Saturday, April 14, 2007

263. Kyra Pre-Bravo


Categories: Story, Kyra, Sketches


Autumn Storm said...

This is such a beautiful sketch of Kyra, like I said, it's so clear that she is clear to you, there's nothing random about her. You have real skill when it comes to portraying expressions, your eyes are never silent. Truly wonderful, and it's quite astounding how you keep improving from seemingly excellent until you up the ante so to speak a little more.
In short, wow.

Trée said...

Thank you Sweetest. My skill level with sketching started on the rock bottom, so there has only been one way for me to go. :-D

This image was sketched mainly with charcoal brushes in Painter. Lots of little perspective issues with my sketch but that's okay. These are for fun. As always, your very kind words are very much appreciated. :-)

Anonymous said...



Sometimes the image speaks volumes
and no words are required...
Have fun sketching ...

Hope everything is okay with you



Trée said...

Hi Uma. Life is good for me. Eating some ice cream with my dear friend Autumn at the moment. Hope and trust life is good for you too. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Creamiest vanilla I've ever had. :-)

Well, Kyra is demanding my attention yet again, this time the look of her. Knowing, that's the expression she has in her eyes. Perhaps. As though she has or is observing something, has drawn her conclusions, but she isn't about to share them.
That could just come from the light that is in her eyes, which though I imagine (imagine before or after you said something about the colour of her eyes, I am no longer sure) her eyes to look light the night sky, dark blue and twinkly, the lightness of them in this sketch doesn't alter that fact.
You're better than you think you are.

Got any more sauce? :-)

Trée said...

Hey, no commenting while I'm washing the dishes. :-D

Oliviah said...

Funny, Kyra looks like a friend of mine. I love these sketches. Autumn is right, you are better than you realize.

I wish you could hear the bird singing outside my window. It sounds so happy. Maybe relieved. We had a strange sudden wind storm over here. No rain or clouds even, just wind like you get just before a tornado comes. Tossed the branches all around--gave me a bit of a scare re: one of the old branches of a Spanish Oak over my end of the house. Sudden wind storm, sudden cessation. No wonder the bird sounds so happy. :)

Trée said...

Awww my dear Beautiful Soul, thanks for those very kind and sweet words. Just trying to have fun. :-)

Oooh storms--I love the power and dark beauty of a strong storm, not knowing what will happen, not being able to control any aspect of what it does or doesn't do. I like surrendering to relentless nature, of being taken by wind and rain whether I want to or not.

Glad to hear you are safe and sound--the birds too. :-)

Anonymous said...


I think of myself as a hitchhiker on this planet Life is one science fiction comedy for me right now.

And it keeps getting better.

and more scoops of the ice cream to Autumn and you :)

Em's sketch of Sam?!!
very interesting



Stargazer said...

Hello Kyra! A face to accompany the complex person she is; thanks Trée.

Agreed, the images are a great compliment to your story!

Trée said...

Thanks Deb. Seems I'm either in sketching mode or writing mode but seldom do the two coincide. They are very different creative worlds, each with their own feel and vision and language and their own unique rewards and frustrations. Always good to see you stopping by. Say hello to Wontar when you see him. :-)

Karen said...

Well done!! She's beautiful and her strength comes out as well. You've captured what I have always "seen" in her through your descriptions and her character.

*HUUGS* and kisses to you and Jack!

Trée said...

Thanks Karen. You know, Kyra is my favorite. I think I could do a hundred different sketches of her. :-)

Karen said...

She is one of my favorite characters as well; she's an amazing woman and beautiful inside and out.

Trée said...

One day, I'm going to nail her--with a sketch that is. :-D