Saturday, December 15, 2007

393. In View

"Von, get the crew up here. I think they're gonna want to see this," said Kyra, as Bravo emerged from the canvas of stars and her golden hued hull looked alive with activity like a hornet's nest abuzz. One by one, with the exception of Trev and Em, the crew arrived, and the sight before them, as if a magician's trick, stole the words from their lips and raced the drumbeat of their hearts as palms lactated and eyes became baby wide. The sight of Bravo stirred the wicked spoon of fantasy and dream (they all had recurring dreams of a return home) within the bottomless bowl of goodbyes forever lost as surely as the page of yesterday into the turbulent wind of train-like time.

"Incoming transmission," said Von, with a smile that looked warmer than it should have been.

"Is there a problem?" asked Yul, the first to catch Von's reaction.

"No, not at all." With a nod of his head, the transmission filled the bridge with a voice familiar and unexpected.

"Docking sequence initiated."

"Snazzle?" asked Rog. "What the heck?"

"It is captain Snazzle," replied the former onboard computer of Bravo's pod.


Von interjected. "It appears the repair crew needed a few parts and Snazzle was transplanted from the Pod to the main circuit. Says since he was the only one still holding down the ship, by law, he assumed the captain's role and the repair crew has been calling him captain Snazzle, apparently, at his request."

"Your shioitting me," laughed Rog.

"I shiott you not," replied Snazzle. "And Rog, nice to hear your voice too. I've personally supervised the upgrade of your quarters. You know, I never forget a Hynerian that has graced my levers with their hands, big boy."

Well Captain Snazzle," said Kyra, "we are pleased to hear your voice too. Congratulations on your well deserved promotion," she added, winking at Rog. "Take us home my friend."

"Sequence locked," replied Snazzle. "May I suggest the crew prepare for dinner. Your presence has been requested."

Kyra nodded to the crew and then noticed John or what looked like John, his head wrapped in white gauze as if he were leaving shortly for a Halloween party. "What the hellocks happened to you?"

"Cut myself shaving."

"Your forehead?"

John shot back a look, humor absent. Kyra glanced toward Yul. The silver-haired one shrugged her shoulders as if to say, don't ask me.


Mona said...

"the bottomless bowl of goodbyes forever lost as surely as the page of yesterday into the turbulent wind of train-like time."

I love the expression . It is like you have spoken in well & your voice getting lost on the water down somewhere. No echo either.

I remember shouting out to some imaginary 'beings' that I thought lived inside a well in my Old house! ( Yes, We had a well in the mansion we lived in :) & It was pretty deep too!)

Trée said...

Infinite, dark and foreboding as a black hole, where not even light can escape the gravitational pull. Echoes are in images and memory, not of click and clack, of shout and cry or even whisper and plea. The past is my bitch and it frails me all too often. Of course, I like bending over, so I can't much blame anyone but myself. :-D

Miladysa said...

"What the hellocks happened to you?"

"Cut myself shaving."

"Your forehead?"

John shot back a look, humor absent. Kyra glanced toward Yul. The silver-haired one shrugged her shoulders as if to say, don't ask me."

I grew up around these people and I feel as though I am on my way back with them ;]

Trée said...

Miladysa, I wish I had grown up with them. Perhaps that is what really drives this story--the desire to recreate a past I never had. ;-)

Autumn Storm said...

Some chapters give off so much warmth, this is one of those, a homecoming, though we are reminded this a substitute, as close a home as they have, and the reunion with Snazzle, sweet and funny and warm as it is, wide-smile inducing, whispers of reunions wished for that will probably never be. One of your very first descriptions in this chapter stole my breath, much like you write of further along actually, so very lovely was the image you painted of "Bravo [emerging] from the canvas of stars. Wonderful sense of the nostalgic to it, though it has been less than a year since the crew were assembled upon Bravo, much has happened during these many months that it seems much longer somehow. Which becomes quite ironic when one realizes that the story has moved at a slower pace than time has for us. :-) Beautiful expression, I agree, was the one that Mona mentioned above. Intriguing it is why Em and Trevor did not join them, though Em does not have her sight, it would not deter her from being a part of this joining, and therein lies perhaps the reason Trev is not present... Even more apart at this moment is John.
Several things mentioned above that could have made it less so, but it is such a joyous moment, smiles almost all around. Loved this chapter. :-)

Trée said...

My dear Sweetest, you never fail to make me smile with comments engaged and endearing. I think Trev might be washing Em's hair. Or maybe more. I hear that to make love to a blind woman is an experience unlike any other. Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Then again, maybe we need to ask Trev. :-D

Tis good to have Snazzle back. I think he/she was a bit put off to be remembered/confused for a beverage. Might be why the need was felt to elevate to captain status. :-D You know I'm just teasing. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

LOL, poor Snazzle (blush). I think I must not have had enough snizzle that day. ;-) As for Trev, keep me updated.

Trée said...

Well, I have it on pretty good authority that Trev is in Mairi's quarters. I believe she is bent over the lave, wearing her silk robe and gentle warm water is flowing over her silky mane, looking darker for the wetness above to hide the aroma of the wetness below. :-D

Or something like that. ;-)

As for Snazzle, be prepared for the chip. Mechanicals have an incredible memory and suffer sentient lack thereof with humid contempt. :-D