Saturday, February 07, 2009


Breath -- Shallow
Fear -- Constricting
Neck as Sail Rope
Caught in a Gale
Screaming Tight
Burning Knots
Billow on Fire
The Hot Blast
Unseen Tongues
Scorching from Afar

Planks -- Creak
Strain -- Palpable
Water Rising
over stone feet
and the lady of bow
washes her hair
in the bitter salt

Across the firmament
arcs our blazing fire
mercy be gone
as the foolish collapse
Hands knuckled gold
Hearts sea-bottom cold
Eyes blind to who
is friend
and who is foe

Into the storm
Into the breech
stench be damn
I say to each
For the hell we face
will not spare the lace
whip cracking in pace
scruple ye not thy base

Take my arm
Take my leg
What you desire
What you seek
Is as the wind
Is as a child's laughter
So have your lust
turning stone to dust
as tears turn to rust
what should have never bust

I would cuss
would I could I so
muscle as string
twisted tight
upon the haunch
upon the hide
pound of flesh
priced in a window
reflecting little eyes
that know no better


Trée said...

For all my editors out there, I specifically used "Breech" as opposed to "Breach." As you were. :-D

Autumn Storm said...


whip cracking in pace
Cracking in pace, in sound, in the force and insistence of imagery, executed, delivered in percussion. I read this three times in a row, aloud as it commands, demands, each line bursting into scene so to speak, like gunfire, rupturing, instant is the action, the aftermath slower, trickling over the consciousness, so expressive, so evocative. Burning Knots, Billows on Fire
Hands knuckled gold, Hearts sea-bottom cold
Awed, by sound, by illustration, by the language, here in particular. This poem is not listened to, but impressed upon. Wow.

Trée said...

Thank you my dearest Sunshine. I am trying to get better, to see with the eyes of my mind as well as the drumbeat of my heart and let those two dance as children dance before the campfire of summer, before the hearth of snowy winter, as the leaves rustle in a fall breeze and the flowers stand tall in a spring rain. Your kind words are the water in my literary soil. Thank you.

Dom said...

At you, talented poet who juggle so well with the words and the images,I would like to ask this wheel time, to stop one moment so that I can enjoy all this beauty, all this grace and all this heat!
It's splendid Trée ! ;)

Trée said...

Pierre, for you I will stop the sun and halt the moon and make the flowers stand at attention as before court and queen but just don't ask me to stop the flow of blood from North to South, for there are somethings I cannot control. :-D

Dom said...

No Trée, just stop time for a few moments… One keeps the sun, one keeps the moon, one keeps the flowers…. Just time to look at, to enjoy, before to see time to do its work ....