Saturday, September 08, 2007

333. Turn It Around

“Look at this Rog,” said John as he manipulated the iridescent screen before their reflective eyes. With a slight movement of eye the cartograph zoomed to points of interest with grids to the outside and boletus looking orbs of green and blue speckled thought out.

“Nice John, but do we really have time for pretty pictures?”

John started to answer before he caught Rog’s grin out of the corner of his eye. “Well, maybe you’re right. We don’t need a port of refuge.” The screen started to flicker.

“Wait, I didn’t say that.”

“Didn’t say what?” asked Kyra. She seemed to appear from nowhere, something Rog had gotten used to but John still found unsettling.

“Looks like our boy has a plan?” beamed Rog as if he and John were now best friends.

“Plans are good. What did you have in mind John?” Kyra spoke as one who had all the time in the world. John noticed.

“There is a place,” he began, “where, assuming we can get there, we can, with our small size, get lost, so to speak.”

“Sounds like an excellent plan,” responded Kyra.

“Yes it does,” said John, however, I sense a ---“

“A ‘what’ John?”

“A but.”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

Rog could stand it no longer. “What the frail are you guys talkin’ bout? This is a plan. Do you know—“

“Shut up Rog,” said Kyra without taking her eyes off of John. “Turn the ship around.”

“Around?” asked John as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear.

“Yes, around, as in back to Kulmyk.”


Autumn Storm said...

"Around?" asked Autumn, partly in shock, partly in delight. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

Apprehensive of course, here they are having just escaped, they are being pursued and they are about to head back the way they came, but, and that's an excited but, the twists and turns are such an integral part of The Story, thinking about it, it would almost have been a shock if they had kept going as I would have suspected before this development. What I love about it is that nobody following them and nobody that they left behind would expect it, except Dr X though that too is unlikely, depends how much faith he has in Mairi.

Her argument must have been pretty compelling for Kyra to have made this decision in such a short amount of time, which also gives the reader some idea that perhaps there is more to Dr X than what he can do, and that perhaps he may not be as unsympathetic as he has been credited with being so far.

He did real good for Yul, although we know this, there has still and is still a great deal of wariness. That aside, the potential healing that he could offer awards him the benefit of the doubt and fingers crossed, Kyra, and those for whom Kyra decides, will not regret this course of action.

Oh my, so very exciting as always. Fabulous chapter, all the story ingredients that we have come to know and love. :-) Smiles too at the interaction between Rog and John, which has been in recent months a great source of fun around here. :-)

Oliviah said...

This fractal is beautiful...

Trée said...

Thank you O. Kinda liked this one too. :-)