Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day: 3

No headache this morning. Good sleep. Sensation on skull crown still present, more of a sense of cool pressure, skin drawn tight. A certain numbness or as if a weight were resting on my head. The feeling is not painful nor intense, but noticeable as something there now, there for three days, that was not there before.

Of emerging concern: For the third day in a row I have had no desire to write fiction or poetry. For the past four years, that desire has always been there, even on days I did not write, the desire to write was there, the openness to write always present. I noticed it yesterday and then again this morning. I don't know what to make of this other than this attitude is different. There is a contrast in my mornings, or at least the last three mornings, with the last three years. Mornings have always been my most creative time.

On the emotional front, the keel remains quite steady. The impulse toward reaction, and I can't quite find the right word, other than to say it is blunted. The same surge of emotion to certain stimuli is somehow muted. This makes me a more pleasant person to be around but the initial feeling is like a person who could walk now confined to a wheelchair.

As the meds/attitude/placebo or whatever is at work, basically a high pressure cell holding depression at bay, the oddest thought occurred to be last night. In discussing depression and medicine, my doctor had made the statement that a lot of depressives like to write about it after they had come through it, but not while in it. It is the only thing he said that made no sense to me because my own experience is different. If you have followed this blog that last year or more, you will see quite a bit of writing 'about it.' In fact, I believe one can only write about it authentically, while in it, which is why I always tried to capture the experience from within the experience. To try to capture it from memory, even your own memory is still a "re-creation." And no matter how intimate we are with something, the replay is never the same thing as the live performance and the retelling is something other than the act that is told. Well, anyway, as I was sitting in my car, feeling perfectly normal, I tried to recall or describe the darkness and I could sense that my ability to fully describe it was somewhat less than I knew I could when I was in it. And there was a part of me that felt some sadness as if a part of me was gone, was leaving, departing. It may have been necessary, it may have been lifesaving. Still, a certain sadness, like a selfing, a cleaving of personality before and personality after and the two seem as brothers rather than as a single entity. And in that way, I miss my brother.

The above comment regarding authenticity seems a bit harsh. So I'll revise it this way, the writing about depression while depressed and the writing about it after the fact, no matter how small the degree of separation, perhaps even so small as to be unnoticeable, is still a matter of two different things, each, perhaps worthy in their own right for what they are, but not to be mistaken as one and the same.

On perhaps an unrelated or coincidental note, my teeth have been painfully sensitive. This has happened before but of note here is my reaction. It just doesn't bother me as before.


Not an idea in my head
plate glass blank
only the reflection
of memory
of a drifting away
of eyes that no longer look
like my eyes


Early afternoon:

I cannot shake a very subtle drugged out feeling. Felt drowsy most of yesterday which I attributed to a poor night's sleep. Slept well last night yet still, now, feel like a nap. Not the kind of nap when tired as much as when taking meds.

Metaphorically speaking, the first cool breeze has come across the plain. The first in three days. As before, I cannot put my finger on it.


Lady of the Lakes said...

Sending you tights hugs on "Day 3", and hugs are one of the few things I have a never-ending supply of. Take as many as you need.


Anonymous said...

Hi Trée

Sorry to hear you have gone through such a difficult time. I certainly understand.

Glad you are still expressing yourself even though you do not feel the urge to write.

I always find that once it is written it can only be honest. I can not do it if I feel down or in a different frame of mind. I guess hence the periods of silence. Writing always makes me happy and so I separate both.

You love writing, it is your passion, do not force it...remember we will still be here...

PS: Meds at least initially can numb someone but then ultimately help. They break a pattern and a vicious circle and then slowly you will feel more like your old self again...Hope this helps...

All the best


Conartisse said...

Hi Trée,
Re. of emerging concern - the departure of an aspect perhaps greatly identified with will bring concern. "If I am not a writer of fiction and poetry, who am I?"

Possibly other aspects of the multi-faceted personality wishing to surface. Or ... something deeper, truer than any facet.

I appreciate your lucid and honest processing, and your concluding paragraph on the difference between writing from inside and writing after (each, perhaps worthy in their own right for what they are).

I wonder if you are still drinking and enjoying coffee ... the sky and trees ... if you think of loves past and now and to come ... if you are experiencing moments of no-thought ... if you are writing your night-dreams and day dreams...

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible journey.

Ms Storm said...

Three wonderful comments here above, so in tune with my own thoughts as I read your words that I feel like simply tagging an 'I agree' or a 'me too' upon them.

Within your writing and how you appear upon the page, there is nothing changed. Your honesty, your direct expression, your clearness, your openess and sharing, all the things that we as followers, as friends, have appreciated in you, are still as unique and present as they always were. Were I to urge you to take note of two points especially within the comments above it would be what Janete wrote about beginning medication and the second paragraph of Conartisse's comment regarding facets of personality. In the recording of these first days, I hear above all an openmindedness and I think of all the facets of you deep and wonderful soul that have appeared upon these pages, one no less true than another. I think too of Von's quote once again, of yes and no, and of Papa's yellow and red, of how the same thing can be simultaneously inspirational and stifling. Perhaps if you think of it this way, as saying no so that you can say yes, of the blending of red into yellow, the transition is now, the blending is now, and in time, when the colours settle, desire, and poetry, and orange will emerge.

I love you dearly, and though I have been absent, you are always on my mind and embedded in my heart. I wish only good things for you and I hope that every day better than the one before.

Liane said...

It is nice to follow your current "experience"... As your mind and body are adjusting to the meds or placebo i will be your witness of your transformation. I will sit and read your "experiences" as they happen (which i agree with you, a re-calling of a memory is just not 100% the same) and i will be here the day you will proclaim that you feel wonderful, not at all in the dark and no more thoughts of suicide and that your day begins with a smile, instead of a headache. I will be here!! ;-) big hug !!

Trée said...

Liane, I appreciate your understanding. I had fully prepared myself that the "stigma" of taking an anti-depressive would cause people to distance themselves. To see that you are still here is very nice. By the way, I have a master's degree in european history with a focus on Germany. I followed your blog entry about Berlin with great interest.

Trée said...

Ms Storm, I think you should be in counseling. Your ability to see the good in people has always amazed me. Thank you.

Trée said...

Constance, I'd sooner die than give up coffee. :-D

Still too early I think to answer your questions. I was told the meds would take a week to show some effect and a month to achieve full efficacy. I feel as if I'm in new territory, as if personality were a coat and I'm trying on a new one. Makes me wonder to what extent we are all just a chemical bucket, someone's lab experiment.

Trée said...

Janete, your comment and observation means more to me than you know. Thank you.

Trée said...

Thanks LotL. :-)