Friday, December 07, 2007

389. Lacrimation

They stood two upon the one. Hanging impossibly pregnant, fearful of release, a single crimson drop of blood hung like a bat from her lip, pear belly round, reflecting malicious grins of goblin white distortion. Her eyes were wide, clear, resigned as pleat swayed neither to walk nor breeze. Gleam of sharpen silver matched her pearls, which jumped without grace, dumb as dead to grunts of anger pulled and pushed, thrust and parry smacking flesh forbidden in pleasure denied victor and victim alike.

He turned the corner. Time changed as thought moved as light and the movement of men slowed as if the scene would play, had played, and events were but a retelling, a story written, and as words on a page, plot in prose, beyond the observer to alter, change, or stop. From a distance the drop fell, as surely as the eyes to follow, and in the dropping from afar a cry heralded the release of a love no scythe could cast asunder.


Trée said...

Dedicated to Kelly Anne, a most beautiful soul.

KellyNerd said...

Hi. Thank you so much. I cannot comment more than that right now... I am too deeply moved.

You are beautiful.

Autumn Storm said...

Poetry in the writing, poignant in the meaning as read, beauty all around.

Constance said...

Good Saturday morning to you Tree. Love like that is rare...

Trée said...

Annie, I've learned you are either a morning person or have trouble sleeping. :-D

A love like that is rare and John did love Cait as she him. A drop of blood and a drop of tear, both falling in sync with eyes as a love of this world escaped to the world to come. One was just leaving a little sooner than the other. :-)

Trée said...

Sweetest, thank you for the kind words. I had two ways I could go in describing what happened to Cait and, as you point out here, I took the high road. Beauty and love even in the most terrifying of situations. I feel for John and the memories.

Trée said...

Kelly, one is never sure how another will take a chapter, especially when the chapter is interpretive and based on a dedication. I was fearful you wouldn't like it. To see your comment pleases me very much. Thank you for giving me a chance to weave a little bit of you into the tapestry of The Story.

KellyNerd said...

I felt bad for asking, but I knew it would somehow be cathartic to read your words about a situation I will carry in my heart forever. I was right. It healed a splinter for me. I am so impressed by how you did this, the words you wrote, what you said by not saying it and the fact that you would alter what you probably had planned for your story to indulge my pain. Usually I would write about it on my own blog but because of the subject matter and the privacy of 'her' I cannot let it all out as I normally would.

In this life, next and the ones after that I will never forget that you did this for me.

Being able to heal a small part of another's pain through your art is something that you should be proud of ... I hope you know how important this was.

Ok, I am done gushing.

I think.

Trée said...

Kelly, to think that my art can/could heal or help heal humbles me more than I can say. I'm still trying to let that sink in.

Suffice it to say, your comment above made my day and it is a comment like that that makes the entire story worth the writing. Thank you.

Miladysa said...


Miladysa said...

Both words and image a piece of art each in their own right.

Trée said...

Thank you Miladysa. Kelly is a wonderful and beautiful soul and I felt honored to write a piece dedicated to her and a very painful experience in her life. Just humbled and honored she would allow me, in some simple way, to share a moment and memory so personal and intimate. In my mind, this is the best of what blogging has to offer and moments like this make the entire blogging experience worth all the other stuff. Thank you for your kind words. :-)