Monday, September 14, 2009

deciduous doubloons

Like Fall, like deciduous doubloons, I watched scarf, blouse, skirt slip quietly from shoulder and limb. Not like rain, not all at once like lightning, but like autumn, like those weeks on stage, the preening of leaf, proud in the blush of sugary death. And I knew, in that moment, I was dead to all I had known before, her breath fluttering the pages of my knowledge to the wind of her southern educated lips.


Jasmine said...

You write beautifully. The personification of a season, as a dryad or a tree nymph. So slender and willowy casting off her decorative garments. She will bloom again. Thank you :)

Trée said...

Jasmine, your kind words are very much appreciated. Thank you. :-)

The picture is one I took a few years ago. I'd say we are about four weeks away from our gorgeous Fall colors. Not having grown up in a color changing region, even after seventeen years, I am still as a child when the leaves turn. When I die, I want to die as the maple and give all in one final act of beauty.

Wait. What? said...

I like the imagery of fall and being changed forever... links well I think

Leslie Morgan said...

I've been trying all day to land on WHICH grabs me more: " .. deciduous doubloons .. " is SOMETHING. But ".. the blush of sugary death .." just about took my breath away. Thanks, as always.

Trée said...

Thanks Cat. I love Fall for so many reasons. No doubt my favorite season.

Trée said...

Thanks Limes. Sometimes I just write and the words flow and only later do I look at what has been written. This snippet was like that. Just the idea of deciduous and I thought how that might apply to a woman taking off her clothes, like autumn trees, slowly, beautifully, as a woman in bloom of wine and candle, alive in the night.

Leslie Morgan said...

A leaf dropping here and there, no rush to being completely disrobed. Yes, it is beautiful. Autumn has always pulled me so strongly.

If I can ever come up for breath today/this evening, I will also comment on your trip to the Frazier.

Cala Gray said...

I am in love with fall. I only wish I still lived in a place that I could experience each year. Beautifully written.

Trée said...

Gray, Fall stirs something within me I can't quite put my finger on. It could be that the first date I ever had was with the first woman I ever loved, and it was Fall. We went to a football game. A night game. And some quarter of a century later, I still remember the cool, crisp air, her blonde hair, blue eyes, feminine voice, perfectly manicured nails and a light blue sweater. I remember the subtle scent of her perfume and I remember her leg pressing against mine, her fingers laced in mine and my heart pounding as if it were about to break loose from the mooring of my chest.

Thanks for the kind words. Always appreciated. :-)

Woman in a Window said...

whew, good. i was worried there for a second about the death. was the death because you were immune to the nakedness before you or because you were reborn? I'm thinking reborn. yup, gonna go with that.

Trée said...

Reborn in the way a blind man recovered to sight is reborn. She showed me things that forever changed how I saw and experienced love.