Friday, December 28, 2007

411. In Warmth

Em nestled to Trev's side, her breath warm as sun across the plain of his chest. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, her ear suctioned upon his nippled bosom, his heart serenading, a private performance, with a rhythmic chorus. Her hair smelled of almond and images of vernal meadows and gushing pregnant springs, laughing and giggling down the mountain side, seemed as real in his mind as the head upon his torso.

Yul rolled to her side and Rog wrapped his stoutness to her conforming backside, tongue in groove, murmuring sighs as signal and standard. White stains of salt lay as evidence of labor exchanged, the warm commerce heeded, and Rog licked away like a tomcat grooming in the warmth of windowed sun. Moan as purr, Yul lifted one leg, and with a rotation of hip, as hand slides into glove, eyes closed, lips pursed and warmness radiated from loin to cheek.

With a wave of her hand, her quarters drew silent and Kyra, in melanic leather sat her melanic chair before the melanic cosmos. Silence sounded, pulsed, with a cold warmth as if the universe was breathing, a parental witness to the play before its stage. Closing her eyes, she let what was be, and as her shoulders dropped so did the baggage of her conscience, and where breathing was labored, lightness flowed. Listening, she heard mother ocean blanket the whey sand of Valla with an azure argosy as scintillating as if the stars themselves were washed ashore (and she marveled at how the sight in her mind was not so unlike the sight before her window). As the breath, wave upon gentle wave reached and enveloped her porcelain toes with the soft warmth of a mother's arms, the sea as rocking chair, melodic like a lullaby. With each slow steady practiced breath, Kyra felt the cacophony of concerns settle as wayward shells burrowing in the sand and the water once cloudy became clear.


Autumn Storm said...

Gosh, but this is a lovely piece. You said it yourself within with the soft warmth of a mother's arms, the sea as rocking chair, melodic like a lullaby, proceeding the last two chapters this chapter continues the symphony of sound to a softly elongated open-ended close. Reading it aloud was a sublime pleasure, like rolling a chocolate around on the tongue, feeling it melt bit by bit, tasting all the flavours. I've compared your writing to chocolate before, I know, but it's a perfect analogy in my mind for your writing. I loved this chapter so very much, was entrancing, was exquisite, was a joy.

snowelf said...

Tree, you are a FABULOUS writer!! The imagery in this part is just beautiful!!


Trée said...

Thanks Snow. You are very kind. :-)

Cha Cha said...

Um. Wow.

I'm not sure if I should say this.

But, I'm feeling slightly turned on after that.

Is this a normal effect your readers have?

WAY cool shit.

Trée said...

Strumpet, I was kinda turned on writing it. :-D

From time to time the story turns sexual, for no other reason than I like writing a bit of erotica. The Fan Site has a listing of most of all the chapters that involve sex, so if you want to read a few more like this, and this one is a little milder than some of the others, the link is on my sidebar. The Chapter "Frail Me" is perhaps the most graphic. :-D

Thanks for stopping by Strumpet. Hope to see you around again for some more "way cool shit" or shiott as the crew says. :-D

Cazzie!!! said...

Wowwwwwwwwww!! That was my initial reaction to the sight of the pattern before my eyes. Then, reading the words you have written, it has put me into a harmonious mind set...just lovely:)

Trée said...

Cazzie, nice to see you stopping by from down under. Thanks for the very kind words. :-)

Miladysa said...

Kyra needs some love.

Trée said...

I don't think she would argue with that. Been trying to fix her up for two years now. Kieran died on her and John was married. The lady is not having much luck. :-D

Cha Cha said...

Okay, I'm off to find 'Frail Me.'

Thanks for the tip.