Friday, January 08, 2010

Day: 57

day fifty-seven:

emotional/mental state feels better than in months--attitude is solid--outlook realistic--although the meds feel transparent and side-effects are all but gone, there is no doubt that cognition and perception is/has changed/altered under the influence of these psychoactive elements--I am, in a very literal sense, On Drugs--as such, my decision making process is different--I do things now I was adamantly opposed to premed--good or bad is another question for another time but the fact remains, the meds have changed how I interact with facts/data/input and other people--these changes have been beneficial but there is also a sadness, as one feels with a death, when something that was, is gone--I am not as I was--nor am I self-aware enough to know exactly how, to the level of detail I would like--like shedding a skin but still blind--you know it feels different and you know it is different but you can't quite see it clearly yet--it is as if I do not know myself

emotions blunted at the high and low end--although I can't remember feeling the high in a long, long time so it might be better to say the emotional range on the bottom end is missing, blunted, removed, numbed, dulled--just gone--I miss feeling at my former depth--as painful as the pain was, I miss it--numbed or dulled is perhaps inaccurate--there is no sense or feeling of being medicated as there was in the first four weeks--I know the absence only by contrast with what was before and it just feels missing as opposed to masked

libido stronger than ever--sexual function fully returned--although ejaculation remains slightly more difficult, sensation is as it was and orgasms are as they were--and for the record, dosage, 100mg of Setraline a day, has not been altered or changed in any way--one thing is clear--I will never take sexual function for granted again and the ability to have an orgasm seems more magical and mysterious than it ever did before


Trée said...

So much for the self-imposed termination of the journaling.

Leslie Morgan said...

But those of us who come here WANT to hear whatever it is you were compelled to say. Taking sexual pleasure for granted is really bad juju, Tree!

My observation is that you're "settling". Not settling "for", meaning accepting less life. Settling "in" to your next phase of life.

Your new icon for yourself says "strength" to me. I like where you seem to be right now.

Oh, boy. Here I go. WV - sacrodes. Sexual pleasure is one of the sacrodes gifts given to us. Appreciate it.

Trée said...

Les, you are making me blush now. ;-)

Leslie Morgan said...


This is terrible ~ I'm over-the-top OC about the damned WV thing. "sopeadle" I'm sopeadle you're coming out into the sunshine again.

Lady of the Lakes said...

For some reason this post leaves me with a lack of words. I keep coming back wanting to post a comment, but am unsure as to what I want to say. Haha, imagine that, me speechless. :-) I'm so happy to hear that you're attitude is more positive. However, the numbness...this leaves me ??? The questions also make me turn to myself. I understand the numbness that you speak. I also understand the longing for pain. Sometimes, if one can't feel/find pleasure, than to feel, to feel anything is better than nothing. This can become a viscious cycle. Any yet...I sometimes wonder if the seeking of pain is some kind of self imposed punishment.

Still not happy with what I've said, but I've come back to it too many times and can't seem to make revisions that make me happy. So here it is...

Thoughts and Prayers continue to go out to you, along with TIGHT HUGS and lotsa love... ;-)



Autumn said...

Poppet, although the frequency and thoroughness of comments demonstates something other, I have followed your postings, your progress, your thoughts intently. I have loved and learned. You have, as you always do, etched pieces of your soul onto the page, etching in turn feeling and admiration in those that visit with you. I know what it means to be drowning in that muddy pool, and to think of you in such a place, you, one of those in this world that I hold most dear, there really just are not words to express the joy and relief that has grown from your Day posts along the way.
May each day continue to show you something better than the one that went before.

Liane said...

I am here for that hug.. .ready?? ;-) and congrats to the sexual experience and emotions.. glad you have that again.. i could have said much more to what you wrote before that, but.. you know.. well, i got stuck on that so here, another HUG for you... may we sit for a while?

Autumn said...

Sending love, sending hugs.

Trée said...

Autumn, Liane and LoTL,

Thanks for the visits, hugs and love. Much appreciated. :-)

SaffronSaris said...

Hi Tree, i know it's already the 2nd half of January, but here's a belated happy new year to you!

Been busy with stuffs here and there, i hvn't had time to post. sigh.

hope's all well with you?

Autumn said...

Sweet dreams, dear heart, when you get that far.

Trée said...

Thank you Sweetest one. The whole gang misses you.

Trée said...

I think they miss me too. :-D

Autumn said...

Speaking of the gang, I found the Gangsta Poppy sketch yesterday, do you remember that? :-D Made me grin ear to ear to see, especially for that fact that I actually showed it to you, earring 'n' all. Miss you, hope you are doing well.
Haven't worked the archives as yet (no words forthcoming), but I have had coffee on the pot. :-) Love and hugs, x

Liane said...

I've come by to see how you are doing. Since there hasn't been an update, I sure hope all is well. missing you around.. just sayin'. huge virtual hug, as always

Trée said...

Liane, thanks for stopping by. Things are not going so well. I've been trying to post an update for days or weeks now and just haven't been able to do it. Perhaps soon. Thanks for the hugs.

Autumn said...

Hope things take a turn for the better asap. Thinking of you always.
Sending love, sending hugs, x

Lady of the Lakes said...

Even though your not posting my thoughts and prayers remain with you.

Tight Hugs...Love and kisses and whatever else it is that you need.

