Thursday, September 01, 2005


The last few days have been shocking and stunning. I have family and friends who were in harm's way, some have lost their homes, a few I still have no communication.

The purple and gold colors of the flower remind me of my days at LSU. My memories of those 10 years on that campus are memories of a lifetime. When I think of my home state, I like to think of the good, the part that will always be a part of who I am. Each day, the news from New Orleans is more heartbreaking, the stories more tragic. As Brett Farve said yesterday, things will get worse before they get better.

This flower represents all that is good, from the Coast Guard pilots working night and day to save lives to the folks that visit here and leave notes of support. The flower is my way to say thanks to all who visit here. This is the hour of need for more in my home region and I can count. What can you do? Pray. Just pray. If you feel moved to give, give cash to the charity of your choice. Material gifts are not needed at this moment, but I'm sure will be needed in time. My heartfelt appreciation my friends.


Anonymous said...

I have links specifically for Red Cross donations on my blog as well; they have made it incredibly easy to make donations in whatever manner you wish.

(take care),

Trée said...

Kiley, many thanks.

Anonymous said...

I hope you got word from those family and friends that were directly affected.

Anonymous said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you specifically as they are for all those who were in harm's way and those that are waiting for word from them. Also for those that are starving and dying as we speak.

Please let us know when you hear from your family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I am praying that your loved ones will get help, and be out of harm's way. It must be terrible for you, not being there to help. Take care!! *hugs*

Trée said...

Puremood, mama mouse and Karen, thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I've made contact with all family members and they are all safe--they don't have houses to go back to but they are safe and sound and in good spirits in spite of the situation.

There are friends that I still have not gotten word on. I assume they evac'ed and are living in some other part of the state at the moment.