Thursday, August 07, 2008

Audio on iTunes

A few folks have reported they are unable to listen to the new audio on my Podcasts site (see post below). In an attempt to offer an alternative way to listen, download and subscribe, all the new audio is now available on iTunes. Click the link below to go to The Story Podcasts page.


Autumn Storm said...

The Poppet on itunes!
And looking right at home, mixing and mingling with the likes of George Harrison and Boy George, at least alphabetically. :-D
Going to use this as a claim to fame, just so you know and hoping you don't mind. dear friend..available on itunes.. Grinning away and yet as it should be. You made a comment somewhere about voice acting and a lack of skills, but I have to disagree, my very thought when listening to some of these recent readings, Capiche? to name the most conversed about example, was that you gave an exceptional performance, in italics for performance isn't the right word, for in those moments you were Trev, you lived it, to the listener your voice is Trev's, and only the best of actors are able to wear a role so well. It has long since been my conviction, based on everything I have seen, everything you have accomplished so far, your unlimited passion, your unfailing dedication, your tireless energy and boundless enthusiasm and your steadfast perseverance and endless striving for improvement, not to mention innate talent and a beautiful heart, a fascinating mind and soul that shines bright as the sun that when it comes to you, when it comes to you as a writer and artist, you are illimitable. Whatever you accomplish, with this story and otherwise, the surprise and delight will be in the definition not the distance.

Trée said...

Well, anyone can submit their podcasts to iTunes so I wouldn't be quitting the day job just yet. :-D

It is kinda nice to see, looks all official and stuff. I think like most things, if you do them enough, you get better. I'm not crazy about the sound of my own voice and so when I hear these recordings I cringe just a tad. Commentary is much easier and enjoyable to do than reading. Not everything written is meant to be read aloud, and when I hit those passages I just want to rewrite them, but when I look at what might be rewritten, it doesn't work as well in written form. I think this is why I like doing the enhanced readings the most and where appropriate, we'll see more of those than just straight readings.

As always, your enthusiasm warms my heart. Safe travels.