Sunday, October 30, 2005

Yoda: The Early Years

Do or do not... there is no try.



Anonymous said...

"Do or do not... there is no try."
:-) Excellent.
Very nice fractal that does not look like a hairdressers or any other kind of store or establishment ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL Autumn, you are too funny

and I agree, excellent job Trée!

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say that kind of looks like a now I will say that looks like a Yoda fetus. But, as usual, it's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I so very much like this one. The words, the fractal, the person who made it. . . .

Anonymous said...

dear autumn;
why ever would you feel bad about having a perception about something that may be different from the way others see it? each person sees and experiences things in their own unique way. thats what makes you special and unique. besides, things that often appear as spiritual, cosmic and so-called meaningful are not always neccessarily that way. just because women gathered round at the hairdressers doesnt appear as a cosmic gathering of angels decending from the heavens, doesnt mean that your perception is any less valid than anyone else's. besides, who's to say that women coming together in the age-old ritual of having their hair done and having meaningful interactions as human beings in everyday life here on earth is nothing but the real stuff that life is made of. for all we know it could be the ultimate act of divine realism (whatever that means!) your perceptions are right on, Autum Storm. if anything, you should be proud of yourself for being as honest spontaneous and real as you are, for the world surely needs more people like you to lift the veil of illusion in this world. and i am sure Tree is an evolved enough soul that he is only posting these beautiful artistic offerings as something he generously and openly wishes to share with others, not to gain social acceptance, or be attached to the outcomes of how others may see this work. surely as an artist he must understand that people perceive things in their own unique and special way and that no perception is ever "wrong" just "is". and that what people offer him back is very much a part of this exchange.

Anonymous said...

javajazz, wow!
You are terribly sweet to 'worry' and for all your kind and encouraging words. What you say is perfectly true, but you are undoubtedly talking about the lengthy exchange here full of 'sorrys' and 'forgiveness', which was much more of a joke than anything else, though admittedly I did feel like I had put my foot in my mouth at the time, when I heard what the picture represented to him.
I knew perfectly well, Trée wouldn't be upset over any analysis I made of his fractal. Nor could I ever imagine he would be over anyone else not sharing his vision on any given image. As you say, everyone's interpretation varies but is equally valid, and as he himself has said many times, exactly that aspect of the whole process is to him the most fun, i.e. the sharing and comparing of what is seen.
Besides, he thought my beautiful seashell fractal was a sofa, I was just getting revenge ;-)

Like the suggested theory on the women at the hairdressers, just wonderful.

Trée said...

Morning/Afternoon Sunshine. :-)

Trée said...

Trace, thanks. Hope you have a wonderful day out and about. Hugs and kisses. :-)

Trée said...

Holly, I did title this one "The Early Years." ;-)

I'll see what I can do about your request. I do aim to please. Anything else I can do for you dear while I'm working in your service? :-)

Trée said...

Liz, you made me smile again. Your comments are themselves a gift I treasure. :-)

Anonymous said...

The time difference has figuratively increased - it's pitch black here (at 17.23!) which officially makes it evening to your morning. Morning :-)

Trée said...

Lisa, what can I say after a post like that--lol. The exchange between Autumn and I was "tongue in cheek" but I think you already knew that. ;-)

You are correct. I don't blog nor do I post for the sake of acceptance. My blog has no defining theme nor do I want one. I post what I want, when I want. I do bleed when cut and I would be lying if I said I didn't love the encouragement and positive responses many of the fractals generate. I do, however, enjoy creating them for someone else in the hope that in a small way I can bring a tiny piece of joy to someone. That thrills me to no end. The xmas fractal for Holly, the yin-yang for Aggie, the 100 hearts and The Song for Liz, New life for Autumn, not to mention one's I've sent by private email to special friends. I do have to say that Holly is getting a little demanding, but I'll take that up with her in private (j/k Holly).

As far as what others see in the fractals, I say the more views the better. I do not attach to the work. The work is not me and once it's on the blog, I consider it something that stands on its own, much like a child. The fractal must then make it's own way in the world and will find it's own close friends and those that turn a cold shoulder--such is life.

I blog for fun, and perhaps if I am lucky, to place a little "peace backlit by joy" in someone's life. Your comments have brought me much joy too. Your perspective is fascinating and I always love to see what you are going to say next. I sense a strong maturity, a playful sexuality, and a kind and loving spirit in you. I find all those qualities deliciously delightful.

Hugs and kisses my dear friend. :-)

Trée said...

A, how was your day? I've read your post today dear. I need to read it again before I can form a coherent note, yet, I'm not sure there needs to be a reply other than I hear you and I'm still standing here just as I was before. I like you as you are and wouldn't want you any other way and I mean all of you, not just what you thing is good. The whole of a person is fulfilling. Just bits and pieces always leaves one hungry for more. Give me all of you or give me nothing. :-)

Oh, and I want all. lol

Anonymous said...

No need for comments, even tidied up, it would still be incoherent, lol.

:-) Wouldn't want you to be hungry.

Anonymous said...

good morning, just stopped by to see if there were any new masterpieces up this morning before I head out again :0)

Trée, beautiful day so far, hope you slept well ;0)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work Tree, I can even see Yoda in there! (Which is a miracle seeing as how my eyes refuse to fully open and are screaming at me to go back to sleep again lol)

Great work as always.

Trée said...

Thank you Dawn. Perhaps another cup of coffee is in order. :-)

Anonymous said...

hey autumn s;
thank you for your kind words and your wise words as well. i had a feeling you would get it! plus i can feel that you really have a lovely connection to Tree that is nothing but absolutely perfect.
hey, whats wrong with a seashell that looks like a sofa? for all we know it could provide a comfy cozy place for a guppy...

Anonymous said...

Tree, thank you also, very honest sentiments in your post...(can you tell i'm all tired and too ADHD to sort things out today?!) i hung out with 4 psychotherapist/healers last night eating and theorizing and drumming and laughing my ass off...and i think my brain is fried today! (i dont usually socialize....ever!) but your words are wise and in tune and kind as usual...thank you and hugs and kisses back...!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so many comments flying back and forth, I thought I was in a chat room at first!LOL!

Birth was my first thought when I saw this photo. All your renditions are fabulous. I have definitely Blogmarked your Blog.

Trée said...

Faira, welcome to Decadent Tranquility. My comments do tend to look more like a chat room thanks to so many fabulous visitors that I love interacting with. Thanks for your very kind words and I do hope to see you again. Happy Halloween. :-)