Saturday, October 11, 2008

565. Doors

Von drew breath, hand on door, eye down the hall. Evenly spaced, metal door after metal door, sober gateways to individual realities, portals between this life and the next, confessionals of love withheld, rectangular antiseptic boxes, vibrating with silent cries, prayers sent forth as smoke into the sky, of eyes that saw what eyes can't see. With warm hand upon cold handle, Von entered.

Walking as one before alter, tone hushed in silence not silent, head bowed by the weight of respect, the air felt electric, alive as only life feels before death premature, when temporal hands hold the power of Janus and the chest feels ocean deep and about as murky and dark and cold. She looked magnificent, auburn hair on fire and turquoise eyes polished, skin china white delicate, hands female tender, efforted smile authentic and pure as the heart that beat for two.

"Morning," said Von. "You look wonderful."

Zoe smiled. "You know, Ceru was not a very good liar either."


Mona said...

retangular antiseptic boxes, confessionals of love withheld: Wonderful imagery!

Autumn Storm said...

You have become the reason why I love language. Reading this, and putting aside for the moment the imagery of your words, the corridor of a hospital, something you have delivered to us as clearly elsewhere within the story, the writing is absolutely superb, I use the comparison too often I know but that is how something like this reads, like a dance upon the tongue, a swaying, flowing dance between writer and reader, between tongue and ear, between seeing and embracing. A gift to language you are, someone adept at showing it in its most glorious light, someone who reminds us of just how flexible, just how multi-faceted, exciting and beautiful it can be. It is there for all of us, like a large piece of stone to do with what we wish, there are hackers and then there are sculptors creating what only they could see, making the possibility a reality. Deep in my heart, I read this, and the beauty, the honesty (of the words, of the feelings) and the sadness wrapped with peace and love and memories and happiness and hope for the future (the child), it is you at your consistent best. Loved it.

Trée said...

Thanks Mona. :-)

Trée said...

Sweetest, I don't know what I would do without your comments. You are the rainbow in my sky. :-)

j said...

Pure as the heartbeat of two... I think that is what you wrote. Motherhood is beautiful isn't it?

A poingnant post.

Trée said...

Jen, that it is. Thank you for the kind words. :-)