Saturday, December 08, 2007

391. Outtake #5: Blue as the Sky

"Mairi, you have a visitor."

"Tell him to wait."

"Okay, I'm sure the Zing Tao Master will not mind."

"Wait. Are you . . . Why me?"

"Recommendation. Someone thinks you are special I guess. I think you should see him."

"How do I look?"


"Wait. What's his name?"

"Zeke. He said to call him Zeke."

One hour later . . .

"What did he say?"

"Those eyes. Did you see those eyes? Blue as the sky, bright as the stars."

"Yes, yes, the eyes, but what did he want?"

"He wanted to know if I wanted a ticket, an opportunity."

"No shiott?"

"I told him no."


"You're too easy, you know that."

"Out with it. A ticket? Where? Where would you go in this weather? Does he want you for himself? Not very Tao like. Who would of thought. Kinda old though."

"It's not like that."

"Really? Then what is it like?"

"It's a ticket off-world. He's not going. His granddaughter is."

"Granddaughter? Wait. Oh My Janus. What is her name?"

"Kyra. Heard of her?"

"Heard of her? Are you shiotting? (blank look on Mairi's face) You don't know do you?"

"Know what?"

"Who you just sat with?"

"Some Tao freak. What?"

"I don't think you understand. That was not just some Tao. That was the Tao. My Janus. Pull up a slate. We've got some educating to do."


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you may be more impressed by a Taoist than a man of Tao, because the Taoist is understandable by your intellect. He has some affinity with you, he talks the same logic and the same language that you can understand. To understand the man of Tao may be difficult because there is no bridge yet between you and him. He exists in a very transcendental world, in a totally different reality. He is part of a separate reality. If he is right, you are totally wrong. The Taoist can be right and he does not make you feel that you are totally wrong. The Taoist is in tune with you, not in tune with Tao.

Trée said...

Ooooh, this chapter is borderline outtake. Not quite sure how much I like this development. Enjoy it now. Might be the first to officially get yanked. :-D

Mona said...

:) where are they going to?

Trée said...

Mona, this was a flashback chapter that took place prior to Bravo leaving Hyneria. In other words, we learn that Papa, aka Zeke, hand picked Mairi for inclusion on the crew. :-)

Trée said...

Mona, the danger of posting more than one post in the course of a day is that no one reads the first post. If you have the chance and the time, read the post below this one. I think you will like it.

Trée said...

And the one below that one too. LMAO :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Very intriguing, did this happen, didn't it, and if it did, Papa must have known about Mairi being a null and if he did, how, and if not, what other reason was there for choosing her, and if he did choose her, did he also take part in the rest of the selection beyond Kyra and Von. You've evoked much curiosity with this one and since we know not if it is true or not, we cannot even speculate too far about it. It is an interesting thought that some/most had heard of Kyra beforehand and that her being Zeke's granddaughter and whatever had been heard about her went some way to the choosing of her as leader of Bravo. Nice little appetite-wetter, food for thought, and as always an enjoyable read. :-)

Mona said...

I saw them , :) but before I could reach them, there was power failure here :D

Trée said...

Sweetest, if not Zeke then someone else. But to get a lottery ticket off the planet would come with some sort of notification and I imagine that would have happened in person to deliver the official papers and documentation. So the real question is, did Zeke have any role in who was on Bravo outside of Kyra and Von or did his influence in this matter stop there. :-)

Trée said...

Mona, next week is crazy for me, three cities in five days with more deadlines to meet. In other words, you may have plenty of time to revisit those two chapters before we see too many more. :-D

Miladysa said...


I like the way you change the mood :)

Trée said...

LMAO! As much as I like the heavy stuff, even I need a break to something a little more whimsical, a little more lighthearted, a little more fun. Not sure if this conversation and event actually happened, but it was fun to think that it did. :-D

Constance said...

Ooooh, I like this ! Makes me curious :)

Trée said...

Annie, if you have questions, this is the place to ask. I jump around in time so much sometimes it is hard to follow when and where the story is taking place at any given time. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are feeling better. :-)