Zeke knew the history. Ji came from royalty on Brandonia. At a very early age royal sages hailed Ji as the next golden child, one with unnatural superior ability and as such was raised as the blessed one. Ji fulfilled all expectations and then exceeded them. Where there had been war, Ji brought peace; where darkness, light; where anger and hurt, love and mercy.
At the tender age of four hundred and thirty, Ji astounded everyone again. He laid down his reign. The golden age brought forth by the golden child had come to an end at a time of his choosing. He was stepping down at the height of his influence. Of course, many said Ji had accomplished everything that could have been done. There really was nothing left to do on Brandonia.
Within days of resigning, Ji was gone. Those closest to him speculated, but no one knew where he had gone, why he left, or what he was up to. More than a hundred years later the Hynerians knew. Grateful did not begin to explain their view of his gifts, and main jewel of which was Zing Tao.
And now, Zeke was about to meet Ji Qong in person. The walk from his abode to Ji's chambers made time stand still. Not more than eighty paces, Zeke felt the weight of each step as if gravity had suddenly multiplied by a factor of ten. So much for the serenity garden. All traces of elevated serenton levels had evaporated. Zeke was on his own.
Not more than eighty paces, Zeke felt the weight of each step as if gravity had suddenly multiplied by a factor of ten. So much for the serenity garden. All traces of elevated serenton levels had evaporated. Zeke was on his own.
I am running out of adjectives to say really really good :0) wonderful frac, splendid continutaion of the story Trée.
I am continuously amazed at what your creativity brings forth, it really is something.
zing tao baby :0)
LOL couldn't resist LO
can't type as usual :0)
throw another L on the LO :0)
and not nails on the chalkboard like Jenni but serenton, something new or did you mean serotonin :0) its a nurse thing, can't help it.
Very very pretty. I love the colors.
Trace, serenton is my Hynerian play on serotonin and serenity--kinda combined the two. I debated back and forth as to whether someone would think I had just mispelled it. Sometimes one can be too clever for one's own good. I still wonder if I should change it just to avoid confusion.
Bring on the editors--LOL.
Thanks Sherri. I'm all about purdy colors. :-D
LOL thats why its in a second post, I was trying to decide if you meant it as something new (like all the wonderful creatures and plants) or not, that and I had to look it up to make sure I was spelling it right LOL
serotonin and serenity
I say keep it the way it is, it fits with the story and it is very clever :0)
(not that my opinion matters a bit LOL)
The colors alone make the fractal astounding... makes me want to be there in that place.
I didn't have any idea that Ji was so ... um... important! You have a spectacular way of using exactly the right words to convey each new turn.
Heroin users know seratonin... must be multi-universal - just variations in form, LOL.
Oh my Terry! When I first read your comment I could have swore it said "makes me wet" when in fact you said "makes me want."
I think it's time for me to go get some dinner--lol.
Remember how I told you sometimes I type words that I didn't mean to type and I don't know how they got there. Well, I guess I'm now starting to see words that aren't there. Hell, just put your name down and I'll just see what I want to see on your blank comment--LMAO.
Hey, what's that van doing in my driveway with those guys in the white jackets. :-)
Oh my! I have several comebacks for that one, but none are quite appropriate. (rapidly waves hand back and forth to dissipate the beet red stain from face)
Hell, just put your name down and I'll just see what I want to see on your blank comment--LMAO.
Ha ha guffawwwww - could be entertaining for a little while, but then I fear it would be boring :-D
Trée - Dude, you are one talented guy.
Terry, I hope you weren't still at work when you read my last comment. If you are, then it makes me wonder just what you got going on there. Naughty girl. Tsk, tsk. :-)
Oh Ciera, such kind words are wonderful to see at the end of the day. Bless you child, and hurry back. :-)
I scrolled, saw the picture, and went: "Whoa!!!" Absolutely amazing.
Wontar, coming from you and the work I've seen you do I take that as high praise indeed. Thank you very kindly sir. I'll have another if you please. :-)
oooo, I can't wait to see what happens when they meet!
Garnet, neither can I since I have no idea what either the fractal is going to look like that takes me inside Ji's chamber or exactly how the conversation is going to go. I can tell you it's very exciting to be writing a story that is driven by the images I create. Everything is pushed by the image and the image comes first. Does kinda eliminate predictability. :-)
GORGEOUS!! I love it!!!!!
No time to comment, must read next installment! ;-)
Gorgeous (jewel encrusted looks like) fractal, jewel of a follow-up on Ji.
Thanks stargazer. Did this one in Apophysis with a bi-lateral script and a helluva lot of clicking. :-)
Thanks Sunshine. :-)
This is why I like working with Apophysis more than UF - more variety in what you can do. This is a beautiful picture, kind of like Expressionist art - you can see whatever you like in it. :)
Thanks Jack. I've got four or five different programs I'm playing with. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses. I like being able to switch between them just to stay mentally fresh. I agree Apophysis allows one great diversity in what one can create and the images look really different from all the other programs. Thanks as always for your kind words and best of luck on the rest of your finals.
"Golden Child" I challenge you tenfold to outdo this fractal. In color I am superbly drowned. In form I am whisked away.
I feel I could flow into and through this beauty.
Ji - keeper of all things strong and necessary. Royal and humble at once.
where anger and hurt, love and mercy
I bow.
My knees shake with anticipation for Zeke's impending awakening.
And like all good things, I will set some aside so I will have a bit to savor later.
That is to say that I will close this wonderful book at this chapter tonight.
The journey is a wonderful one. I will dream it into life while I sleep.
I adore you dear. I only wish I could keep up with the others. I know I am missing their wit and humor and fascination.
Sweet dreams....filled with Hynerian Peace Flowers.
The different tones are amazing in this image. Although it kinda reminds me of a skull...
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