Saturday, April 28, 2007

268. Three Red Pills

Six hours ago Bravo ceased producing breathable air. Donning their suits, Kyra, Von and Em looked like paratroopers ready for a drop, but there was no drop. So they sat and watched their gauges. For six hours no one said a word before Kyra broke the silence. “Thirty minutes,” her voice distant and tinny through the helmet comm. “How much time do you have remaining Von?”

“About the same, perhaps a little less.”


“Same here.”

Kyra held out her arm and rotated her closed fist palm up. Opening her fingers all eyes locked on the three small red pills huddled together in the center of her hand. Von was the first to take his. Em hesitated, glancing down at the brooch in her left hand before reaching forward to take her pill.

“I know,” spoke Kyra, “this is not the way any of us ever contemplated we would meet our maker. The pill is—“

“We know,” said Von. “I have witnessed death by asphyxiation.” Looking directly at Em he continued. “I would not wish that death upon my enemies, not even the Javalinas that tortured me."

Kyra nodded. Em held her pill at arms length as if it could bite her. “How does this work?” asked Em.

“Like a sleeping pill, Em,” responded Kyra. “In about ten minutes you’ll start to get sleepy. Within fifteen you won’t be able to keep your eyes open and by twenty, well, you’ll be home with family.”

“Is it gonna hurt?”

“Nope. You’ll not feel a thing,” said Von.

“How do you know that?”

Before Von could answer, Kyra jumped in. “Em, no one is forcing you to take the pill. It’s your choice. It will take about twenty minutes to work. How much time do you have remaining on your gauge?”

“Twenty-five minutes.”

A hush of air sounded in the cold command center as first Kyra and then Von and finally Em retracted the faceplates on their helmets. Gasping at the lack of air, each placed a pill on their tongues and swallowed before quickly closing the faceplate again.

“Give me your hands,” said Kyra, the only light coming from the two small lights at either side of her helmet, which fell softly on Von’s stoic old wrinkled face and Em’s frightened countenance. “Papa always told me I entered this world in love and I’d like to think I’m going to leave it the same way.”

Von tried to smile. Em was not capable.

“Feel the warmth?” asked Kyra.

They both nodded.

“Papa taught me this little trick. He said it was love. I suppose in a few minutes I’ll find out just whether that old geezer had been pulling my leg all those years now won’t I.”

Em fought to keep her eyes open. She lost. Von was determined he would be last. He was wrong. Kyra looked at her two friends in slumber. A tear slipped from each eye before she too succumbed to the hands and minds of scientists from a land long left behind. Approximately three hours later the last known lights on Bravo, the lights on Kyra helmet, flickered before giving way to the darkness.

Categories: Story, Kyra, Von, Emy


Oliviah said...

Oooh... :O Wow. That was amazing. But now I feel like I am on the edge of my seat again, wondering, anticipating some kind of rescue. That was your best writing yet. I am floored. Hugs and smoochies

Trée said...

Oh my, my dear Beautiful Soul. Your comment is warming my heart and a few other places too. :-D

You know, I have a secret. Ever since I saw that pic you posted of yourself, I've been wanting to do a sketch. With your blessing, I'll put it on my list. Just let me know. And if you have the original version, I'd love to have a copy to work from. :-)

Thanks again my dear wonderful friend. Hugs and kisses my dear. :-)

The rescue? LOL, I've got to figure that out now. I'm open to ideas. :-D

Dzeni said...

Really amazing. Can't wait to see how they get out of this one. Fantastic writing, as always.

Trée said...

Thank you Jenni. I've got a couple ideas. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

So calm and still, a choice, sleep, lights that go out, just more quietness drifting through the quiet - it's such a strange thought that comes to mind so often when reading one of your chapters, the feeling of, I guess the only way to describe it properly, would be fate, something meant to be. Not their deaths, like Oliviah and Jenni, I'm hoping that somehow, someway, though four hours have passed, somehow they will be rescued, but the events of this chapter, the quiet dignity of those last minutes, the togetherness, the words of love, Kyra being the last to slumber, it seems so right somehow, as though they had to reach this stage and whatever happens next will happen in the same way, whatever it is.
Hard to describe, all I can say is that this was an absolutely amazing chapter in every which way (stunning fractal too).
Loved it - just amazing!

Sweet dreams, poppet, x

Trée said...

Thank you Sweetest. I like the description of quiet dignity. Wish I had thought of it while I was writing this one. :-)

Oliviah said...

Trée, I would be honored if you did a sketch of me. That made me smile and blush. You have quite a gift with your artwork. Just let me know which picture you are wanting to sketch. The profile one or some other one I posted? And yay, you have another chapter written! :)

Autumn, I am glad to see you posted on your blog again. The comment section is a heart-warmer, that's for sure. I left a comment but it was sent back to me with a Fatal Error notice. That sounds SO serious, doesn't it? :P So I thought Trée wouldn't mind if I left you a little comment here.

Much hugs~~~

Trée said...

Oliviah, I was thinking the one you posted on your blog (a couple times) with the highlights blown out. It as a close up of your eyes and smile and I thought it was brilliant. If you have a copy of that one you could send me, that would be perfect. You posted a version on June 1st, 2006.

Autumn Storm said...

Oliviah, I received a comment from you yesterday, so presuming that is the one and there wasn't another, it worked just fine despite that error message. I thanked you at mine. :-)

PS Can't wait to see the sketch!

Oliviah said...

Trée, will look for the picture now. I was daydreaming about your storyline. Wondering about the ones who gave Kyra the red pills. Who they were and if they made them to cause some kind of hybernation that Kyra didn't know about. Or if Papa had something to do with it. Or if Kyra is in some sort of state where she is now communicating with her beloved Papa and it is keeping them suspended, no signs of life but alive. Wouldn't it be neat though if Kyra got to see Papa again before the rescue? Oh, the imagination runs wild. ;)

Trée said...

Dear Beautiful Soul, I love the way your imagination thinks. I have a couple ideas about what happens and I'm close to deciding on one or the other. Expect a few surprises, or at least I hope you'll be surprised. I'm thinking a couple dream sequences to show us the way with a cliffhanger or two thrown in for good measure. You didn't think it was going to be easy did you? :-D

I'm on the road today and tomorrow. If you can find that pic and email it to me, I'd love to see what I can do later this week. Thanks so much for playing along and letting me practice on you. I'll be gentle. Promise. :-D

Karen said...

Talk about a roller coaster ride! One thing about me catching up, I *could* read the most recent chapters but I feel that would be cheating LOL

Trée said...

Oh the discipline you must have. :-D I'll let Jack know what a good girl you are. :-)