Tuesday, June 02, 2009

unforgiven souls (KKB-2)

I have this recurring dream
the images coming
in a watchet heaven
clear as the Agincourt sky

wood I smell
old, dark
somewhat polished
stained and scarred

I feel the cool breeze on my neck
then the whole world
tumbles upside down
and all is quiet

as children dance
and bakers bake
and blood
fills my nose

the suck of muck
everest effort
to walk

sackcloth blisters
oily hair
beard caked

on horseback
we hear
gallop as heartbeat

our life
in lengths

of horsemanship
of breeding
of the rain of steel

may God
have mercy
on our unforgiven souls


Trée said...

Click on the image to see it as it was meant. Sometimes the snapshot size just doesn't work. I also did three other versions of this image. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to post them along with the original.

Leslie Morgan said...

Breathtaking! Absolutely stop-you-in-your-tracks beautiful.

Leslie Morgan said...

Yes, interested!

Trée said...

Thanks Lime. :-)

Autumn said...

may God
have mercy
on our unforgiven souls

The better choice undoubtedly, but that original line, I hope you find a place for it somewhere in the days and years to come, left unused would be a wrongful fate for so impressive a line.

in a watchet heaven
clear as the Agincourt sky

This is enough reason in itself to love this poem.
You spoke of finger painting above and the way in which you have created the very vivid images here is much like this, there's an innocence to your phrases, or to put it in another way a directness, primary colours in eye-catching, mind-stirring patterns. the suck of mud
everest effort
to walk

and another premium example
sackcloth blisters
oily hair
beard caked

our life... to rain of steel All I can do is applaud the poet, the person, that writes lines such as these. That or sit here for an eternity, which I still very well may do, when time better permits. :-)

Trée said...

Dearest Sunshine, your words take me places I seldom go. I think you should take me there more often. :-D

As always, you make my heart smile. Thank you. :-)