Thursday, June 11, 2009

as stars arc (KKB-13)

the boy came home
two eyes in a face of mud

without regard

thinking without

climbing (into the loft)
without smile

forever and again
not seen

said he didn't

that it died
that day

in the rain
in the mud

in the blood
of his father

seeping as

into the soil
of animus

nourishing memory
as a slow rain

setting course
as stars arc

through the heavens
to the king

to the sire
of his father

Reading and Commentary (plays with Quicktime)


Autumn said...

You got it all!

Before I listen to the audio, let me just say the flow and mood that you are able to create so naturally is truly breathtaking. This is a marvellous example of the quality that you produce consistently in your writing, so fluid and fluent I don't even know where to begin commenting without those comments sounding innane or unnecessary due to transparency, nothing seems contrived, embellished, you have such an innate understanding of communication that your conveyances are not only dexterous but all the more replete due thereto. You are not only aware, and by aware I mean intuitively, characteristically, of the workings and expance of expression, but of the substance and persuasiveness of individual words, I've said so time and time and time again, but I know of no other writer who perpetually imparts their information in a manner that as reader one is aware of admitting on several levels simultaneously.
Hundreds of times the thought has visited, though I have never said it, for the exact same reasons as the thought itself pertains to. The charm and the complication of language is a singular word can have many meanings, depending on a variety of conditions, and what has always so fascinated me about you, as a communicator, is your assurance, again watching something natural to you rather than a trait that you are actively aware of, your confidence in the usuage. Your ability and understanding of how to precisely transmit the very thing that you want to in the most intelligibly effective way. Not sure if any of that was intelligible. :-)

Autumn said...

Am in the middle of listening to the audio and you just spoke of this being an informational poem, which made me smile thinking that perhaps you may therefore anyway understand something of what I wrote, attempted to say, this morning (above) :-)

Autumn said...

This series of poems generates the same kind of intrigue that the beginnings of your story did, when the participants were yet nameless and we really knew very little about them, on a personal level, only how their lives were being affected by events, curiosity about their thoughts and feelings, their past and their futures was rife and the imagination was turning cartwheels over which might be right. Capturing interest and the imagination, you are extremely proficient at doing. And now more so for the commentary. And with a greater sense of intimacy for the readings (esp the second). Audio (readings, commentary) always welcome, always enhancing.

Trée said...

Audio here done upstairs on the snowball and I think you can hear the difference, especially here and on the audio for unforgiven souls. I actually took measures, with the pillows from the sofa, to create my own little studio to get the best sound I could. Also finally learned how to alter the volume on individual tracks (on unforgiven souls) and that makes me very excited for upping the quality on my transitions. I love doing the audio. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it.

As always, your wonderfully engaged and kind words make my day like sunshine on a Saturday. Thank you.

Autumn said...

Smiling to think of you with your pillows. That's true dedication to the pursuit of best quality. :-)