Monday, June 26, 2006


You can never give anything away without initiating a reciprocal event.


Trée said...

Click on image for a much larger version. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Shalom. I'm back!!

Trée said...

Welcome back Saffy! You've been missed sweetie. :-)

Anonymous said...

hehe, thanks for your kind words. But I think the next couple of entries will be footprints. Could be boring for people who don't enjoy travelling.
How was your past week?

Trée said...

I was in Utah at a company meeting for most of last week. The area was gorgeous and the meeting better than expected. Thanks for asking. I love to travel so I'm looking forward to your reports. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wish you would have told me this a few weeks ago....I gave something away that wasn't reciprocated in the way I desired....and well, that just sucks sometimes. Live and learn, and then live some more.
Nice pic the post.

Trée said...

Meg, I've learned the hard way, and I'm still learning, it works both ways. Like attracts like. Good attracts good and bad attracts bad. Want negativity in your life, just be negative. Same for love. Ask yourself what you want. Then give that to others.

Thanks for the kind words. Peace my friend. :-)

Anonymous said...

BBB, I really like that. Very pretty, very lovely words. :)

Trée said...

Thank you bbb. You know I'm all about the purdy you know. :-)

Anonymous said...

Trée, sometimes, what should be true and what is true are two different things.
While I believe in what you say, truly and honestly, it doesn't always follow in real life. Or maybe not the way one expects it to.
On the flip side, Buffett and Gates are donating so much of their money, that perhaps it is true...
Am I rambling??? ;)
Oh, and love the fractal too!

Trée said...

Melly, the older I get the more I believe in fiction and the more I believe in the power of intention. This quote will not be true in a literal sense in all cases, but I must believe that what I put into the lives of others will someday come back into my own--good or bad. At least that is a belief I'd like to live by.

As always my dear, so good to see you stopping by and thanks for letting your mom know I missed her blog. She left me a very nice note. :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to ponder this one. Are we saying by giving we have an expectation of receiving, we put an obligation on the other person?

Trée said...

Just the opposite Chicky. We give Love because love begets love and the belief is that is the right thing to do, regardless of whether it comes directly back to us or not. We also understand that hate begets hate. I suppose one way to look at it is the popular "pay if forward" view. Or another way is to do senseless acts of kindness. The act, however, is a pure act to touch love and compassion because I believe to touch those things is to increase them in the world. Our hope is that the love we give is then passed to another for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

I was watching The Phantom of the Opera today and I could have sworn one of the lines in one song said, "Stop thinking and start dreaming". I thought that was such a nice thought & wanted to share it with you.


Trée said...

I love it Oliviah. I think I have the perfect fractal to go with that quote. Don't be surprised if you see it tomorrow. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great graphic! It is almost glowing.

Anonymous said...

I share similar beliefs. My interpretation of the words took me in another direction.

Trée said...

Thanks Jenni. This one was fun to make. :-)

Trée said...

Chicky, words or art or music, I am always in wonder how we see so many different things in the same subject. Makes life interesting and sometimes warm and enticing too. :-D

Anonymous said...

"Shine a light on others and its glow will reflect back upon you."
I love the concept of karma, that those who do the best they can will receive reward (bearing in mind, those who are giving, take reward in watching the positive vibes that they create) and that when we have something to learn, this lesson too will come our way in some shape or form.
I like too what you said to Meg about treating others how we would want to be treated, such a simple concept, and really the formula to everyone's well-being.
Lovely post!

PS Sounds like you had a good trip last week, glad to hear it!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to this to read it.

There are times when I get idealistic and think that yes, a positive attracts a positive and negative attracts negative. Give love and kindness and you'll get that in return.

But what if a person lives a life in that manner, and then, what if a person is confronted by truth. That not everyone is as honest as what they make out to be, that the moment your back is turned they won't hesitate to back-stab, on the quiet - just for kicks. Or just for one upmanship

Then what is that called?

See, I believe that the word "karma" is used by people without a realisation of the full implication it can bring. Karma - positive, negative, is not just about payback or deeds done to others that is repaid to you. Karma is what you suggest with your words.

One good deed starts a chain of good positive feeling, that is cascaded "out there."

But, there will always be those that claim to be good, to be able to give. Yet, that won't hesitate to be the total opposite.

Isn't it a shame? Honesty is so important.

And then there is you. With such wisdom and lovely words. It is all about being selfless isn't it? :-) And that is so easy to do because it DOES bring happiness.

Your intentions are always positive ones. Thank-you for that!

Enough of my waffle - it's time for a glass of Chardonnay ;-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, I like the thought of light and glow. Wonderful image. Reminds me of the opposite, which is point a finger at someone and see that you have four pointing back at you. Thanks so much for checking in and keeping us updated. Can you feel the clock ticking? :-D

Trée said...

Leigh, that glass of Chardonnay sounds wonderful. My philosophy of life gets really good after a few glasses of wine. :-D

I wish I had more answers and you ask some good questions. I suppose at the end of the day one's karma is one's own, which is to say my karma is not yours and yours is not mine.

I can't control what anyone else does or doesn't do. I can only try to have awareness of my own actions and my own intent and hope that I can act from Love, and that is Love with a capital L. The act, I try, is from Love for Love, no more. I don't act to get, I don't act for reward, I act from a foundation of Love and believe that that is the only true way.

Perhaps, I receive in return and I hope the "reciprocal" event comes my way, but perhaps the passing along of Love goes to someone else and not me. That would make me smile, to know I had a ripple effect for good in someone else's life who never knew me.

Again, if I can absorb some of the negative energy that comes my way, then perhaps again I have prevented someone else from receiving that same charge. Looking at it this way, again I smile, and perhaps the one who attacked me is influenced by my desire to embrace and not respond in kind, to greet hate and anger with love and compassion.

I don't know, but the question does give food for much thought. Thanks for participating and joining the discussion. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that!

I just have difficulty getting my head around those with ulterior motives - I just don't get that.

You said something that brough a huge smile to my face. Something that I almost said in my last comment - it had to do with absorbing:

"if I can absorb some of the negative energy that comes my way, then perhaps again I have prevented someone else from receiving that same charge. Looking at it this way, again I smile, and perhaps the one who attacked me is influenced by my desire to embrace and not respond in kind, to greet hate and anger with love and compassion."

And not many can even begin to grasp that even if they live through lifetimes!

I like coming here and having the odd waffle. It's a soul thing, you know? ;-)

(plus the people that comment here seem so nice!)

Have a lovely evening!

Trée said...

Leigh, I like having you here. Other readers have mentioned to me that they really like your comments and the thoughtfulness and perspective you put into them. I agree. You add much value to the comments and I look forward to the way your mind and heart works. Very refreshing.

As for the folks who visit here, well, I've been very, very blessed to have met so many great souls, so many wonderful blog mates who make blogging a joy. People make the blog, not the other way around.

Thanks my dear for the wine and the kind words. Both always appreciated. :-)