Papa Kyra, which was how she referred to her grandfather, had retired from the famed Blue Onyx special section more than a decade before. Living the life of a retired metaphysical Zing Tao warrior (less than fifty were known to still be living), Kyra was his pride and joy and the two were hardly ever seen apart. Although he often chided his daughter and son-in-law on being away too much, truth be known, he relished every moment he had raising the girl, the way only a grandparent could. The shell project became their project. Walking the beaches, barefoot on the warm clay-like sands, they discussed and debated the merits of each selection.
Kyra won every debate, but it really wasn’t about shell selection for Papa. It was an opportunity to teach his young granddaughter to think, to analyze, to use discretion and judgment. More than all that, however, Papa saw the opportunity to teach the merits of intuition and instinct, traits he had spent years refining as a Zing Tao within the Blue Onyx. Intellectual skills were important, but Papa had buried many a brilliant mate on the field of battle who lacked that intangible trust great warriors placed in their instinct. Kyra learned the way learning was meant to happen, with laughter, with love, and without ever knowing a lesson was at hand. Papa had not risen to the rank of Zing Tao master of the ninth order for no reason.
When Kyra came of age, Papa bequeathed his most prized possession to the jewel of his eye, his hard-earned Blue Onyx ring. Zing Tao warriors from the Blue Onyx special section were given a plain blue and gold ring upon graduation from the academy. With each successful campaign a rare sterling blue onyx horn was crafted and melded on the ring by master artisans. Larger the horn, greater the accomplishment achieved—peace or war mattered not. Papa’s ring had been worked on by master artisans more times than he could remember. Four major Merits of Honor adorned his ring, the most ever awarded. And he gave it to the love of his life, his sweet baby k.
Kyra wore her papa’s ring on a chain around her neck. She never, ever took it off. As in life and now in space, Kyra and Papa were inseparable. Twirling the ring between her fingers she placed the shells back in their rightful place, just as she put away the thoughts roaming her mind. Papa would have been proud of her skill. Now, intuition and instinct were needed, a lesson born on the beaches of Valla and carried close to the heart in a symbol of blue and gold, a symbol of love between a grandfather and a granddaughter.
Okay, Trée, now you've got ME hooked.
absolutely stunning fractal Trée, and what can I say about the story, it just keeps getting better,the introduction of the heroine has just added so much.
Kyra learned the way learning was meant to happen, with laughter, with love, and without ever knowing a lesson was at hand.
the educator in me appreciates this more than you know.
Wonderful new chapter sweetie, just excellent!
k, did you like the way I snook that little sweet baby k reference in the story? :-D
"Hooked." Do I detect a pun from the baby k? LOL
i sure did like that :o) pun? what pun? lol.
Trace, I had more fun creating this fractal than you can imagine. Took longer to do but I absolutely love the blue onyx horns. They look both gorgeous and ominous all at the same time. Definitely a warriors ring.
As always, thanks sweetie for those kind and endearing words. We know a little more about Kyra now, and we also see many hints of things she might have learned from her famous grandfather, not to mention both her parents were world-class scientists.
A little somthin somthin for everyone--lol.
A little somthin somthin for everyone
you always seem to manage that kind sir and then some :0)
Trace, I'm sure you've already done this, but this fractal demands to be seen in the larger version. Quite stunning on the big screen if I say so myself--lol.
first thing I do sweetie :0) can't really appreciate anything til you see it full size :0)
Its the only way to appreciate the textures and colors appropriately, that and I wanna see if anything is going to replace healing waters on my desktop :0)
"can't really appreciate anything til you see it full size"
Did Terry tell you to say that? LMAO
actually she didn't :0) but if there is a story behind that I would love to hear it :0) sounds very interesting LOL
She said something to effect about "wanting my tree" the other day on the Golden Tree post. :-D
God I just love that woman LOL nope, this one was actually posted innocently enough (for the most part LOL)
I think she knew exactly what she was posting. She acts all shy and everything but that boot wearing momma has a wild side we will probably never see. LOL
Terry, I'm just messing with you. I think it's all true, but messing none the less. ;-)
ROFL, she is one of a kind :0)
sorry didn't ask before, but how was your day sweetie, hopefull good, y'all going to get any of this snow?
Good day rather quiet, which I needed. We might get just a dusting of snow but it's not going to stay cold enough for anything to stick for long.
Any more tears for no good reason today, or did you have reason? ;-)
no tears today :0) (and oh how I hate days like yesterday, I am sorry about that, it was just one of those days when that sick, tired little girl takes over and I just get all sorts of weepy over all sorts of things, much much better today with that), other than going stir crazy its been a quiet day, which isn't a bad thing :0)
The personal touch, the characters, am deriving more and more enjoyment from this story - today's chapter is fabulous, capitol F! Description of the relationship between the two was done so well!
"sweet baby k" :-) Kinda feel like I know the heroine already ;)
Hope you are having a good evening.
Thanks Sunshine. I didn't know about Krya's famous grandfathter and his background until I discovered his gorgeous ring this afternoon. I think Krya has learned some things from her Papa that could come in handy later. I'm really interested to learn what she knows of Zing Tao.
"Zing Tao Baby," as they used to say in Papa's old Blue Onyx section. :-)
When spoken to a female by a male, Zing Tao Baby roughly translates: "Take your clothes off, get into bed and be prepared to brace yourself."
When used between male warriors, it has a very different meaning--lol. :-D
Fruitcake, lol.
Thanks for my morning giggle, x
Sunshine, I only have one thing to say to you:
Zing Tao Baby!
No fair, since I don't know the lingo, I can't make an appropriate comeback.
How would one say for example:
"Well, jump on, baby, whatcha waiting for?"
That would be Ji Ki Qong Baby.
See, how easy it is when you're just making everything up as you go. :-D
Did Terry tell you to say that? LMAO
Ha ha, Tracey comes up with the most inuendo-laden dandies all by herself.
You, my golden friend Trée, never miss thing.
This fractal did come across as a bit dangerous and thorny at first glance. Quite a beauty.
Ooh, in my very best immitation of a sexy Hynerian accent then:
"Ji Ki Qong Baby!"
Sunshine, I alway did love how fast you learn. You must be an excellent student. Did we ever accept your application for Grip 101?
Terry, that tree is still availible if you need it. :-D
Hmmm - might be an idea for my new life as a sculpturess... I can see it now
thrusts her into the artist spotlight... tsk never mind...
I have it on good authority that Zing Tao warriors bested Aquaman in the last "Battle of the Universe" competition held. Just in case anyone is keeping track of such things. :-)
Terry, Zing Tao Baby!
Have no idea, not heard anything about it since.
Oh, and Trée, looked this one up in the Hynerian dictionary:
Deung Chau Bing!
Good idea, right? ;)
thrusts her into the artist spotlight
ROFL and you talk about me :0)
"Deung Chau Bing!"
Oh my, Sunshine, now you've even got me blushing. I'm not sure Kyra is capable of such things. Now her evil wicked sister is another story. :-D
Might need to start another blog to continue the Chau Bing version of events.
Ji Ki Qong Baby, Deung Chau Bing!
Zing Tao and Hop Sing Daddy, yee haa.
can't really appreciate anything til you see it full size :0) Look who's talking...
Sweet dreams of nectar to all the wonderful hummingbirds that come to visit in the night or morning as the case my be.
Hugs and kisses on the front porch. Only take what you need. :-)
Good night sweet Trée, pleasant rest and sweet dreams, (hugs)
ROFL Hey Terry I think that was an 80's song by Wang Chung :0)
Look who's talking ROFL hello kettle this is the pot :0)
:0) what can I say :0)
Hop Sing - ooh, like the sound of that.
Nothing evil about Chau bing, wicked, yes.
Night, dream sweet, x
~sigh~ This place is great. Sweet dreams - and thanks for the fun Trée.
ROFL hello kettle this is the pot :0) gasp... stop it, you're making my tummy hurt :-\
Everybody have fun tonight.. la la la
you guys are so great :0) y'all just make my day.
and Terry, oh I'm so sorry your tummy hurts, maybe some brandy would help that ROFL
Likewise :-)
Mercy..... ROFLMAO
Gosh, Tree, I got a part time day job to help out some buddies for a while and got all involved with my little fractal of the Big Ah-Hoo-AH-Hoo-Ah
and finally resurface over here and find you have a novel going complete with unique mindblowing visuals! YeeHa, Brother! Great enjoyment!
I loved that story!! :-)
Have a fabulous day. *HUGS*
good morning Trée, hope you have a fantabulous day :0)
I popped over from Stargazers blog. The image is great, it makes me want to reach out and touch it and that is how I know when something is truly visually stimulating as I want to 'see' it closer with my hands :)
Miladysa, welcome to Decadent Tranquility. Thanks for the very kind words, they are much appreciated. Hope you decide to come and visit again. Stargazer does such beautiful work and and is such a wonderful soul. Tell her I said hello next time you see her. :-)
Trace, thanks for asking. Today is a very busy day workwise. I'll be around when I can. Keep warm baby.
Thanks Karen. Hugs back at ya. :-)
George, how did you like that I've worked an old retired Zing Tao warrior into the story--lol.
Blue Onyx special section with four Merits of Honor no less.
Trée, I can't keep up, lol. Your prolific writing, and beautiful creations continue to amaze me. I don't know how you produce all of it so quickly! Each time I visit, I'm greeted with many more of your lovely fractals. Simply amazing!
Stargazer, I wish I knew where it came from, but it does tend to come in waves. Thanks again for the very nice link on your site. Miladysa came by for a visit this morning via your site. I've had great fun learning how to use these programs and I do appreciate your sweet words. :-)
Hey you, having a good day, I hope?!
There's something mystical in the blue hues... It would make a beautiful ring design.
That fractal is TOTALLY three-dimensional! How did you do it??
Stopping in to say Hi. :)
Evening my carrot loving woman. How are ya Sherri? :-D
Stacey, this one was done with UF4. I clicked so many options over so many hours I couldn't tell you exactly how I got this one. I did do a chrome layer in Photoshop to give the image a liquid sorta shine. Does look cool doesn't it. :-)
Thanks Chicky.
Good day Sunshine. Thanks for asking. Now, I need to run to the store and get some coffee. We ran out yesterday so no coffee this morning. Not good!
Zing Tao Baby!
Oh no! Sounds horrible!
The missing coffee, that is, not the Zing Tao ;-)
Gorgeous! Both the story and the image.
LMAO at the interplay on the comments. I have no idea what you were saying Ji Ki Qong Baby. I suspect I missed the Hynerian dictionary post. Eeep. Still cracked me up entirely.
And Kyra's evil sister?? Oh no!
I'm so tremendously impressed by your imagination and your ability to continue the storyline in such a fascinating way. You do know how to get a gal hooked!
And by the way....a little fractal for you on my blog today. :)
Love to you, my friend.
Morning Aggie. I loved the eyes. From now on, when I think of you I will see those eyes, with your hair all messed up and you lying down in bed. Excellent work baby.
As we say in these parts,
Zing Tao Baby!
Blue Onyx? This is a metal/stone? And here I thought this was a rather frightening blue alien or at least some cool new Gucci sunglasses. Goes to show how much I know.
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