Sunday, May 03, 2009

the meadows . . .

the meadows where I live
are in full bloom
waving in a Monet breeze
an oasis exhaling life
a smiling into the sun
a frolicking with clover
a gentle ballet with bees
as grand as any ballroom
and dressed,
and dressed
as if the rainbows themselves
had Pollocked their hues
upon the hills
the work of angels
playing in the wonderland
of God


Mona said...

Wow! I love the expression " Monet in breeze" I wonder how an impressionist's work would look in breeze. That might be expressionistic!

Tree, I love your fractals of the late. they are all so beautiful!

Trée said...

Thanks Mona. So nice to see you stopping by. Hope and trust you are doing well. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Autumn Storm said...

If one needed to define poetry in the classic sense, this poem would be a finest of examples. Your expressions are as divine as the scene you describe must have been. I am in complete and wordless awe of phrases used here like Monet breeze, ballet with bees, the wonderland of God.
And every other series of words within.
Just as the poem here would stand proud as prime example of poetry, so a more complete representative of 'poet' would be few and far between.


Trée said...

Sweetest, what can I say other than to have you back is to have the sun again after weeks of overcast. Travel safe and have some curry for me. :-)