Friday, February 20, 2009

Beyond the Amber Lake

Beyond the amber lake
of polished crystal, beyond
that snuffling troth
waits a dawn stillness
placid, tranquil
a place without questions
a wind without rustle

Sound is not heard
nor Sight seen
a place beyond senses
a place beyond mind
a place for souls
to be beyond what is known

No hammers and no nails
No water or fish
nor air and birds
There is not an Other
nor need of translators or ears
in a place beyond A and B


Anonymous said...

Inspired and inspiring. This is great poetry.

Trée said...

Bel, thank you for the kind words. :-)

Ms Storm said...

Longing is translated, inspired and inspiring I can only agree wholeheartedly, it isn't so much the words written as the tone of them that gives this one a dream-like quality, the promise within, the peace translated. Love the sounds of the language used here, the combinations of sounds, it is distinctly jazzy, not a rolling, clanging, scaling jazz, but a gentle sashay of strands across the skin of a drum, gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous writing!!

Trée said...

Thank you Ms Storm. Amber Lake, not to state the obvious, is a brandy sniffer and troth is used in the dual sense of "betrothed' and "where a pig might dine." Play with that as you will. This morning, I dreamed of that place beyond earthly things, beyond the sensual sea we swim. This poem fell from that tree, no pun intended. :-D