is unfolding.

I have MISSED the Story! My computer is still sick and will have to be completely cleaned off and re- whatevered. But SOON. I will be back to my old self! And I will get caught up with the Story.

Going to bed soon. I hope that you are doing well. Be blessed Tree.

Trée said...

Jen, The Story will always be here. Come visit when you can. :-)