Wednesday, September 23, 2009

duet: poem and art

Jasmine Hazlehurst, inspired by the poem deciduous doubloons, created the gorgeous fiber-art to the right. The post can be found here: Autumn Song. Jasmine, to say the least, I'm blown away. Your work is brilliant and I'm honored.


Leslie Morgan said...

Well, I'm in a snit! Fabric and fibers is what I DO, but I certainly didn't do THAT. Jasmine, what a piece of artistry! Tree, what a tribute! Remember that day that the pair of words immediately grabbed me? Well, I certainly wasn't the only one. I am touched for you.

Trée said...

Limes, she did a magnificent job. And it fits the poem perfectly! I'm humbled and honored.

Leslie Morgan said...

Happy for you. You touch so many of us and I think it is spectacular that she gave back so beautifully.

Trée said...

Limes, you are making me sigh now. Thank you for the kind words.

Autumn said...

How special, in itself and in the inspiration and the gifting. Such a unique and beautiful piece of art, delicate yet defined, never seen anything quite like it.

Anonymous said...

Beautifu, you. Both compliment each other beautifully.

Trée said...

Autumn and SarahA, I was humbled as I still am. Jasmine does such beautiful work.

Wait. What? said...

Amazing art work - fabric? Its beautiful.

now on to the links!

Trée said...

Amazing how we can touch through this medium that knows not the oceans between us.

Roxana said...

it is indeed wonderful. i have always love this, i call it "shared creativity", something the internet and bloggind world makes so easy... if you find the right people, that is. and yes, it couldn't be otherwise, i have kept this line with me since then:
"Like fall...I watched scarf, blouse, skirt slip quietly from shoulder and limb."
this quietly slipping away, like fall - who could resist this dream?

Trée said...

Roxana, I am touched. Your comment touches me. You touch me, for what separates the minds of two. When you speak and I listen, does it matter if we are kissing or 8,000 miles apart. I do not need to see to know. I do not need to hold, in order to be held. Reconciliation requires not two, but one, just one heart reaching. Peace is an inside job. Love too, I think. And both bloom outside of time or distance. Thank you.

Jasmine said...

Thank you for posting tis picture Tree. Now that I can access my google account again I have posted your poem to Natures Whispers which is where it was originally intended to be.

I loved your personification of Autumn in Deciduous Doubloons. The piece I am working on now is taking that thought to the next level. The personification of trees as nature itself...

Trée said...

Ooooh, looking forward to it. I think your work is inspired and inspiring.

S. said...

These two pieces work so beautifully together, naturally flowing creations. You give seed, Trée, and blossoms abound around you.

Just beautiful...

Trée said...

S., I'm going to plant your comment in my mind and water it all day long. Maybe buy some flowers with my last dollars. Better an eye of beauty than a belly of vittles. Come take my hand. I need to dance today. To know the joy of human touch and movement, to be as the stars across the night, as the wind soughing the trees, as the river gently caressing the banks.