Space is a cold silent deadly place. Only a thin metal wall and a bit of technology stands between life and death. One systems malfunction, one failure of a simple mechanical part determines who lives and who dies. Weighs on the mind. Preys on the soul.
What does tomorrow bring? Where are we going? Will we ever get there? Why does the universe seem to conspire against us? Are we strong enough, bright enough to survive?
Who has not asked these questions. On Bravo-Four-Zero, they banged around the vessel like a steel hammer inside an empty, tumbling, fifty-five gallon drum. Echoes of thought unanswered; a non-sound as tangible in the mind as the knots twisting upon knots in each passenger’s aching tired fatigued muscles.
Hynerian canon worshiped two gods and eight precepts. Love. Joy. Compassion. Peace. Faith. Hope. Truth. Mercy. Moving at the speed of light into parts unknown, prayer poured forth minus the filters of reason and doubt, beyond prejudice, without limit. The chapel became the meeting place of choice.
Thanks, sweetie, now I worrying about the fate of Bravo-Four-Zero all day ;)
Amazing kaleidoscopic fractal! - gorgeous.
now I worrying...well, you know what I mean
Are you sure there isn't a little "somthin somthin" in your coffee?
I think this story needs to find a hero and have some success. Keep in mind, we know how it ends--under the Caribbean canopy!
Sunshine, make sure you click on this one and enlarge it. The two faces in the center (the two hynerian gods) only become clear on the larger version of the stained glass. Each of the eight orange pieces of glass surrounding the two gods in the center stand for each of the eight precepts.
Glad you liked this one. :-)
Oh, goodie, very relieved :-) Phew!
Just extremely(!!!) tired and on a natural high :-)
Have a good night, x, dream sweet.
Oh my gosh! F***ing amazing!!
The gods, that is, well the creator too, I guess ;)
Wow, very nice. It just keeps getting better.
wonderful, fan-f**king-tastick :0)
full size is magical
love the faces hidden in the middle
excellent story, love waking up to a new installment :0)
you are amazing (hugs)
hope you had a good night, and good morning :0)
A, like the lady in When Harry Met Sally said, "I'll have what she's having."
It's time for breakfast, are those warm danish buns still availible?
Thanks stargazer. :-)
Morning Trace. Are you feeling any better today? I hope a good nights sleep did you a world of good.
Oh, you've already got the job so you don't have to audition any more. :-D
Your kind sweet words are always so nice to wake up to--thanks darlin'.
you've already got the job so you don't have to audition any more
ROFL what can I say, I'm an overacheiver, and when I have such great material to ooh and ahhh over, just can't help myself :0)
Are you feeling any better today? unfortunately no, I think its actually worse, but thanks for asking, looks like its going to be a day spent in bed (and not in a fun, ooooh spent the day in bed kinda way LOL)
How does your day look? Hopefully a productive and nonstress filled Friday :0) (hugs)
Trace, sending my special blogger chicken soup your way. Sit up and eat it while it's hot sweet honey voiced woman. I blame this so-called barbi nazi for pushing you too hard and breaking down your immune system. Give me her number and I'll give her a piece of my . . . oh, never mind. She probably is already getting all she needs. LMAO!
Today, I am reminding myself that stress is an inside job. Lately, I've been deluding myself into thinking it was the work of outside forces. Amazing when you look in the wrong place, you never find what you're looking for. :-)
I expect a full report on your condition, as conditions change. Take care darlin'.
I haven't been able to comment much, with the 'puter prob; but this is an amazing and wonderful story. I haven't looked at the full size yet on this one, but when I saw it, it looked like the kaleidoscope center was held in cupped hands. Great story, with wonderful storyboards to go with it.
djb, glad you are enjoying the story as much as the images. The Chapel comes alive at full size. I created this one to look like stained glass one might see in a church or chapel. As always, thanks for stopping in and leaving such wonderful comments. Hope you are able to get your computer issues worked out. Nothing more frustrating than having a window to the world that won't open.
Trée, you are such a sweetheart (hugs) and thank you so much for the soup, its wonderful and just what I needed.
Afraid the voice is suffering mightilty right now
:0( and I was supposed to sing this weekend, oh well there will be other times, and I would rather rest it than damage it permenantly.
oooh good idea lets blame the barbie doll LOL and yes I'm quite sure her husband keeps her well taken care of ROFL
I am reminding myself that stress is an inside job.
you know that is so incredibly true, I am so much more peaceful when I realize its how I react to the world around me that colors how I feel.
Have a good morning darlin, I'll check back later to see if anything is shakin :0)
Wow, I could look at that all day. It's beautiful.
Happy weekend! *hugs*
Thanks Karen. You too have a great weekend in that beautiful state you live in. The view out your backyard is just incredible. Peace and love my dear sweet friend.
Hey you, ;)
no need to ask - buns are always available.
Having a good day, I hope.
Sunshine, I have no complaints. How was your day?
Truthfully, the good made up for the bad :-)
I finally saw the faces - look like the faces on a Jack or King. Anyway, pretty intricate work Trée. I'm just following your story as it unfolds. The colors are so deep.
Terry, the Hynerians were big card players. Could have influenced the way they portrayed their gods. ;-)
Welcome along for the ride. I have no idea where we're headed next. :-)
Sunshine, as long as the balance favors the good over the bad. Otherwise, I might have to get on a plane to make sure the balance stays in proper proportion. :-)
Hey darlin, how is your friday doin?
So colorful and pretty!
Well, now I feel like making up some tale of woe ;)
Nah, everything is and has been great, even when it hasn't so much (if that makes sense to anyone other than me)...
So, new post coming up tonight, or should I go to bed? :-)
Tree-I just realised you are writing a story with fractals!
I thought each fractal had an accompanying poem or prose....
*Tell me I'm not slow....*
This seems like the ceiling of a Renassaince Catholic chapel in Italy. Hmmmm, Tree, I think you're being duped, these aliens are just stealing their ideas from us!
Trace, I picked up Christopher tonight for the weekend and we have our first basketball game tomorrow morning so expect the Christopher blog to come back to life with his sporting pics. In short, life is good. :-)
Hope you are feeling better tonight. Order Chinese takeout with hot and sour soup. That's my advice for tonight--lol.
Thanks Sherri. :-)
Sunshine, I hope you've gone to bed and are sleeping soundly. I've done several fractals but none of them really spank a story out of me so unless some great inspiration hits I doubt we'll see another install till sometime tomorrow. Sweet dreams my sweet lovely woman.
Saffron, you are not slow, I repeat, you are not slow--lol. No real plan or plot to this story. It's gonna unfold with the fractals or it could end tonight. Just riding the flow for as long as it goes. :-)
Jack, these aliens are very, very sneaky. Perhaps they visited earth many centuries ago and stole all our best ideas. Or it could just be my Catholic unbringing showing through. My grandparents, by the way, have pictures of themselves shaking hands with the Pope of your likeness. My uncle was ordained in Rome, which is how they got to meet the pope.
Hey sweetie, I wondered if you had C tonite. Its good that you guys get to spend time together.
Hope the game goes in your favor. Can't wait to see pics :0)
I am alive (somewhat),stir crazy, slap happy, bored and opted for Italian :0)
pretty much sums it up LOL (hugs)
Italian, mmm . . . what did you order?
canelloni and toasted ravioli, it was actually very bad for me and very tasy LOL
sometimes bad is a very good thing :0)
tasy, how about tasty, dang can't type as usual :0)
I expect many things from a woman's hands. Typing is not one of them.
LOL well these hands are good for a great many things :0) and usually typing is one of them LOL but not tonite :0)
getting ready to turn in just wanted to stop by and say good night darlin, hope you have a great saturday :0)
good luck to C on his game tomorrow :0)
Sweet dreams darlin'. I've been working on a few fractals, but they're just not ready for prime-time--lol. Something up tomorrow. :-)
something to look forward to when I wake :0) always a good thing.
trée- this really resonates with me, especially the ending, where the chapel becomes the meeting place of choice.
Any Leguin is worth reading, but "The Left Hand of Darkenss" is the one I remember best. Give it a try. I think you'll really like it.
Garnet, I'll pick that up tomorrow. Thanks for the recommendation.
In my own life I've been very much like these Hynerians. Searching for home, turning to humility only when life beats me down and forces me to my knees, seeking "god" or "enlightenment" only when enough pain comes to visit. I find chapels and bookstores as my retreat. I love them both for the same reasons. They bring me peace and a sense of being home.
I prefer chapels over churchs. Chapels to me are a place I go by myself to visit with "god." Churches are man-made social organizations that embody all the same characteristics as organizations in real life. I've always felt churches were one more obstacle between me and the reason I was there. With a chapel, it's just me with no separation.
Jack Bennett said what i was thinking too!
awesome picture Tree!
I find chapels and bookstores as my retreat. I love them both for the same reasons. They bring me peace and a sense of being home
With a chapel, it's just me with no separation
brings up a sweet memory of a small chapel in the ozark hills that I used to visit,nestled in the woods, big windows, sun streaming in, its been years but I can remember just sitting and listening, and being so peaceful. Wonder if its still there or if I could even find it anymore.
Looking for home, a place to belong, in the world or in ourselves...
sleep seems to be eluding me tonite...glad I stopped back by,thank you for sparking that memory, I hadn't thought about that in a long time.
Hmmmm....I say "Beam me up Scotty" I'm ready to go unknown parts of the Universe..standing in the light here with my guardian Angels all around me....beam me up!
Angels to my left Angels to my right. Angels above me..I'm ready...:-)
Call it a chapel or a haven - I see it both way. For me this is the place I would like to go.
Wonderful an amazing:)
Those colours are phenomenal!! Your work continues to amaze and inspire. I believe the correct technical term for this is "incredible".
Dzeni and Kate, thank you both for your very kind words. Based on the level of work you both do, I'm very flattered. :-)
Rhi, good morning. I can see those angels all around you. Have a great weekend. :-)
Trace, you need to get some rest dear. Hot and sour soup today and plenty of time in bed. Of course, that's my advice for most days. :-)
Morning Kathy. Still lovin' that Chief Joesph quote you left over on Paul's site. Thanks so much for sharing that. Have a great weekend. :-)
good morning sweetheart :0)
rest well?
have a great saturday :0)
Happy Saturday!
looks like a stained glass window
Ciera, that's what it is--the stained glass within the chapel onboard the vessel.
Thanks Sunshine and Trace. Christopher's basketball pics from this morning's game are up on his site. They have a good team and I think everyone had fun. Of course, it doesn't hurt when you win, but I was very proud of how well they played as a team in the first game of the season.
great pics :0)
you aren't too much of a proud papa are you :0)
you 2 have a great day together :0)
Trée, I agree about bookstores and chapels. Nature is my chapel. Church makes me feel claustrophobic.
I hope you like Leguin. As I said, your writing here reminds me of hers.
hmm, aren't I the perceptive one :!:
Ciera, yes you are dear. :-)
Re-reading these chapters of almost two years ago serves only to remind that though the story has come a long way and that the greater part of it has been delving into the characters, that though your skills as a writer have been finely tuned over the course and you have through your characters shown time and again an ability to touch your readers to the core of their own emotions with that felt within, it serves to remind that your ability to tell a story, to create is innate. Enjoying and admiring these as much as I did the first time around. CC is and always will be a very special chapter, your story has been amazing and deeply touching, enthralling from that very first chapter, from that very first image.
Reading on...
helps with the missing too. :-)
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