Friday, September 23, 2005

FNF: The Eyes


Anonymous said...

Dear Tree,

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your Designer/Architect
as well as your audience.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Howdy

'Thought & Humor'

P.S. Goggle's new "Word Verification" process is a good idea but a dyslexic person's nightmare...

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. :-)

Trée said...

Mmm . . . I guess the "eyes" are in the eye of the beholder--lol. Might need an SNF of the more traditional mode to satisfy expectations. Seems I've created a monster--LMAO.

So much for a more subtle FNF. Back to normal programming soon. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The blog server went down last night and I wasn't able to say this:
"Ahhhhh....that's exactly what I needed. A good FNF. I actually feel relief when seeing the Friday Night Flirtation. Like it's proof that I can finally relax. :)
Lovely eyes. Green eyes with red hair. Not much better than that. (I would know...I have both. hee hee)
Thanks dear, for reminding me that there's still peace and sanity out there somewhere."


Trée said...

Agnes, you summed it up quite well. I feel the same way. The FNF signals to me that there is more to life than just work, that we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously, and that as much as some would like to deny it, sex is a part of our lives and who we are, and the appeal of sex is something to be celebrated and thankful for.

Hope your family is sound and safe. Take care--hugs and kisses. ;-)