Got a new 3D program yesterday. I'll be posting most of these images over at Trebuchet but with a little luck we'll see some of these moving our story forward. Thanks to so many of you for reading the story and encouraging me to keep it going. I've got several ideas on what happens next with Kyra and Kieran. Now I just need to decided on which way to go.
Looking forward to it! Wowzer on the fractal, as said :-)
Thanks sweetest of sweet ones. Still listening to "Just Like Heaven?" I think I've played that song twenty times in the last three days. Something in her voice I find intoxicating.
As far as the story, I think we will be with Rog and Emy again before we return to Kyra and Kieran. I want to finish up what happened on planet to get the timeframe back to current events.
With regard to Kyra and Kieran I'm torn between a play by play account of what happens next versus Kyra waking up after the course of events. More drama in the play by play. But even there I've got several ideas of what happens and how it happens. Now all I need is the time to sit peacefully and write. I need my log cabin! With no phone but with high-speed internet. A few fractal groupies for inspiration along with the fully stocked fridge and bar too. LMAO
I don't want much now do I. :-D
By the way, the more I look at the image the more my imagination goes to work on meaning one could see. Tell me what you see or how you might title this one.
I can hardly believe you made this image - how cool is that?
I've been on hiatus from the story for a while - after Trace's comment that she used her whole box of Kleenex I decided to just wait to read everything in one long batch... with my own box of Kleenex handy. I'll be back.
As promised, I'm going through the audio summaries now (one more to go).
How did you put an image on this fractal? It's very interesting.
I can outdo you :-)....
I've passed 20 and am going into town tomorrow to buy the cd :-D Will let you know, if there are any other tracks that even partly measure up - I have a feeling, its one of a kind.
Very(!) much looking forward to more on K & K. Being patient - with difficulty :).
Let me think a while about the question.
In return, what would be my theme song? (the reason for the question will be revealed ;)
VERY cool!! :-D I look forward to seeing what you create.
Have the story go to the right, those always seem to turn out well LOL
Happy Friday! *HUGS* to you and Jack!
god I just love this image :0)
Hows your day going darlin? YIPPEE its friday (doin a little happy dance LOL)
so when does the groupie bus leave for the cabin LOL I am so there :0)
Terry, good to see you again. The story is always here so read at your leisure. Thanks for the kind words on the image. :-)
Singular words for a title, nothing exceptional - providence for example was one thought, but no, I'll leave it with you :-)
Melly, this image is a 3D render and not a fractal. The Vue software allows you to place objects into whatever base scene you create. One could actually place one plant at a time to your heart's content if you wanted.
Glad to hear you are catching up on the story. I did the summary at your request so I'm happy to know you are listening. I hope the summary was clear enough to get you up to speed. Thanks for letting me know you listened. :-)
Sunshine, by all means let me know if any of the other songs are worth listening. iTunes will not let one buy this song by itself but only with the whole album, which makes me think they don't feel the rest of the songs measure up.
Karen--lol--going right has never been a problem for me. Me and Jack will keep that in mind. :-)
A, I see many things in this image. I see a higher power in the orb, I see desire in the leopard, I see the false hope of desire quenching our thirst in the leopard licking the shadow in thinking it's water, I see the otherworldly sky as the place of peace and love the higher power might inhabit, I see the reflection of the orb a sense of showing love is all and without love there is no orb, it simply reflects back what is. So that is what I see. Tell me what you see dream-maker.
Bus is loading Tubey. Bring your socks, perhaps a couple pair in case we wear out the first ones. :-D
Gosh, making me work tonight and I'm on the grog again, which doesn't make for clear thought :-)
I see the duplicity, the mirror image of the orb is interesting, upside down. It has a dreamscape feel to it. See the orb as some sort of protecter, captivating, encompassing. I imagine being inside that orb to sound like listening to a shell - echos of of something not quite real.
What meaning do I see, not entirely sure.
I see isolation, the duplicity as said. Struggle and power versus peace and weightlessness.
Different forms of beauty - nature still, nature in movement and with the fanciful element of the orb for those things that cannot be explained, yet holding all the elements within - as real as the rest.
Well aware, I am talking a load of cobblers - blame the wine.
I'll read this in the morning and laugh myself silly, which is always a good thing to do :-)
A, I've read your comment three times and I still can't make heads of tails of it.
Just kidding-- :-D
Thanks for the work. Check is in the mail.
Hope you are having a wonderful evening, x
On my way in a few to pick up C for the weekend.
Lovely :-)
love it!
Thanks Beanhead. :-)
Laughing myself silly, though mostly at the super-super-super-lightweight that I am. 3/4 glass of red wine over the course of two hours (ROTFLMAO!) and that's what you get :-D.
Happy Saturday, x
morning sweetie, hope you have a great Saturday (hugs)
C have a game today?
Trace, our game today in in the afternoon. I still need to post the pics from last weekend. Have a great weekend sweetie.
A, I thought your comments were very interesting. And red wine is good for you, so feel free to imbibe more often. :-)
Good luck C and the gang.
Re: the CD, that particular song is unsurpassed.
Oh the amazing, incredible artist that you are! I am in love with the 3D and cannot wait to see you develop through it. To be able to bring your heart to life in such a way will just be an overwhelming experience. I'm all a-flutter. :D
Love you to dear! Keep the beauty in our worlds.
Aggie, dear, you are too kind. Thank you for such wonderful words. Feel free to leave as many as you like. :-)
Thanks A. That's what I thought. I'm tempted to buy the album just to have that one song but I'm holding out for now.
Bulldogs are now 7-0!
morning sweetie
hope you have a great Sunday (hugs)
Thanks Trace. I'm playing furniture mover today. How are you doing sweetie?
I'm hangin in luv :0) best I can ask for right now LOL
Have fun with the moving thing, try not to hurt anything :0)
Love this stuff, Tree. Can't wait to see the images you make now.
Jack, work is as intense at this time of the year as it ever gets and my time is limited but I too can't wait to sit down and really learn how this program works and what can be done. Stay tuned. :-)
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