Monday, August 29, 2005

Katrina Photos from New Orleans

More than 100 photos from New Orleans. There is just something about still photos that brings the drama home in a way video does not.

Latest Katrina Photos from WWL

As of 11pm ET, Associated Press reporting 55 deaths. This number is expected to rise dramatically with daylight tomorrow. Very sad and tragic news indeed. Thoughts and prayers.

As many as 500 still trapped on roofs as darkness set in. May God be with them tonight. Emergency crews attempt rescue again at first light. Reports say the water rose so fast, many who stayed were literally trapped in their homes.


Anonymous said...

We are in her path as of now... while we won't be in harms way near as much as those folks South in MS and LA - stay safe! Devastating...

Trée said...

Been watching the weather. When I first heard earlier today they were closing the schools I felt an over-reaction. As the news comes in on the tragedy, I'm glad they did, for safely and for mourning.

Puremood, you stay safe too. Stay home if you can and do not drive through any standing water on the road. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Its going to take a long time to recover. Please, everyone, if there is a warning in your area, HEED IT! Seek Higher ground, seek shelter, MOVE if you need to... Just DO what your asked to do! It may save your life and THAT is what matters.

In the last 12 months I've been thru 3 hurricanes and a direct lightning strike.

Anonymous said...

I've been offline, so am just catching up on the last couple of posts.
Glad to hear your family are safe and well, Trée.
j_snow, thanks for sharing all the insider info - the funny and the tragic equally.

Anonymous said...

The photos really do carry more impact.
I was speaking to my mother last night. Her words are my words. She said, "This just makes my heart hurt for those people."

It is a devastating thing to have water remove all of the memories from your home. My grandmother lost her house that way. You never fully recover from it. I haven't yet and it's been 10 yrs.

J_Snow, thanks for your wise words and your wonderful sense of humor. Maybe you should move inland? There's a spot for you in Dallas with no hurricanes. Please understand if I don't stand next to you though. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is all so awful and heart breaking. My heart and prayers go out to all of them, and hope that the strom dies down before losing any more lives.