Friday, March 21, 2008

481. Mairi Painted

Mairi as fingerpainted by Ariel


Autumn Storm said...

Bless. :-)

Unlearning and relearning as the journey that we take has come up here many times before. Just as it is said a child knows which nutrients the body is need of, in short let them eat ice cream for an entire day if that is what they want, so too a child can look at any colour and using the primary mix exactly the one they see. So it is said and so Ariel seems to prove here, showing too that though her strokes are few, had the painting not come with an explanation, it's subject would have been guessed upon as the most likely. Love the story for this reason too, posts like this one. A smile. Sweet dreams, honey buns. :-)

Cha Cha said...

That is one of the best hair-colours EVER.

And, ahhhh....finger-painting.

Maybe that's what I need to induce some much-needed stress relief.


Just let it all out with my fingers and some bright colours and watch what appears on the canvas.

Little kids have it all figured out really makes me wonder.

Trée said...

Sweetest, I've been flirting with the idea of sketching/painting again so I pulled out my tablet and started playing with a few brushes to get the feel again. As luck would have it, I picked up a Sumi-e brush (Flat Wet Sumi-e 20), one I've never used before and just started playing. The color wheel just happened to be where it was. After a few strokes, well, I knew what I saw and as silly as it might look, we have a chapter. :-D

I hope my explanations don't spoil the magic for you. If they do, just say so. As you know, I've been reading and loving William Trevor and I found what is perhaps a very honest quote from him. He is universally known for his brilliant insight into his characters. This is what he says:

'My fiction may, now and again, illuminate aspects of the human condition, but I do not consciously set out to do so: I am a storyteller.'

I love that kind of honesty. He just tells stories. :-)

Trée said...

Strumper, I could fingerpaint you. I need the practice, for the sake of the story, of course. Will you be my subject? :-D

Cha Cha said...

Oh my God.


Trée said...

Your enthusiasm is noted and appreciated. Chocolate sauce for you, or is that me. I did say I would use edible paint, right? :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Sweetie, I could never get enough of you in any shape or form. :-)

Happy Easter. Take care of you if you travel, take care of you anyway.

Trée said...

We still haven't decided. Part of me wants to hit the road and part of me wants to spend a week in bed vegetating. :-D

Meg said...


And thank you.

I feel like I've gone full circle and found my way home again....

It will take awhile to fully catch up, a journey I am excited to embark on.

Trée said...

Meg, I'm very, very excited to have you back. Can you see how wide my arms are? :-)

j said...

Ariel. Busy taking thing in through a child's eyes and astounding the grown ups around her! Who did she give it to? Who tacked it to the fridge with a magnet??!!! :^D
A cool way to incorporate two characters we haven't heard from in a while.


Trée said...

Jen, I think Emy (our resident artist) taught Ariel how to finger paint as a way to keep her mind off the fact that her Dad was going to be leaving again. Not sure why they picked Mairi other than Mairi's red hair caught Ariel's eye as interesting. I'm not certain, but I think it made Mairi smile when she saw it. :-)