Saturday, September 26, 2009

1944 (in silence)

I miss the bombers she said. You think I'm crazy. But I discovered there are two kinds of fear; and only one can fill your cup, at a time. I prefer the fear I can hear. The other fear is much worse. When I'm here alone, the house is quiet. Just me and the clocks, ticking. And I know, I know no one is coming. Odd, don't you think, that in war, the greater fear is silence, absence, of the empty chair; or perhaps it is what fills that silence. The endless reliving of stories that will never change.

I had no answer and so we sat for awhile. In silence.


Tell me, who knows of your baby?

No one I said.

The father?

Dead. He's dead. Died in my arms. His life within me less than twenty-four hours. (pause) What do I tell his child.

Kathrin spoke in German: Ich liebte Ihren Vater. Wie er mich liebte. Und von dieser Liebe, ist diese göttliche Liebe, dort Sie. This is what you say.

I didn't need translation. Pulling out his journal, my hand shaking, I handed it to her. She ran her fingers over the blood stained pages, turning each with the same care she had shown Erich's letters. Nothing could be heard but breathing and then the turning of a page.


Come with me, she said. We will have a drink. Good German wine, not that french crap you've been drinking. They think they know how to make wine but their soil is too rich, produces lazy grapes. Here, take a sip. Let it sit, let the bouquet bloom. Inhale. As if roses. Nose and tongue, working together. One breathes wine as much as drinks it.

And so we drank, sipping, breathing, not another word between us. Then she sighed. Quite a luxury, this wine. Each time it passes my lips I feel grateful and guilty. I've drunk a lot since Walter died. But I've never been drunk.


Leslie Morgan said...

Empty senses (silence, no odor, nothing to look at, nothing to taste or touch) is the biggest fear of all. Empty is terrifying.

Trée said...

You got me thinking Taco Bell now.

Leslie Morgan said...

You made me laugh out loud, which seems an odd thing to do when one is alone in her office. Such a beautiful, serious post and me commenting from the gut and then, "Taco Bell". Thank you for also filling my empty sense of hahaha.

Unknown said...

I had no answer and so we sat for awhile. In silence".

Posted by Trée

These are the best kinds of friendships.

Lady of the Lakes said...

silence = loneliness

silence = fear




It's all around me.

Fear and loneliness are all around.

Fear of loneliness

I imagine this is how both Mary and Kathrin feel.

Leslie Morgan said...

LoL HAS it! Agreed. That's what they feel. It's the human condition, but they are in a heightened state . .

Conartisse said...

Back in, can't not.

Palpable reflections on fear, and loss, in this heart-wrecking, ageless story. No wonder, after dredging the abyss of grief, that the Great War was followed by the New Age & new-to-us concepts of emptiness(Zen).

"Empty is terrifying" would look teriffic on a tb billboard!

Trée said...

Lacey, so very, very nice to have you back. I like your idea of a billboard.

Trée said...

LotL, I think you might be right. Silence, the wrong kind, can be suffocating.

Trée said...

Tag, a relationship that can't tolerate silence is, I think, a diminished union. There are much better ways to communicate than with words. Thanks for the visit. Hope to see you again.

Trée said...

Limes, any day I can make someone smile or laugh is a good day. :-)

Lady of the Lakes said...

Your comment to TAG is very true. This is what I see between Mary and Kathrin. A caring look, a gentle touch, and a sigh. Still the room is silent, but the loneliness is removed. Gone. And the fear turns into joy. Frowns turn into smiles. Having a companion, friend or lover, can take the silence (fear) out of loneliness. I think that is what is being captured for both Mary and Kathrin.

You still with me Limes?

Leslie Morgan said...

I'm with you 100%. What you're describing is a thing of great beauty - everything is going on, and can be understood, interpreted, EXCEPT words. They're connecting at all the other levels.

Leslie Morgan said...

Tree, you're going to make me bleed to death today! She's right. A glass of good wine is the next thing they need to share.

Trée said...

Limes, maybe some wine is what we need too.

Leslie Morgan said...

Really deep red . . .{clink}

Getting out of the office, now. I'll look in later and see if I can weep any more today. Today's post made me feel tremendously emotional.

Trée said...

No drinking until you get home. {clink}

Woman in a Window said...

Such a short time and I know Kathrin. I know her like I would know an aunt that I would be present with but not necessarily engaged with, just there at knee. And I can hear the quiet of that room punctuated by noises that no one can control. I've had days like that. Let's hope never beyond days.

(Has the rain stopped?)

Trée said...

Erin, for the first time in two weeks the sun is shinning. Forecast for sun all week. And the temps are cool. Highs in the lower 70s all week long.

S. said...

Oops, I walked the other side of the wall.

Smile for me. The sun is shining.

Trée said...

S, I smile every time I see you.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes silence is Deafening and says so much, by not saying anything at all.

Trée said...

Very true SarahA.