Saturday, December 09, 2006

207. What Would Grow?

“Kyra, is there anything I can get for you,” asked Goldie, in a tone that implied she could sense something was on Kyra’s mind.

Smiling through closed lips, Kyra nodded. “No thanks Goldie. I just need a moment to myself. Let me know when Yul arrives. She should be here shortly.” How Papa could build a machine, like Goldie, that so mimicked grandma, her heart and mind and even her tone of voice was beyond her. She thought she should be used to this incredible gift and the marvel of it all, but still, every time, she had to smile at the wonder of it all and remind herself, Goldie was but a machine, another unexplained mystery created from the hands of Papa.

“Yes ma’am." Hovering on a cushion of air, Goldie dipped, as if to bow, turned, and silently left the room.

Kyra walked to her desk and pulled out The Folio. Papa had built in a sentient search panel. How it worked, no one knew, but then again, no one really knew how he was able to build Goldie to so much resemble Grandma either. So many things about Papa she didn’t know. Perhaps, she thought, The Folio would answer much or so she hoped there would be more answers than questions.

Closing her eyes, she placed her ring finger on the golden bluish panel in the lower right corner. It felt warm to the touch and begin to glow in response to her query. As if the search function could read her heart and mind, and perhaps it could, one never underestimated Papa, a single passage, or in this case a question, appeared, somehow magically selected from the hundreds of thousands of passages within the tome. Opening her eyes, Kyra saw these eight words displayed on the screen:

“If you planted your heart, what would grow?”

Taking a deep breath as if inhaling the words, somehow trying to assimilate message and intent, Kyra sighed and closed her blue eyes again. A tingle ran down her spine. Eight words. Just eight words and it seemed as if Papa was front and center. Taking another breath, eyes shut tight, she could have swore his signature scent was in the air and if she only reached out her hand, he would be there.

“Kyra, sorry to interrupt, but Yul is here. Shall I show her in?”

Kyra lowered her arm, closed The Folio and looked up. Her face expressionless, the kind of look that indicates a separation between mind and body, or lost in thought as the phrase is commonly put. “Yes, show her in.”

Categories: Story, Kyra, Goldie, The Folio


Stargazer said...

“If you planted your heart, what would grow?”

These are thought provoking words. I'm sitting here pondering...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Trée said...

Deb, I'm never able to contemplate those words without becoming somewhat lost in thought and also, and this is what I find interesting, somehow changed or altered by the contemplation. In the Tao Universe, these words are about the closest thing to what we would call a prayer that there is, if you could imagine a Tao warrior on bended knee, eyes closed and silently repeating these words to him or herself over and over again in preparation for combat, peaceful or otherwise.

Hope the weather is as beautiful in Tucson today as it is here. Have a wonderful weekend Deb. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Afternoon, Poppet, hope you're having yourself a lovely Saturday thus far.

The wonder of Papa. :-) Some day you shall have to tell us more about him, it feels as if we have only just skimmed the very tip of the iceberg. That said, Kyra so close to him, still has so many unaswered questions, with him, no doubt, the more we learn the more curious we would become.
“If you planted your heart, what would grow?”
You both said it already, words to float away on. :-)

Trée said...

Evening my dear Setting Sun. So much truth in everything you said. I do think in time we will learn much more about Papa. Perhaps he will have his own story on his own blog. I might call it The Folio. Perhaps, it already exists, with chapters among chapters already written. :-D

Hope you are having a lovely evening. Don't float too far, I'd be lost without you. :-)

ChickyBabe said...

I feel like I'm looking at the heart of a strong force. Not sure what would grow out of mine...

Trée said...

Chicky, always such a pleasure for me to wake and to see that you have stopped by. As for your heart, I think it grows best in a warm climate, one not far from the ocean, perhaps on the top of a cliff looking down at the beach. I see flowers, enticing in hue and seductive in scent and I know, I'd like to sit in the midst of them and be with them on a warm summer day. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Happy Sunday morning. :-)

Trée said...

Thanks Steve. As you might imagine, this chapter was written for one reason only, to give me an excuse to work that line into the story. I do, however, like the idea of a sentient search engine. Just stick your finger on a work, and it finds the passage you need to read. Now that would be cool and I wouldn't have to worry about spelling. :-D

Trée said...

Happy Sunday Afternoon Sunshine. :-)

ChickyBabe said...

Lovely! :)

Trée said...

Yes you are, especially in black with those gloves. And don't even get me started on that curve. Oh my, do you see the curve, did you do that on purpose? And I thought I was going to be able to focus at work today. :-D