Tuesday, September 06, 2005


This is a housing services hub for Katrina victims. You can offer up housing space for victims, or hurricane survivors can search for available rooms/houses/apts/etc. This site is working in cooperation with other support organizations.

Beds Available

Survivors Placed

Any assistance on distributing this web site would be greatly appreciated. We have tens of thousands of people posting, but we need hundreds of thousands more in order to make many housing options available to the Katrina survivors. Also, if you are involved in the rescue and recovery efforts, please print the housing lists and distribute to those in need of temporary housing.


MyTechSupport takes no responsibility for liability to refugees or donors resulting from matching up donor homes with refugees in response to events relating to the Katrina disaster or any other interaction, transportation or other activities resulting from the services provided or listed on this website.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Dude... were you changing that as I was asking you too in the other thread?



Trée said...

J, thanks for the assist. Teamwork is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

Trée, you do such good work! I love it. Would you believe that survivors are even being brought as far as Georgia? The hospital sent us a memo asking us to re-evaluate in in-patient people we may have and consider downgrading them to make room for the victims. Wow.

Anonymous said...

There going all over the country Linny... My mom called today from Spokane WA to tell me they were going over to help sort out donated clothes for survivors that were being sent there. This will impact each and every one of us in a personal way before its all said and done (if it hasn't already).

Anonymous said...

Tree, I've been reading your blog since this terrible dissaster happend and the aftermath of it all... All I can say is, I truly admire you for your dedication and passion in helping others in need... You are truly an inspiration and I am humbled to know such a wonderful and brave person...

~ Y

Trée said...

Yemanja, I have been emotionally ripped apart watching my home state suffer such a natural and man-made disaster of epic proportions. I've been shocked and stunned at the turn of events and never thought I would see this happen to a major American city. I know the streets and I know the people. To say it's heartbreaking would be an understatement.

Thanks for the kind words--very nice of you to say and much appreciated.

And thanks to the state of Texas. You guys have been wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Tree; I fell in love with New Orleans 3 years ago while I was there for a convention... I deeply sadden me to see the good people and the city completely torn apart like that...

As I said before, you're amazing and I'm very proud to consider myself a Texan... Stay well friend!

Trée said...

Thanks again dear ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tree, you are amazing! I have posted the link for the housing site along with a link to your blog. I hope someone will read it and see how they can offer their services.

I've also added your blog to my link list.

Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so great!! :-D You're doing so much for the victims, way to go!

Trée said...

Dawn and Karen, thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. :-)

Anonymous said...

Trée, you are such a compassionate person and so dedicated to communicating honestly yet gently. Thanks for all you are doing to keep so many aware.

Trée said...

Thanks Sally. I'm just trying to shorten the disconnect I sense between the gravity and depth of this tragedy and many in the rest of the nation.

To put it as simply as I can, when all is said and done, this disaster will move to the top of the list in terms of human and material loss in the US.

The amount of suffering cannot be comprehended.

On a positive note, I have seen and read some of the most heart-warming stories of private citizens doing the most incredible things. I just wish the press did more to highlight some of these stories.

Last night I saw a brief piece on a man in San Diego that chartered a plane, and flew several dozen refugees to California and then took them on a shopping trip.

Curt Schilling and his wife have personally taken in nine into their home.

These are the stories that renew faith.