fiction, poems and other general flirtatious happenings
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My blog is going Private for an indeterminate amount of time. If you would like an invite, currently open to anyone who wants to read The Story, please send me your email address (my email is listed on my profile).
Saffy, in most cases because someone else is not playing nice and that is about as nice as I can put it. I still have you on the list from before so you should have no problems when the time comes. If you do, just drop me an email and I will invite you again. Take care. :-)
Groover, I have no desire to go private but it appears that someone unknown has either taken a serious interest in the story or is post by post copying my work. I cannot tell which is occurring and I'm hoping the person in question, when they see this post and the one below it will identify themselves. If they don't and continue to spend hours and hours on my blog going through every post, picture and comments, then I feel I have no choice.
I wouldn't blog without the interaction of comments and I try my best to engage almost every comment that is left. That someone could literally spend days and days and hours and hours going through my blog and not leave a single solitary comment is something I don't understand.
As I said, I don't want to go Private, but if necessary, I will. My readers are few and most on them are already on the 'private list' and I've giving all the rest of them the opportunity to join if they so choose. Everyone is welcome.
I'm still hoping the party in question will comment and say hello with an introduction.
Mmh, I hope it is the former and someone is just doing what I'd love to do if I had the time ... Fingers crossed it is that innocent and the person will come forward. (You've got the IP address, haven't you?)
G, I do along with location, and all the other data that a good sitemeter gives you, a place I spend too much time and would probably have more peace if I just didn't watch it at all. :-D
I've been watching this person for several weeks now. Usually I have someone new to The Story get excited, spend an hour for a day or two but then they usually fade away. This one visitor has not faded nor commented and continues to spend a great deal of time systematically going through my blog. They haven't made it all the way through the story, but I see no reason to give them everything if copying my work is what indeed they are doing, not to mention everything I write and create from this point forward. I expect to see them visiting again tomorrow. So, we'll see what happens. Hope for the best. :-)
G, Jason Chan does beautiful work. One day I would like to be able to paint as well as he does, but then again, if I don't work at it, it ain't gonna happen. :-D
First time seeing this portrait, it only confirms anew and in a different way how quickly your talent and know-how developed in this area. The similarity was instantly recognizable. Yul is prettier however, for you captured her spark too, still ignited though the portrait is of a quiet moment.
W, I still don't have your email, which I need in order to send you an invite when I go Private. At the moment, I'm public again, but I don't know for how much longer.
YAY! I am in. Thanks love. I am trying to get my own site meter set up now thanks to you. Unfortunately my internet is being horribly slow. grrrrrrrrrrrr. I may have to do a whole restart and try again. Maybe go spend some time breaking the colt before my next attempt. The little bugger ran me ragged yesterday.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having troubles, Trée! I know that myself and others (over at Wordpress) have their stuff copied by some weird spamming thing. The posts end up on some commercial blog and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it (even though they link to the original post, it still isn't cool).
I haven't been around for awhile and not sure if I'll be around that much longer (in blogland LOL) but just wanted to send a Shout Out!
This is horrid. Someone is copying your work. How did you find out? Anyway, no matter how others copying your work, that's as best as they could do, copying. They could never replicate your creative thoughts and pen out a new chapter which distinctly screams "Tree!"
I am going to have to check out more of Mr. Chan's stuff. It's gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing him with us.
And I was WONDERING what was going on with your blog!
Hopefully, it really is just someone who is at home with lots of free time and stumbled upon your blog in the heydey of Blogs of Note listdom and has been reading and reading and loving and loving.
But...I AGREE WITH YOU. Watching your stats can be frailing insanity-producing! I have often thought of going back to not watching them myself. But, I don't think that's possible any longer. It's part of my routine and has been for way too long.
What I don't understand is when people KNOW that you can see them, WHY they think that you won't, if they are up to being sneaky-licious.
I will say that commenting on your blog and participating in such a way is EXTREMELY addicting, so if it is someone who is just scared to comment... I am hereby encouraging the comment with all my Strumpet might, because once you start poppin', you can't stop. It's so much fun.
Especially when the Hood talks to you and induces wetness for days on end.
I miss you, Hoodie!
xoxo, Mr. Tree.
Be well.
Be very well.
Hope you had a cool Easter, whether you veggied or traveled or grocery-shopped.
Strumper, there are so many great digital artists. If you really dig on Chan's work let me know, I can point you to many, many more that do incredible things with Photoshop and Painter. I really think you would like the work of Andrew Jones. Google his name and if you don't find his website, I'll send you the link. Heck, here it is:
I could use a good carrot in the right hands about now. ;-)
Jen, I am hoping against hope I don't have to go Private. Going Private is never good for a blog. Last year, I had a "blog friend" that decided for no reason and out of the blue to attack me, my readers and even my wife via my comments. I still have no clue what drugs she was taking but it forced me to go Private for about four months. Thankfully, that COW (crazy old woman) moved on although she continued a very passive-aggressive approach on our mutual blogger friends and tried to turn several of them against me--unsuccessfully, but she tried. To this day I have no idea what got into her and I finally had to accept that reason cannot understand "unreason" and let it go. She had been a reader for more than a year. One night she just snapped. Very sad to see.
This current case is something very different. The person is in southern California and has never left a comment. They have spend hours and hours going over every post and picture and comment. Day after day. I kept waiting for them to say hello. The last two post all but beg them to--still nothing. They came by again yesterday. Started going post by post again. And still, no acknowledgement. I'm remaining public for a bit longer so that everyone who wants to be invited has the chance (I still have some faithful readers that have not been by in the last few days) and I'm also hoping this person, and one other, will simply introduce themselves. One can always hope.
First time I saw Rosie I knew she was the splitting image of Kyra from the eyes to the hair and all the rest. I've been playing with the idea of trying to paint Kyra using Rosie as reference as a way to get myself back into Painter. No promises but we might see something. :-)
This sucks, Tree! Hopefully this person is just a stalker, not a copier. Love the picture and thanks for stopping by my bloggiversary party. Hope I'm on your list.
Hope to see that. :-) The period where you posted several paintings (/sketches) holds such wonderful memories. How awed and delighted we were to see Papa, to see Yul, to see Kyra. Such beautiful work, and once again you showed remarkable talent. Papa for example came with oompf capitol OOh. Would be so exciting to see another painting and with Rosie here we have an idea of what you might come up with which only leads to more anticipation. :-)
So sweet you are. Without knowing a thing about it and just trying to be clever, ;-), the paintings and sketches that you did were so wonderful and part of a process, you honed your talents very quickly and produced some amazing work, perhaps don't worry about the first couple of tries, at least have that thought in your mind as you pick up the paintbrush, so to speak. There are plenty more Papas in you and you ride a bike well.
Tree - you have my email address - please include me if the blog goes private.
In 2005 I had no idea what a blog was, I stumbled into blogging via a google search. I read the post google directed me to [nothing to do with what I had been searching for]the writing was so enchanting over a couple of weeks I read my way through the archives up until the most recent post.
I never once looked at the comments - I did not know what comments on a blog were at that time. About a month or so after I first discovered the blog I emailed the blog owner and told them how much I enjoyed their writing.
Sitemeter - meant nothing to me and I was absolutely horrified to learn that the writer had been aware of my visits.
The writer of that blog explained about the comments section of their blog and I originally created my own blog purely to comment on the other one!
I would like to think that your phantom reader is just a fan and will keep my fingers crossed for you.
I also have had to start moderating my comments and I hate it. I may have to eventually make mine private too, but it's going to be my last resort. I think I've gotten their IP address blocked for now, thanks to some help, but I'm screening comments anyway. I hate how one idiot can spoil it for everyone.
Gosh, Trée, I hope that the person is just reading and not copying.
I can only read blogs every now and then myself, what with work and housework, but it's sad to hear that someone I've bookmarked might not be available to me for some time. I'd ask for an invitation, but at the rate I'm going, you might be public again by my next visit. Wishing you the best.
sigh, how come more and more people are going private?
Saffy, in most cases because someone else is not playing nice and that is about as nice as I can put it. I still have you on the list from before so you should have no problems when the time comes. If you do, just drop me an email and I will invite you again. Take care. :-)
Sad, sad, sad.
Don't take it personal and don't let it get to you. Whatever is said or done!
Groover, I have no desire to go private but it appears that someone unknown has either taken a serious interest in the story or is post by post copying my work. I cannot tell which is occurring and I'm hoping the person in question, when they see this post and the one below it will identify themselves. If they don't and continue to spend hours and hours on my blog going through every post, picture and comments, then I feel I have no choice.
I wouldn't blog without the interaction of comments and I try my best to engage almost every comment that is left. That someone could literally spend days and days and hours and hours going through my blog and not leave a single solitary comment is something I don't understand.
As I said, I don't want to go Private, but if necessary, I will. My readers are few and most on them are already on the 'private list' and I've giving all the rest of them the opportunity to join if they so choose. Everyone is welcome.
I'm still hoping the party in question will comment and say hello with an introduction.
Mmh, I hope it is the former and someone is just doing what I'd love to do if I had the time ... Fingers crossed it is that innocent and the person will come forward. (You've got the IP address, haven't you?)
BTW: The drawing of Yul is so beautiful and sad it makes me wanna cry.
Please cheer me up and make the next chapter a happy one. I need it.
G, I do along with location, and all the other data that a good sitemeter gives you, a place I spend too much time and would probably have more peace if I just didn't watch it at all. :-D
I've been watching this person for several weeks now. Usually I have someone new to The Story get excited, spend an hour for a day or two but then they usually fade away. This one visitor has not faded nor commented and continues to spend a great deal of time systematically going through my blog. They haven't made it all the way through the story, but I see no reason to give them everything if copying my work is what indeed they are doing, not to mention everything I write and create from this point forward. I expect to see them visiting again tomorrow. So, we'll see what happens. Hope for the best. :-)
G, Jason Chan does beautiful work. One day I would like to be able to paint as well as he does, but then again, if I don't work at it, it ain't gonna happen. :-D
First time seeing this portrait, it only confirms anew and in a different way how quickly your talent and know-how developed in this area. The similarity was instantly recognizable. Yul is prettier however, for you captured her spark too, still ignited though the portrait is of a quiet moment.
Happy Easter To you and family!
Tree, Thanks for letting me back in. I love the pic of Yul. Absolutely beautiful. Helps me get her more clear in my mind. oops have to run
W, I still don't have your email, which I need in order to send you an invite when I go Private. At the moment, I'm public again, but I don't know for how much longer.
Thanks Mona. Hope your travels have been enjoyable. :-)
Thank you Sweetest. Hope you are enjoying the new place. :-)
YAY! I am in. Thanks love. I am trying to get my own site meter set up now thanks to you. Unfortunately my internet is being horribly slow. grrrrrrrrrrrr. I may have to do a whole restart and try again. Maybe go spend some time breaking the colt before my next attempt. The little bugger ran me ragged yesterday.
W, I wouldn't have it any other way. ;-)
Happy Monday :-)
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having troubles, Trée! I know that myself and others (over at Wordpress) have their stuff copied by some weird spamming thing. The posts end up on some commercial blog and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it (even though they link to the original post, it still isn't cool).
I haven't been around for awhile and not sure if I'll be around that much longer (in blogland LOL) but just wanted to send a Shout Out!
Grace, always nice to see you stopping by. :-)
This is horrid. Someone is copying your work. How did you find out?
Anyway, no matter how others copying your work, that's as best as they could do, copying. They could never replicate your creative thoughts and pen out a new chapter which distinctly screams "Tree!"
You are very kind Saffy. :-)
...plz. send me an invite at
Good Morning,
Beautiful portrait. What a way to start this day.
Take Care.
I am going to have to check out more of Mr. Chan's stuff. It's gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing him with us.
And I was WONDERING what was going on with your blog!
Hopefully, it really is just someone who is at home with lots of free time and stumbled upon your blog in the heydey of Blogs of Note listdom and has been reading and reading and loving and loving.
But...I AGREE WITH YOU. Watching your stats can be frailing insanity-producing! I have often thought of going back to not watching them myself. But, I don't think that's possible any longer. It's part of my routine and has been for way too long.
What I don't understand is when people KNOW that you can see them, WHY they think that you won't, if they are up to being sneaky-licious.
I will say that commenting on your blog and participating in such a way is EXTREMELY addicting, so if it is someone who is just scared to comment... I am hereby encouraging the comment with all my Strumpet might, because once you start poppin', you can't stop. It's so much fun.
Especially when the Hood talks to you and induces wetness for days on end.
I miss you, Hoodie!
xoxo, Mr. Tree.
Be well.
Be very well.
Hope you had a cool Easter, whether you veggied or traveled or grocery-shopped.
:-D :-D :-D
Signed up and I'm here. It worked!! Hope that you have a lovely day.
Strumper, there are so many great digital artists. If you really dig on Chan's work let me know, I can point you to many, many more that do incredible things with Photoshop and Painter. I really think you would like the work of Andrew Jones. Google his name and if you don't find his website, I'll send you the link. Heck, here it is:
I could use a good carrot in the right hands about now. ;-)
Jen, I am hoping against hope I don't have to go Private. Going Private is never good for a blog. Last year, I had a "blog friend" that decided for no reason and out of the blue to attack me, my readers and even my wife via my comments. I still have no clue what drugs she was taking but it forced me to go Private for about four months. Thankfully, that COW (crazy old woman) moved on although she continued a very passive-aggressive approach on our mutual blogger friends and tried to turn several of them against me--unsuccessfully, but she tried. To this day I have no idea what got into her and I finally had to accept that reason cannot understand "unreason" and let it go. She had been a reader for more than a year. One night she just snapped. Very sad to see.
This current case is something very different. The person is in southern California and has never left a comment. They have spend hours and hours going over every post and picture and comment. Day after day. I kept waiting for them to say hello. The last two post all but beg them to--still nothing. They came by again yesterday. Started going post by post again. And still, no acknowledgement. I'm remaining public for a bit longer so that everyone who wants to be invited has the chance (I still have some faithful readers that have not been by in the last few days) and I'm also hoping this person, and one other, will simply introduce themselves. One can always hope.
Good morning Meg. I've got more from where that came from. :-D
Rahul, invite sent. Thanks for asking.
Gosh, Rosie looks so much like Kyra, the eyes, the hair, it all, especially the eyes. Excellent choice.
First time I saw Rosie I knew she was the splitting image of Kyra from the eyes to the hair and all the rest. I've been playing with the idea of trying to paint Kyra using Rosie as reference as a way to get myself back into Painter. No promises but we might see something. :-)
Thanks for giving us these pictures of the characters. I am very visual and these help me A LOT!
My pleasure W. :-)
This sucks, Tree! Hopefully this person is just a stalker, not a copier. Love the picture and thanks for stopping by my bloggiversary party. Hope I'm on your list.
Hope to see that. :-) The period where you posted several paintings (/sketches) holds such wonderful memories. How awed and delighted we were to see Papa, to see Yul, to see Kyra. Such beautiful work, and once again you showed remarkable talent. Papa for example came with oompf capitol OOh. Would be so exciting to see another painting and with Rosie here we have an idea of what you might come up with which only leads to more anticipation. :-)
AW, invite in the mail. :-)
I hope you're right. Stalkers are good. Copiers are bad. :-D
Sweetest, I'm frozen with fear at even starting a painting or sketch. Just having the hardest time taking the first step and I have no idea why. :-D
So sweet you are. Without knowing a thing about it and just trying to be clever, ;-), the paintings and sketches that you did were so wonderful and part of a process, you honed your talents very quickly and produced some amazing work, perhaps don't worry about the first couple of tries, at least have that thought in your mind as you pick up the paintbrush, so to speak. There are plenty more Papas in you and you ride a bike well.
Would appreciate being placed on this list.
Shame to go private though...your work is cool and most that happen upon it ... enjoy the journey.
Thanks Anthony, invite on the way.
Tree - you have my email address - please include me if the blog goes private.
In 2005 I had no idea what a blog was, I stumbled into blogging via a google search. I read the post google directed me to [nothing to do with what I had been searching for]the writing was so enchanting over a couple of weeks I read my way through the archives up until the most recent post.
I never once looked at the comments - I did not know what comments on a blog were at that time. About a month or so after I first discovered the blog I emailed the blog owner and told them how much I enjoyed their writing.
Sitemeter - meant nothing to me and I was absolutely horrified to learn that the writer had been aware of my visits.
The writer of that blog explained about the comments section of their blog and I originally created my own blog purely to comment on the other one!
I would like to think that your phantom reader is just a fan and will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Good luck with whatever you decided.
M, invite sent.
I also have had to start moderating my comments and I hate it. I may have to eventually make mine private too, but it's going to be my last resort. I think I've gotten their IP address blocked for now, thanks to some help, but I'm screening comments anyway. I hate how one idiot can spoil it for everyone.
Snow, I know the feeling. All it takes is one idiot, as you say. I think I've had my quota. :-D
Oh, and if you find spring, send it my way. :-)
Gosh, Trée, I hope that the person is just reading and not copying.
I can only read blogs every now and then myself, what with work and housework, but it's sad to hear that someone I've bookmarked might not be available to me for some time. I'd ask for an invitation, but at the rate I'm going, you might be public again by my next visit. Wishing you the best.
Hi, Mr. Tree!
Thanks for the link!
The little bit that my comp has allowed me to roam around the site, I have enjoyed.
A lot.
Hope you're doin' cool!!
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