Monday, June 29, 2009

into nothingness

she looked away
to the next client

and I slipped away
into nothingness

so powerful
just a look

this lesson
I leave for you

the power of
the eyes

the power of
a look

or away


Leslie Morgan said...

You were so prolific and then so silent and then back again and now at warp speed . . . you have a lot going on, Tree. I don't know how to interpret it (the what is going on). I hope your writing and art is taking care of it for you. You're obviously processing a lot. Be good to yourself. Please.

Trée said...

Lime, the poetry comes on its own timetable. I have no say in the matter. Always nice to have you stopping by. :-)

Leslie Morgan said...

OK, the smiley face makes me feel a bit better. I thought you were quite distressed.

Trée said...

I am, but the whiskey is helping. ;-)

SaffronSaris said...

Hi Tree,
You're invited over for cakes!

Ms Storm too,
if you read this msg, I'm having cakes at my side.


Trée said...

Mmmm, what kind of cakes? ;-)

Jim said...

Indeed, in one's life, or not. To see or be seen, which is the more compelling? How much does one's existence depend on being seen?

Trée said...

Badger, good questions. This poem is about thinking one is being seen and in a moment realizing you were never seen in the first place. My chiropractor/masseuse (simply the best at both I've ever run across and has a unique practice where she combines the two in a single session) is moving away. Last week, I went for my final session and as I came out the door, she hugged me goodbye and then, with my eyes still on her, her eyes shifted to the next client, and in that moment, that instant, I knew she was gone, gone from my life, without a word of leaving, but with a look. Still standing there, but as gone as gone would be next week. I tend to read more into situations than are there, but that moment was indelible in the chill of that shift of eyes.

Jim said...

You wrote "This poem is about thinking one is being seen and in a moment realizing you were never seen in the first place. "
Yes, I know that experience. Just replace "seen" with "loved"... and your poem spoke to me about that feeling.

Trée said...

Badger, I think I know that woman. :-D

Autumn Storm said...

Greatly appreciating anew the unsual and wonderful circumstance that we have here in the deepening of the experience. First there is the poem itself, in all its wonder and glory, standing strong and complete on its own, but then many times we are able to read or listen to commentary, to interact, to be enlightened, to know of some additional piece of information, often the source of inspiration that in turn adds still more dimensions to appreciation. I liked this poem as is, but in the case of this particular poem, your last comment added tremendous depth to the impressions received. Gorgeous.

Trée said...

Sweetest, you are very welcome. Glad you liked this one. :-)