Sunday, September 04, 2005


Officials feel as many as 10,000 or more still awaiting rescue.

8:10 A.M. - Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu - The images you've seen on TV was the lawless young men who did horrible things and have to be dealt with but what you didn't see, because the cameras weren't allowed in there, was that 99 percent were golden.

8:08 A.M. - Landrieu: This was the largest, most gargantuen storm in history. Ninety percent of the harm, tragedies and deaths were because of things beyond anyone's control. About 10 percent will be because of what someone didn't do.

8:05 A.M. - Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu - There's a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of credit. Heroes and demons. This is an American tragedy.

8:00 A.M. - Landrieu: We have rescuers going door to door. There are people still in their houses in Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Lakeview and Uptown, waiting to be rescued.

7:55 A.M. - Landrieu: We're going to need $150 billion to rebuild the area and that might be a low estimate.

5:25 A.M. - BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) --Emergency officials in Louisiana say they are still getting calls from people trapped and in need of rescue. Officials say they received a thousand such calls just yesterday, with some people saying they are still trapped in their attics.

Authorities are using color-coded maps to locate anyone in need of rescue. They plan to go door-to-door if they have to, in order to find all remaining survivors.

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