Thursday, October 29, 2009

692. Von's Journal #9

Do good work. Then move on.

Hold nothing longer than necessary; especially ideas.

When you have nothing left, everything is possible.

Nothing is more true than music. Not even math.

Nothing interferes with communication like language.

If it doesn't come like leaves to a tree, it better not come at all.

To grow, give; to live, love.

Forgive often; start within.


Trée said...

All the "quotes" in this journal entry are mine with the exception of the sixth, which is taken from a letter of Keats. I think Von has good taste. :-D

Leslie Morgan said...

Tree, EVERY one of the quotes hit me where I live today. I feel quite stupid in that the only way I could comment is to simply repeat your quotes back to you - very original, that. But I didn't want to let the day go by without saying "Thank you. You reached me deeply."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Tree, especially the last. That's where it all begins, hey? Within.

Trée said...

Limes, you are very welcome. Hope and trust you are well. {clink}

Trée said...

SarahA, sure seems that way.

Leslie Morgan said...

I'm doing OK after a short, rough patch. Thank you for asking. Sometimes, Tree, I have to stay away from your words for awhile because I am really raw. The words cut and burn. But today I came back and took the gift of balm and I am grateful to you. {Clink}

Trée said...

One day we will share a hug and squeeze the tears from our histories.

Leslie Morgan said...

<3 Wear hip boots! That would be lovely, though.

j said...

All of these are so good and I think I prefer Tree' to Keats. No way to choose a favorite though.

I realize with this post how much I've missed reading you - shameful how easy it is to lose touch with friends.

Have a wonderful week.

Trée said...

Miss you too Jen.

Autumn Storm said...

With every visit, there is more, more in the world as a whole, more beauty, more intrigue, more life, more appreciation, more balance and symmetry, more within. In this post, it is particulary noticable due to the style but with every post you capture both of mind and heart to such an extent that one is left in awe and wonder both at the means of communication, the words, and the communication itself, the response evoked. You provide by a means open to all and easily taken advantage of, so to speak, that which we all yearn for in life, a sense of connection, but it is your understanding of this that has always fascinated me so. How it is that you know with such assurance, or rather how you are able to express yourself in such a way that regardless of the language used, each of us though interpretations may differ is influenced, in thought or in emotion or both. Each of these inspires, each captures and the thought occured, not for the first time, that if only the prerequisite for moving onto the next post were that one had to have written completely for each of these, the image that accompanies is from my philosophy exam at University and the freedom that this exam had compared to the many other exams taken along the way, of the very desk that I sat at and the thought excites what might be written in response under such 'controlled circumstances', four hours and complete quiet, four for each of Von's sentences. This would be my idea of an exceedingly good time. Perhaps when I have caught up a little more. So, although in the end, I've sidestepped a true comment, unintentionally I might add, this post, as all the journal entries have been, lives, breathes and continues beyond each and every line within.

Trée said...

I wish I had his wisdom. Your comment, as always, is warmly appreciated. Thanks A.