Thursday, June 08, 2006


Cry is without a doubt my favorite James Blunt song. The link takes you to a short interview on where the idea for Cry came from and then shows a live performance of Cry with James and Paul.

I suppose what attracts me to this song is the combination or intersection of sadness and tears with love and hope, the reaching out of one soul to another in a time of need.

Aggie, in answer to your question, it would be James.


I have seen peace. I have seen pain,

Resting on the shoulders of your name.

Do you see the truth through all their lies?

Do you see the world through troubled eyes?

And if you want to talk about it anymore,

Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,

I'm a friend.

I have seen birth. I have seen death.

Lived to see a lover's final breath.

Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?

Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?

And if you want to talk about it once again,

On you I depend. I'll cry on your shoulder.

You're a friend.

You and I have been through many things.

I'll hold on to your heart.

I wouldn't cry for anything,

But don't go tearing your life apart.

I have seen fear. I have seen faith.

Seen the look of anger on your face.

And if you want to talk about what will be,

Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder,

I'm a friend.

And if you want to talk about it anymore,

Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,

I'm a friend.

James Blunt

If you just can't get enough: Exposing James Blunt


Anonymous said...

I really could not agree with you more about this James Blunt song. Truthfully, this song carried me through some very troubling times a few months back. I played it over and over, until I could bare not to listen to it anymore. After reading your post I just popped it back in listened to it again. I do hear the hope now...instead of 'do you see the truth through all their lies? Do you see the world through troubled eyes?'

Thanks for this post - you have no idea the magnatude....never mind, I've made a scrambled mess of this..just thanks.

Trée said...

Meg, you are more than welcome. This song reminds me that no matter how bad things may be in my life, I always have the opportunity to be that person who has a sincere shoulder for someone else, and there is always someone else.

I heard once that the greatest sin of all was despair--to reach a point where you did not believe that even God had the power to pull you from your sorrow and doubt. Assuming that to be true, what greater service could we provide to another than to reach out a hand in their time of need?

I've had my share of pain, as has everyone else. I've also experienced the difference between someone walking away and not providing that shoulder and what that felt like in comparison to those who were there. I don't think I will ever forget those that did not abandon or ignore me in my darkest hours. I truly count them among the angels.

Cry reminds me of those blessed souls.

Thanks for taking a minute to stop by Meg. Have a wonderful day sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words.
Strange how so many words that we use on a daily basis can have such an impact when they are put together in a special way.

Trée said...

So true Christa. Then, when you add in the tone and inflection used to deliver those words, everything changes again. I suppose one of the reasons I like James' material so much is that combination of lyrics and delivery. IMHO, one cannot truly appreciate his music without seeing him perform it and the single best recorded example I know is the Chasing Time DVD. Watch him on that DVD and you will never see his songs the same way again.

Thanks for stopping by Christa. Always a pleasure to have an artist of your magnitude pay me a visit. Peace and Joy my friend.

Trée said...

FYI: Fall tour dates

This is what we know as of today.

"Hey everyone. The US venues have already been set. A little Beardy... oh, I mean birdy!... told me it will be a six week tour, starting in September, covering "everywhere." I couldn't get the little birdy to divulge anymore info, sorry!"

Beardy refers to Paul Beard, the band's keyboardist and the message itself is from a Blunt "groupie."

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, Trée, it's a beautiful song.

Trée said...

Melly, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Cry is my fave and I hope many others discover that Back to Bedlam is much more than just You're Beautiful or Goodbye My Lover. There really is not a bad song on the whole album.

Trée said...

The camera phone video is like a Japanese movie--voice and video don't match. Still, gives you a sense of what it is like to be that close to the stage. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Why, that's so beautiful it makes me want to............cry! And I couldn't agree more - "in despair" is a lonely, dark place to be. Just as those who are there for you are your angels. May we never lose faith.
Mas Paz............

Trée said...

Helen, you are such a warm wonderful soul I wish I was in Vermont so we could share a pint or two or three. And hugs all around too. :-)

Peace my friend.

Anonymous said...

The beautiful song makes you yearn for someone to hold and let it all out. Unlike "goodbye my lover" which I can't listen to without turning into a blubbering mess, Cry gives a sense of relief, if that makes any sense.

Trée said...

Chicky, that makes a lot of sense to me. Cry, to me, is a song of love and hope and oneness in the sense that we all find ourselves on both sides of the fence from time to time. Sometimes I need the shoulder and sometimes my shoulder is the one needed by someone else. It is a song of togetherness, of oneness in the human condidtion.

And my shoulder is always availible to the warm and enticing Chickybabe--just in case you were wondering. :-)

Anonymous said...

ok Tre those lyrics really made me cry! Im crying now...


Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams, x

Off to check out those other 3 links first...

Anonymous said...

Blunt, who is off to Europe for a summer tour, explained why he never gets sick of performing "You're Beautiful" night after night after night: "Every single night the song continues to get me laid."


Thanks so much for sharing all these links. (though unable to watch the interview)
Oh gosh, with every listen, he just amazes me more! Loved watching the exposure clip, was so nice to see people's reactions :-). I felt proud and happy on his behalf, it was kinda like I know this guy, I think he's brilliant, he has a gift to give to you if you want it and I'm so glad you took it and loved it. :-D
..oh well, never mind, eh. ;) I'm only as crazy for him as just about everyone else who has heard him.

Thanks again for sharing all the videos etc, I do so love 'Cry'.
Big ole marshmellow hugs to you, sweet man :-), xo

Trée said...

Keshi, if you're crying, well, cry on my shoulder, I'm a friend. :-)

Touching lyrics made more powerful by an emotional performance. Peace my friend.

Trée said...

Sunshine, good morning. The Rolling Stone interview is just audio, there is no video so you didn't miss anything there. So very, very glad you enjoyed the links. I almost posted another with a link to tabloid pics of him and his girlfriend, supermodel Petra (at least I think that is how she spells it), on the beach and in the water. If you want that link let me know and I'll send it to you.

One of his endearing qualities is his sharp sense of humor, very much a british quality I think. I love his answer to the question what is the first thing you do in the morning--"Ask the girl her name." :-D

As for the first video, could you imagine seeing him perform in a bookstore, being that close? And that little boy singing the lyrics to You're Beautiful, now if that doesn't make you smile I don't know what will.

Thanks for sharing in my excitement for this artist. Nice to put all the jadedness aside and just enjoy someone in the moment of this place and time.

Oh, and poppet sends his love too. Says he would like some hot chocolate now that you mentioned marshmellows. :-D

Trée said...

Sunshine, if you were referring to the very first link with the short interview and the live performance of Cry, let me know. It works on my old laptop, so it should work on most any computer. Does take a little longer to load but worth the wait. Have a great day sweetie. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie! This is a lovely song... Great choice!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend Darlin'... I've missed you! *Hugs*

Trée said...

Hey Y. I've missed being around too. I was on a business trip the first three days of this week that took all of my time and all of my emotional energy not to mention I had my lappy with the malfunctioning keyboard that makes it rather difficult to leave a message when you don't have a spacebar and a couple other letters.

Have a great weekend Y and leave the light on for me. I'll be 'round soon. :-)

And as far as Cry, if they release it as a single and it gets airtime, I could see it rising up the charts quickly. For me, it's the best song he's got out right now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Lol... Don't make me wait to long baby! ;-)

Trée said...

But isn't the anticipation as good if not better? ;-)

No worries my dear. I've already paid you a visit and I'm so glad I did. Did I tell you I was thinking of a career change now? :-D

Anonymous said...

Afternoon my sweet.
Was refering to the Rolling Stones interview, but am relieved to know I didn't miss much. Please do send me that other link :-) Have you been by the British website? If not, check it out, there are some videos there too.

Do love his humour, the best kind, silly. Think I quoted him (loosely) here before saying he was sure America didn't want to be broken, so he was going to promise not to - thought that was hysterical, but then I'm easily pleased. Sometimes :-D.

Oh, yes, what an experience that must have been to hear him singing in such close quarters. Intimate, white of his eyes kind of atmosphere - liked the guy who was saying he was totally in love too, and of course the little boy, so endearing, little sweet thing :-)

Thanks again for sharing, made my morning. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day, love and hugs, x

Trée said...

Sunshine, you are more than welcome. C and I are getting ready to go do some yard work. This will be the first time he has ever cut grass so we'll see how much he can do before it's too much. Have a most wonderful evening sweetest of sweet ones.

Anonymous said...

:-) Have a ton of fun!

Trée said...

LMAO, "cutting the grass" and "fun" are two ideas I've never used in the same breath. I'll give it a try and let you know. :-D

Anonymous said...

Hey, haven't you ever seen Mary Poppins?! Not another missing link in your viewing of musicals, I hope. ;) In every job there is an element of fun, all you have to do is find it and poof - the job becomes a game.
So, it stands, have a ton of fun!

Trée said...

That's my problem--I need to watch more musicals. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Yep, very educational. :-D

Trée said...

Perhaps we could watch them together so you could educate me on the finer points of instruction. I understand you are very good one-on-one.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, name the day and we shall have ourselves a musical fest. I'll have you singing along with the best of them.
Climb every mountain, cross every stream, follow every highway, 'til you find your dream...
lol, that would be a fun day :-D

Trée said...

I'm not sure what would be more entertaining--you or the musicals. :-)