Thursday, December 27, 2007

410. Sand Dunes at Midnight

Down the metal corridor another door was locked and comm turned off. Yul pushed her head, face down, into her pillow, her back arched like sand dunes at midnight, her arse upward, ripe as low hanging fruit. Words were gone, replaced with moans and grunts through gritted teeth, and lips were wet with the spume of desire impaled. Rog held her hips as one might hold a bull in the chute. Turgid and tumid, tight and taut, muscle hard and aching, pulsing and throbbing, a lance rigid and full disappeared and reappeared as a shadow on the wall and what appeared to be a flag slapped the shadowy facade as if whipped to and fro in a summer squall.

Yul grabbed the headboard, her arms spread as wings, as if to open her lungs, as if to open herself. Her bellowed breathing gulped air, driven by the furnace between her firm legs and with eyes half shut, watched, dreamlike, as the rhythmic dance of light and shadow seemed orchestrated, punctuated, hammered and pounded like primal drums before feast victorious.

Lifting her chest, the curve of her back deepened, and where the round of her moons shone in the soft light, the labor of Rog's domestication glistened as raindrops on wax. Steady and strong as a steam engine ascending under load, Rog worked his painful lust into hers with the vigor of a ranch hand roping calves before the coming storm. Her hips seemed small in his hands and his grip would leave its mark in the days to come, but passion knows neither consequence nor accounting. Past and future were held at bay on the alter of now, and with each thrust, with each pull and push, as rotation met rotation, slap greeted slap, and desire released nature's clear oil, heated with the friction of feral craving, his lubed piston, from glistening velvet head to oak rooted base, remained firm in purpose, intent willful, result encouraged.


Autumn Storm said...

Sand Dunes at Midnight, even the title is tremendous. I'm in awe, just as I was yesterday, just as I have been so many times, by the way that you write, the way that when one is reading something of yours the rest of the world is blocked out for those minutes and sometimes even beyond, believe me more than once I have been reading not realizing that someone was talking to me, completely submerged within the Story. How vivid your imagery is, how evocative your words, and how real and beautiful and perfectly eloquent. And exciting. From the ripe hanging fruit to glistening velvet and oak. Fanfrailingtastic piece of writing. Off to douse my face in cold water, feeling decidedly heated.

Trée said...

Sweetest, sometimes I have no idea where these chapters come from, and even in the moments after writing, when I reread what has been written, sometimes I stare and wonder where that came from--this is one of those chapters.

As a footnote to illustrate the point, I used Google documents to write this chapter. About half way I noticed I had a sentence that didn't look right, as if a word was missing. I racked my brain and couldn't for the life of me figure out what the missing word was. Then, I remembered that Google documents saves "revisions" and so I looked at what was there, and to my amazement, it was not a word but an entire twenty some odd word phrase that I had somehow typed over or deleted. I was shocked to think, something I had written just a few minutes before, was out of my mind as if I had never seen it. Here is what was missing:

"orchestrated, punctuated, hammered and pounded like primal drums before feast victorious. Lifting her chest, the curve of her back deepened, and where"

That whole phrasing above was missing! And for the life of me, I couldn't remember having written it. :-D

As always, your very kind and warm words are deeply appreciated. Thank you. :-)

Serena said...

Everything about this, from the title to the fractal to the text, is -- in a word -- beautiful.:)

Trée said...

Thank you kindly SJ. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi !

I wish you a Merry Christmas
I wish You a Merry Christmas...
Belated though
Can you hear me sing?
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
The title of this post is oh so makes me meander....not to mention the fantastic images, all depicting the festive spirit.
My regards to the wonderful Autumn too.



Trée said...

Happy Holidays to you too Uma. And yes, I can hear you loud and clear. :-)

Miladysa said...


Trée said...

This is what happens when I write before I wake. A couple cups of coffee would have totally ruined this chapter. :-D

Must have been the dream I was having. :-)