Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Years

Feeling old in a cup of coffee
lost in the pale orange rising
of burning light
eight minutes fresh
of Bradford pear trees
wearing their snowy coats
of bloom
of passing an elementary school
that fifteen years ago
my engaged daughter
was waiting in pigtails
and an oversized backpack

I sat in my car
condensation on the windows
engine warming
mug in hand
Beside me
a son
with a water bottle
his iPod
and hair unkept
a silent protest

and I thought of my father
and his cough in the mornings
a signature to say he was old
and I was not
that he was out of touch
and I knew better
that his days were numbered
and mine just beginning
and I thought as I sat in the car
what my son must have been thinking
as the aroma of my coffee
filled the cabin

He didn't have to say it
and probably didn't even think it
but I felt old
with my mug
needing my coffee
and I wondered
where all the years had gone


Ms Storm said...

As a piece of writing, this is joyously, lovably brilliant. Some wows have a slight edge in terms of breathlessness and this was one of those. The idea of how it came to be and of how it was presented, it is just so...unconditional, so absolute, a wonderful (having trouble explaining all the very special qualities of this poem so bear with me) crooning harmony, partly to do with language and layout undoubtedly, but likely also due to the counterbalance (so to speak), past and present, memories and predictions, son turned to father. There's a wonderful sense of symmetric perception, the past seen in light of today, today seen in light of the past. Of time, life, the circle of, the passage of, generation to generation, dates change, other things do not, and of there being no stoppage, time travelling at its own pace. Unmercifully brisk and not too much of it needs pass before it is understood as such. Of understanding that is learned, moments that are seen differently as the days since amass, appreciations that develop. When all attempts fails to encompass there is this to fall back upon: This poem is exceptional.

Trée said...

What can I say other than you deepen my appreciation of my own poems and you do it time and time again as if you're the better student, always getting the material before I do. You see what I don't see, I suppose, in part, because I don't think my poems, ever. These poems are not thought or structure, or form bur rather a bleeding of pain and the blood, once it starts to flow, goes where surface and gravity take it. Thank you for giving depth and richness to my pain. I can't imagine what I would have missed without your comments showing me what I never saw. I cannot say it enough. Thank you Ms Storm.

Ms Storm said...

Entirely my pleasure, as you know, there are few things I would rather be doing that sitting right here in the midst, being overwhelmed by the beauty (art and words, life and soul) of these pages. That said, I am so behind and this may be how it will be for the next 2-3 weeks, that is that I will be playing catch-up in regards to comments, though I will be here every day to read, packing and moving and appointments, final plans being laid for the 12th and practical tasks too, plus I will have now up to 6 guests staying with me for a fortnight (first two weeks of April), in short I will be longing even more to be snuggled in the nest of DT. :-)
Hope you are having a lovely weekend, love to you, x

Trée said...

Enjoy your weeks. I'll keep the light on here for when you need a reprieve. And, if you are good, maybe some fudge pie too. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

That just begs for the reply:
I am always good
Except when I am bad. ;-)