Sunday, May 18, 2008

508. Do You Love Her?

"Do you love her?"

The question struck him dumb. Lightning out of clear blue sky.


Her words echoed inside the Pod. Pebbles dropped into a well.

"I won't be mad if you do."

John turned to Ariel. His words stopped by her eyes.

"It's okay daddy. I still love you."


Autumn Storm said...

A sigh of relief to see them together after hearing that the pod had been launched. Makes me think of the expression, it is the thought that counts and it was not the fact that he left her that she remembers as an adult, nor was it the fact that he left her that changed her markedly, the before and after spoken of, but the decision itself, that it was made, that his heart and his mind were such, from the vantage point of hers, that he could have done so. Since that chapter, one cannot help but view Ariel in a slightly different light, one that has only intensified the devotion that she evokes, one that has given her more substance and a future and greater past. Such a remarkable child, very many moments since her entrance into the story have proven this, and here again we see understanding and insight, of knowing the correct thing to say to make the other feel better, but these aren't mere words. First time, though he says it not himself and there is no real confirmation that the word love has been uttered in connection with John and Kyra. Had Cait lived, the path would have looked a lot different, none in this direction, but with Cait gone, there is nowhere for those original attractions to go but to grow. And where will it all go from here..., those branches, Poppet, you sure do know how to make good strong ones. :-) Love the heart in ones throat, holding ones breath writing that you have created here, lightning and in particular pebbles used to do so with such effect, and the fact that through the question and the 'answer', we hear nothing but silence from John. Very, very nicely done. Coffee never tastes better than accompanied with a little bit of you. :-)

Trée said...

Sweetest, I'm very pleased that you like this one. It is, perhaps, one of my favorites. I've read it over and over and over. And each time, the emotion is almost too much.

j said...

"It's Okay Daddy. I still love you."

That cuts right to the heart of being a parent. We need to know, that when all is said and done, when all of the screw ups in our parenting are made, that we are still loved.

At least I do.

I loved this.


Trée said...

Jen, this chapter cuts in so many ways. The emotions John feels in this short exchange would take me 20 minutes or more to begin to explain. I thought of writing more, to explain more, but each time I felt it only diluted the impact of what I know this chapter to be. As always, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. :-)

j said...

Love the Barbed Wire Halo. Needs Honeysuckle!!


Wamblings said...

There is always the temptation to explain, to overwrite. I'm so glad you resisted. This is perfect as it is. The impact is what it should be.

Trée said...

Jen, one can never have too much honeysuckle. :-D

Trée said...

W, it is a temptation I'm trying to wean myself off, but my knees remain weak at the alter of explaining and telling. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Oooh, liking the artwork of Aly, very pixieish and the barbed wire halo lends some credence to what we know of Yul and from Yul, that things are seldom black and white and that it seemed to be a matter of chance, decision, more so than anything else that picked one as good and one as not good. Happy day to you, Poppet, with love, x

Trée said...

And sweet dreams to you Sunshine, when you get that far. :-)

Scarlet said...

I see you, too, are inspired to write about love. You do it well.

I don't know who's who but it makes me want to find out.

Trée said...

Scarlet, if you think you might like to learn more about the story, the best place to start is the link under Story Stuff on my sidebar for Who's Who.

I do like to write about Love and in some ways, the whole story is about Love. Nice to see you stopping by again. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kinda feeling strange when i first read the lines, but after i reached the end, i just bursted out laughing, i dunno why, it's pretty strange, nice artwork by the way.

Trée said...

Thanks Cyba. :-)


Oh, isn't it fantastic when someone knows you so well that they can see the answer in your eyes?

I loved this segment.

Trée said...

Susan, so glad you like this chapter. Nice to see you stopping by. Have a great holiday weekend. :-)