Monday, June 08, 2009

with fisherman eyes (KKB-10)

with fisherman eyes
upon polished wood
the king sat
before the crackle of fire
his jeweled goblet
silent rising dim stars
in a study dark of book
warm of face
cold of hide

maw sinewed
command given
old to young
young to old
and somewhere
a friend would fall
fall as the wine
down the gullet and
a boy would stand
bloody feet
caked face
a consuming rain
passed like summer
to fall and fall
to winter

on the horizon
sight before sound
would come
the deed
by flag

by flag
life in a flag
waving in mind
heart still
in the image
a friend
in the wave
of a flag
on a horse

he stood
frame creaking
upon the unforgiving
stone floor
poked the fire
stroked his dogs
and walked to
the window
to the rain
to the night
to a cool breeze
bringing forth


Autumn said...

My goodness, you are like a Mozart of words, surely I cannot think of a single series of notes written by our friend that sound more lovely than for example the melody within
before the crackle of fire
his jeweled goblet
silent rising dim stars

and as I quote those three lines, I already begin to wonder why I did not include the three lines before and the three lines after, and the 40-something lines after that. On this first reading, I barely admitted meaning, so tuneful are the sounds of your word combinations. I feel like the bairn in the crib, drifting upon a soothing sounds of voice with that one goal in mind. Am going to hum a while and return to read the individual notes. Lovely.

Trée said...

Sweetest, I worked and worked and worked on this poem to the point where it just looked like crap to me and so I posted it to get it out of my house and to work again with a clean canvas. Maybe in time, I will see what you see and I am delighted you see what I cannot, that the poem has some value. As always, your kind words warm my heart. Thank you. Taking C to a movie. Sweet dreams if I miss you. :-)

Autumn said...

Enjoy your movie, Poppet, and for that comment, I shall with even greater certainty be back to tell you precisely just how much value it has. :-) H