The camera sits five or six feet from the shower door. The room is filled with roiling steam and only the sound of steady water is heard. The door opens to a wall of crimson mist. In slow motion a darker shape emerges, a dynamic figure. John steps forth, wet, nude, strong, hard, his chest broad his arms chiseled, beads of water dripping from his square chin. His eyes set, straight ahead. As contrails behind wings, steam coils in his wake taking shape and form, of feminine fingers growing into delicate arms and a whimsical torso, full, soft, and erect materializes, hair flowing as rivers between mountains. The second camera catches his backside as he approaches the lave. His thighs solid, glutes round and thoroughbred taut, dimples as quarter moons, glistening wet. Still in slow motion, his right arm circles condensation from the mirror and we see two figures in the reflection. One of flesh, solid, hard, like an eggshell; one of spirit, enveloping, loving, sensual, wordless.
The scene switches to Von, sitting, sipping snizzle with his right hand, his left holding a book open. He hears a sound, pauses, hears it again and places the cup down.
The camera flashed back to the bath. John's image, standing before the lave, fades from view as the misty apparition consumes him. We hear a faint moan; and then Von's voice.
#1: The header image today reminds me of my mind in the heat of ....you know...THAT moment.
It's a VERY sexy image.
#2: I SO knew John was hot.
#3: I want a Crimson Cloud ghost to come and play with ME when I step out of the shower! I'm jealous!!
Rog has competition after this shower scene. Supremely wonderful how you wrote this, singular words projecting their images upon the mind and stirring up a storm.
Not sure quite how to take this one, whether there is reason to worry, the fading and consuming could be suggestive of that fact, that there be reason, but trust remains in what comes before enveloping, loving, sensual, wordless and that this may be a turning point.
In any case, hoping for enlightenment to come further down the road, just what words came from Von.
Story is as strong as ever! Bless you for it. :-)
"One flesh, solid, hard, like an eggshell" that is GOOD! Strength with vulnerability thrown in at the end. I LOVE the word imagery here.
Will reserve comment on the description of John. Must say, it was an easy read!! I am blessed with a good imagination and it serves me well here.
The camera being in the bathroom, that strikes me as being a little invasive - and he knows it's there? If I picture Von at the head of a security system with video footage of different parts of their living space shown in front of him, am I close? If it is in the bathroom, does that mean that, say Yul, gets lots of video coverage in her quarters as well?
Ok, probably reading to deeply. details details. But that does put a voyueristic (sp) slant on the whole thing, doesn't it. "Big Brother", and all that jazz.
Enjoying my self as always - Jen
Jen, I threw the eggshell reference in after some debate, but you've picked up on what I was trying to convey: hard yet fragile/vulnerable. Extra points for you tonight. :-D
As for the camera, well, this is one of those silly chapters written as if I were telling a director where to place the camera for the shooting of this scene and an editor when to cut from one scene to the next. In other words, the camera is not actually in the story. I've only done this a few times in the story. Should have explained the technique in a comment. My bad. ;-)
Of course, I wouldn't object to a camera in Yul's quarters. :-D
Sweetest, no reason to worry with this chapter, just a bit of fun. When John took his shower, he released some red crystals that produced, knowingly, a slight hallucinogenic affect, which he then used to have a little flight of fantasy as boys are wont to do when alone in the shower. :-D
Now, how much of that apparition was his imagination and how much "something else" I'm not inclined to say. ;-)
Strumper, John is hot, very, very hot.
I have a red cape. Will that do? :-D
~raises hand~
I'm seconding the motion for a camera in Yul's quarters.
I could go for one near her shower, as well.
Also, I'm so down for you fulfilling my Superman fantasy.
*sheepish* OOOHHHHhhhh. I get it now. I knew that happens in the story. Staging scenes, mood music, etc. Not silly at all. A cool twist, actually. My mind leapt else where, and boy is my face red.
Really? Nothing more to the crimson steam than boys will be boys? I was afraid of what it meant too. I guess the "moan" SHOULD have been a clue. A glass of wine and candle light with the reading of this post may have set the mood, and made it more condusive to my understanding. *laughing at self* I've said it before, I stink at innuendo. :^D
Jen, this is one of those chapters that needs a little extra info in the comments to come into focus, no pun intended. :-)
My imagination got carried away thinking this was some paranormal activity NOT the other kind of activity! LOL
Oh my, How sensual....
I love the comparison between the male and the female. Hard and Solid Vs Loving and Sensual.
Beautifully written as always.
I feel a little hot as it goes! xx
Thank you Elise. :-)
Miladysa, I've hedged my bets. I wouldn't necessarily think of this one as an either/or. ;-)
Thanks for the blog visit. Love the story. Would love the secret of your lovely pictures. You have the most eidetic images. Best
Bill, thanks for the kind words. Wasn't aware you were reading the story so that was nice to see. As for the images, for the most part I use a freeware program called Apophysis, which creates fractal flames that one can manipulate to one's heart's content.
Hmmm, reads like stage directions or perhaps more accurately screenplay directions. I really like the very quick change to the impersonal POV from the previous chapter. It wakes the reader up a bit.
BTW, Tree, found this site you might like: http://windowseat.ca/viscosity
Its an online fractal maker.
Jack, thanks for the feedback. I didn't consciously create the juxtaposition between the last two chapters but now that you mention it, they do seem to fit well together. You know, I really wish I could take credit for more, but The Story just kinda happens.
Very interesting link. I'll have to find some time to explore the possibilities. Always nice to see something new and different. Thanks for the link.
Yul saw this quote and sighed:
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.
--Albert Camus
It would be Yul from whom the sigh would come, although in some respects it could have been any of them...let me think about the individual some more before you take that comment too seriously. :-) Or (m)any of us, will think about that one too. Mind-tickling quote, thanks the goosebumps.
Happy day ahead.
he looks like under the influence of.. what is it called? LSD? Fantasy?
There is always such a thin line between the subtle and the gross...
I love the mosaic tiled art fractal. Reminds me of the one by India's most famous artist Hussain, On the front of a building, I used to sit beside with my ex boyfriend :D
It also looks like your story.. a piecemeal approach, a pattern constructed piece by piece...
Tree, this is incredibly hot...I love the whole shower image...very well executed, and perfect for a girl to day dream about. ;)
Yul is my new BFF.
We are only too alike at times.
I was talking about that EXACT concept today, oh...
...for about an hour or so.
How much effort it is to simply be even somewhat normal, at times, is too much.
I never want to be completely normal.
But, in order to keep an even keel on sanity, I think you have to learn how to adhere to SOME of society's rules and it's so frailing difficult to do that.
I wrote about feeling like I was in a million, trillion tiny little pieces today and then I come here and I see this image and after reading Yul's experience, I realize, that I feel that my life is like that.
A mosaic.
A million broken pieces.
That somehow seems to make themselves formate in a way that comes off kinda cool.
Thank you for making me feel a little bit more 'normal' today, Mr. Tree.
Wow, I love the new header for your blog. It loks great.
What wonderful words in this current post..I am enlightened every time I have happened upon your blog.
Thank you Cazzie. :-)
Strumper, I think you and Yul have a lot in common, at least in my mind you do, and that is a good thing. :-D
As for the normal thing, you are more than welcome.
Snow, always glad to help a girl with her dreams. Showers are good, hot and soapy with lots of steam and cascading water. :-D
Mona, thank you for the kind words on the header image and I think you're right with regard to the story, although that image may have more congruity than that story :-D
Always so good to see you stopping by. :-)
Sweetest, congrats on the good news. As for that sigh, I would have Yul at the top of that list but I think Trev wouldn't be too far behind. :-)
From one end to the other he travelled in a night, but Em has been good for him and I'm starting to think that though there may be many things bubbling away just under the surface, he will eventually get to the middle...Have I told you lately how much I LOVE the story! :-D
Sweet dreams, sweet stuff. :-)
PS Thank you, x
You have but it is always nice to hear again. I'll grind some fresh roast for your Danish morning. Pull that gray sweater on and nothing else. Hold the off-white cup with both hands and stand on your tip toes so I can see those smooth and tanned calves in the morning light. I'll be along shortly. :-)
Simply amazing writing. Wow, can John come visit me? Heheh
I'll wear the sweater if you wear the jeans, feet and chest bare. I've got the blanket so you won't be cold, promise. See you there, x
I'm already there. :-D
Thank you Jane for those very kind words. As for John, I think he's available. I'll ask. :-D
Tree!! Your new artwork is wicked cool!!!
Thank you my dear naughty ninja of snow pea delight. :-)
Header is pretty but it feels as though it is looking back at me!
Have a nice weekend Tree.
The Header reminds me of the Hood.
But, maybe that is just because I miss him.
xoxo, Mr. Tree.
I hope you are well.
You too Jen. :-)
Strumper, thanks for checking in. I'm starting to miss The Hood too. :-)
What a great selection of images you have on your blog.
Thanks for the kind words Pollydot. :-)
Of course I check in!!
Your blog is only, like, my favourite guilty pleasure.
Speaking of pleasure...
I also have to check in because the Hood provides me with simply awesome spank bank material, you know, with his multiple appendages and massive sexiness.
We all have our downtimes from posting for various reasons, Mr. Tree. It is good for the blogging soul.
Just remember...
I did some light grocery shopping yesterday.
'twas fun!
Mmmm, I've been needing to go to the store. Tell me what you got so I know what to buy. :-D
Sometimes stepping away gives one a fresh perspective. The Story is kinda stuck on several levels right now, all of which could be summed up under one heading: taking it too serious. :-D
I'm flirting with a chapter today, which we may or may not see. Every day that goes by that I don't post scares me in the sense that with each passing day, I feel the blogosphere slipping away. One day, a post will be the last post. In most things in life, we never know "the last" of most things until it is long in the rear view mirror. I'm not saying The Story is done or even that I'm thinking it is done, just need a bit of separation to see clearly, assuming that is possible.
Hey stranger. How've you been?
Good. :-)
Hi Trée, stopping by to say...well, HI!
Hey you
Can't stand it any more, missing you way too much. No word of a lie. Have a wonderful day, see you soon, hopefully, xoxo
Hi Deb. :-)
Sweetest, missing you like you move to another planet.
Okay, WOW! I'm speechless and maybe a little breathless. That was a very sexy scene!
Glad you liked it PDX. :-)
Tree, I understand completely.
I'm gonna do a little catching up while I'm laying here being an insomniac on Spring Break in Florida.
I try to comment on the bottom post, and move up, (when I'm playing catch-up,) so if I don't make my way up to the top post on this round....
I do believe that as part of the Hood's personal Harem that I am entitled to an invite.
Or do you want me to beg?
I can beg if you'd like.
You want me on all fours?
I can do that too.
What's funny is you're going Private, and I just took mine off. I did it for a month or so and couldn't stand it. But, I really had no choice at the time. So, it's an option to be considered when dealing with certain things. Still dealing with them, just in a different way.
Okay, lemme get to a bit of reading. And when I get back to Chi, I'll be reading more of what I've missed.
xo, Mr. Tree.
I do hope you are grand.
All fours would be good. I'm about to head into the shower and I'm going to take that imagine with me. How well can you rotate your hips and arch your back? :-D
As for going Private, I did last year for about four months because of a certain beotch who shall remain nameless. In the last couple of months I've picked up some rather persistent lurkers, one in particular has been going through my entire blog, post by post, hours at a time, day after day. And nary a comment. Makes me nervous to think someone might be stealing my content and doing it right before my eyes. All I'm asking is a hello, just a comment to say, "Hey, it's me and I'm just enjoying your story." I don't think that is too much to ask. So, we'll see what happens.
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