Monday, June 14, 2010

outside my window

Outside my window, just beyond the computer screen, sits a beautiful house with a beautiful young family. A mom, a dad and a small child. I spend a lot of time on my computer. Always my screen framed by that house, by their comings and goings, this young family and their beautiful house. And this is where I just can't type anymore.


They just came out. Shorts and baseball caps. Mom loading the little boy in his car seat. The dad wearing flip-flops. I watch him lock the house door. And then the car backing out. The three of them. Where are they going? Did they plan it? Were there discussions? And I wonder if they know of their day as I know of it? I wonder if they are able to live this life in awareness? Funny the worlds we create, each a separate universe of our own heaven or hell. Each unique to the interior of our psyche.

I see them in sun, like today, and rain, like yesterday. Always from the front door to the car. The little boy must be two, maybe three years old. Hair shorn, a little man living his little life and although we see the same sky, I couldn't feel more apart, his reality and mine.


Woman in a Window said...

hey tree. seeing where you are, how you are, what you see. it is all rather a lot, you know, even those three.

will read on...


Trée said...

Oh Erin, I cannot say how nice it is to see you stopping by. On my birthday no less. So open those arms and kiss me like you've missed me. Mwah! :-)

Mona said...

Wish you Many Happy Returns of the Day Tree!


Trée said...

Thanks Mona! Hugs to you too! :-)

John Guzlowski said...

But you're not apart. You are aware of his reality in ways that he's not aware of his own reality. You and him might as well be Siamese twins, except for the fact that he's not aware of you and your reality at all.

Trée said...

John, what a wonderful way to see this post. You've given me much food for thought. Thank you.

Roxana said...

i understand what John says but then i am asking myself: isn't this exactly the reason why it aches so much, the fact that he is totally apart, worlds away from this other life which will always remain _other_, unknown - and yet so impossibly close, as twins?

a happy birthday kiss for you, Tree, though a bit late, but you don't mind, do you?

(wonderful writing, as always - and as always you make me long for my camera and wish i could be there and look at the world through your eyes)

Trée said...

Roxana, we come into this world alone and we leave it alone and there are days I feel like we live it alone too. The sky is the same sky we all see, but how we see it, at times, seems to be so different as to make one wonder how any communication works. I'm just a few weeks from a legalized divorce from a sixteen year marriage. Live in the same house, under the same circumstances, yet, the view couldn't have been more different. Then again, I suppose, both views are just that, views and if we were to add a third party we'd have a third view and so on and so forth. I think this is why "love" is so rare and so valued. In love, whether illusion or reality or somewhere in between could be argued, but in love, there is a sense of a shared reality, the great "oneness" which is such a part of eastern philosophy. Outside of love, everything is this and that, just a bunch of objects bouncing into each other, forever conflict, forever a different view.

Bring your camera over here. I'll show you what I see, we'll talk it over tea or coffee and then I'll take that belated kiss and maybe a few more to make up for the belatedness. :-D

ghrency said...

Outside the window..there's a lot you can see ..

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