Saturday, June 27, 2009

a father's day note (from my son)

the writing was scratchy
wandering on page
as the writing of the aged
the infirm
the old

I woke to sunlight
upon my table
and this card

and with my coffee
I sat

"Even though I may not say it, it means a lot that you're always there for me."

If there is more to life
I have not the imagination
to imagine it
nor the desire
to fill
what is full

I love my son
and beyond that
I am blind


The Old Bag said...

very heartfelt

Trée said...

Thanks OB. My son is fifteen. I love him more than I know to say.

Ms Storm said...

Delightful in every way. The words of the card and the words of the poem showing two sides of love true.

Trée said...

The card is on my desk, where I think it will be until I find a frame. :-)