Tuesday, June 01, 2010

771. natural ease

You guys sit an awful lot, but I see no talking, sometimes no touching. What the hellocks is that? asked Rog.

Not sure how to explain it, said Trev. In a word, breathing. We sit with the natural ease of breathing.

Breathing? You two just sit and breathe? Is that it?

Trev sighed. Yes and no. When we are together, when we sit side by side, it just is, it just happens, and it is like the breath, the very essence of life and there is no need, no desire, and certainly no thought of adding anything to what is already complete.

You know what I think. I think you're full of bullshite.

Trev smiled. I wasn't finished.

Well, by all means, continue.

Ease such there is no need to tell of it, to profane it with translation.


So what did Trev say, asked Yul.

Nothing, replied Rog.

So all that talking I saw was nothing?



Nothing but gibberish. I think the boy is on drugs.

Yul says something under her breath.

What did you say?

I said I'd like to be on that drug.

Rog just stared. Yul stared back. Dinner was quiet, but not nearly as quiet as the night.


Ms Storm said...

One could rephrase
for to know it
is to know
the absence

I ache for Yul, for what she feels, what she misses, yet I ache more for Rog, the Rog that returned to Yul after she had told him her the truth about how she came to be on Bravo, his ears, his arms, his love, the Rog of whom she asked questions and found that with him there was no pretense, no thought, a simple being with her. Don't mind me, if I become too sentimental or biased for I have a particular affection for Rog, have had since the first time I heard him speak, the first time I saw his -esque smile. I think, Rog has past and hopefully future surprised Yul more than once and perhaps Yul may realize that theirs is a relationship that has the potential to grow towards what Em and Trev have naturally, were it not for shields.
:-D I just don't think I can bear to see Rog at a loss.
Natural ease fits the writing also, excellent as always, I disappeared within and loved every moment.

Trée said...

Seems that no matter how hard Rog tries there is some part of Yul that simply can't fully open to him; or if it does open, he wakes to find the door he entered closed again in the morn and sometimes with lock! :-D I think Rog is the one that has my sympathy. :-D