+Recusant to the last,+ responded Taren, unnerved as always in the presence of the voice, his mind tingling like a tooth ache from the telepathic waves of mirth as if ice water lapped at the very shore of his raw throbbing skull.
+Status update on the girl. Where are we?+
+Dr. X is inside her mind as we speak. First breakthrough was easier than anticipated. We should know more within the hour.+
+Good. And Calfuray? How is my dear sweet child?+
+Convalescing, although we are not sure how long she will remain in shock. The doctors seem to think her catatonic state is a mental reaction to defeat as much as any physical infliction. Prognosis is for full recovery, although her albugineous flesh, especially around the eyes, is causing some concern.+
+First time for everything Taren. Nothing lasts forever. As my father often said, better enjoy the fete now, for the suns of Tyrus rise faster than the backside of golden goblets toasted to marital bliss on a cold winter night. What he knew of that, well . . . , another subject for another urn. Have the Tearacs been released?+
+Bring the slate over here. Where my violaceous darling has failed my sleek beasties will feast. Been awhile since I’ve allowed them to run free. How are our two friends progressing? I do so admire their ingenuity.+

Von stared into the oscillating beams blocking their path. “Mmm . . .”
“Care to translate that for me? asked Kyra. Before he could answer they both turned in unison to a rising murmur carried on the wind like cool air preceding a storm.
Categories: Story, The Voice, Taren, Von, Kyra
As always, you manage to transport us somewhere beyond...wonderful stuff!
Alex, I am so pleased you are along for the ride. Drinks on me. What will you be having? :-)
My humble thanks--always much appreciated.
Just like a movie, where there is all sorts of action going on and the scenes are flipping from one to the other within the same timeframe to give us a larger picture of what is going on with each individual character. This is a fabulous little scene tying what went before to what will come ahead. Chill factor executed perfectly, and leaving us at the very edge of our seats once again, for Mairi, for Von and Kyra, even for Calfuray - and for just what exactly 'The Voice' may be capable of. Excellent chapter. I'm not surprised. Anyone else? ;)
Hope you've been having yourself a good day thus far. Guess which movie I saw today? :-)
Fearless? Please say Fearless. :-D
Oh Sunshine, I think I'm going to start printing your comments like good press clipping to save for my album to read over and over again. You've elevated the comment to an artform. :-)
Yes, I went to see Fearless, how could I not after your rave review and subsequent comments. Thoroughly enjoyed watching it, did get a little scared in places (am a real wuss:) and well, there are as you know a few scenes that are worth a few tears - in short, something of everything, how could one not love that! Thanks, I might not have watched it otherwise and certainly not today, so thanks for part of my today. :-)
And . . .?????
Did you see her????
Poppet is on the edge of his seat. What did you think?
I didn't know you were into the martial arts...?
Terry, I'm a huge Bruce Lee fan and recently, after reading several interviews of the man and very much liking what I read, I've warmed up to Jet Li. Fearless, IMHO, is his best work and the story, as Sunshine said, has just a little of everything. I've never seen him more comfortable on the screen or in a role he seemed to enjoy more. That this is his last action film only adds to the stew. Does that answer your question? :-D
Oh, and Sunshine, did you know her name is Betty Sun. I'm not kidding. :-)
I did. :-) And so sweet you are. :-) Such an wonderful and adorable character. :-)
All smiles tonight. :-D lol
Really? :-D I didn't know. Liked her name in the movie too.
I watched those other movies - crouching tiger, etc. My daughter Becky was into Kung Fu quite deeply before her terrible car accident 3 years ago (crushed pelvis, skull fracture etc.) She had to stop with the sparring - she lost her edge. But she loved it and was so good. Those movies are a bit different than the average bear... interesting though.
Terry!! You've gone and done it now - you've brought back the foo to my head after I had successfully kept it at bay for the longest time.
Man alive! :-D
those cats were fast as lightning... LOL
In fact it was a little bit frightning
No point in denying the foo, I know that by now. Besides, if you're gonna foo, you may as well foo to the max.
Watch out!
(Flying kick) :-D
boot to the head
Blue belt Tae Kwon-do btw and I really do do a mean flying kick - did you just learn something new about me? :-D
I bet you looked cute in your little white robe...
Used to love Bruce Lee films when I was younger especially, think I have seen them all at one point or another. Still get that same feeling too, whenever I watch one now - that I just want to go kick some (imaginary) ass! :-)
Terry, dem bosses treating you right today, otherwise I'm available. :-D
Drawstring pants and wrap jacket actually :-) Cute I don't know about, especially in some of those positions they would put us in, very important to be able to stretch in every which way - man alive! Few years now since I stopped, maybe I'll take it up again when I get to England, good for keep fit too.
Thanks A - today is a nice mellow day (where the bosses are concerned). I might have to go home to get ice though - want to walk on my back for me?
That chapter left me breathless with anticipation. Your words are like a drug that pleases, tantalises and entrances, always leaving the "user" begging for more.
Can we have some more? Now? Please?
Oh Jenni, that might just be the nicest comment you've ever left for me. One never knows, I might possibly find some inspiration to find out just what Dr Goldenhair Surprise has been doing all this time with Mairi. I did leave her in a rather exposed position. :-D
I've been itching to do a sketch of Von too; and then, I wouldn't mind checking in on Rog just to make sure he is okay. Oh, and Johnny Disco should be embarking for the sector soon after that incredible night with Caitlin.
As always, the next image will tell me where to go, which could always be back to Papa too. Stay tuned.
Boy, I have to figure out what these Tearacs are like too. A rising murmur riding the wind in the darkest of dark before the dawn. I wonder how many there are? :-)
Sunshine, aka Betty Sun, I never knew. Well, you asked for it:
There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung
He said here comes the big boss, lets get it on
We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand
The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip
And all day long I've been singing Johnny Kidd's Shakin' all over, has been well and truly replaced. :-)
Terry, sorry to hear your back is still bothering you - that good night's sleep remedy we were hoping on just wasn't up to it. What you need is the bear, or some other bear-like being. Hands linked behind your neck, elbows straight ahead and have them lift you from behind (their hands on your elbows) and clear off the ground. Wouldn't know what the chiropractors would make of it..hmmm.., but I've seen it work wonders so many times.
Failing that, sure. :-)
cool - take the shoesies off and get ready to do the backwalk. :-D
Feel better, x
This fractal is really beautiful, it's almost like some royal jewellery you find in the Hermitage. I'd gladly bring this design to a jeweller if I have the money to do so.
As always, another beautiful fractal from Tree.
Thank you Saffy. I think the most beautiful things often are also the most dangerous. Such are these Tearacs. :-D
Tre have u thought of making a book out of ur story? I heard Amazon r buying short-stories from blogs for publishing.
Keshi, I write best when I don't take myself too seriously and just have fun. The thought has crossed my mind, but I sincerely feel I'm not there yet in my skillset. I will admit I'm getting better, but I still have a ways to go. Your encouragement warms my heart and inspires me to keep working and keep improving and for that I send to you my sincerest thanks.
Hello there sweet man. I do hope you're well. So sorry for my absence. I've been fine, just crazy busy. (or just crazy lol)
Your fracs are incredible still. I need to get back to it soon. I've fallen behind badly. I particularly love http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/6187/1261/1600/dart4-23.jpg . I can't even imagine how you created that amazing picture. In-f**king-credible...as always!!!
Although I miss you terribly, I always know where to find you. You're in the night sky, shining glorious, hopeful thoughts into my world and into my heart.
Blessings and love to you dear.
(oh, and Free Hugs too! That video brought tears of joy to my eyes. Shouldn't we all have that sign? Let's sell T-Shirts. Heck, let's give 'em away!)
Oh Aggie, is it xmas? To see you visiting makes me want to . . . well, better leave that for later, with the boots and all. :-D
As for that image, I did it using Xenodream, a program I don't use much but really should since it produces images so very different than Apophysis.
10pm my dear, will always be just for you. So what if 9 and 11 were already taken. Just teasing my love. :-D
Oh, have I told you lately how stunning you look in those boots? :-)
Ready to go with that sign and those hugs but I do believe we should put in some serious practice time just to make sure we have our hugs coordinated. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so make sure you set aside plenty of time. :-)
Oh my goodness. The sleek beasties!
Before I even got to the sleek beasties, this was my favourite piece so far. Others have been more beautiful, have painted scenes so vivid and so lovely I could have floated right away. But when it comes down to it I am a character fiend and I love, love the powerful ones, good and bad.
The voice makes me wiggle like little dog does when he gets excited.
See Bean, you have already had an influence on the story. :-D
I've noted your preference and will be sure not to neglect one for the other. Balance, the middle way grasshopper is the way of equinimity--one of my favorite concepts. :-)
As always, your kind words are very much appreciated.
Now, as for that wiggle, I suggest a private session. Just to make sure you are doin' the shakin like it should be shook. :-D
A beautiful jewel!
S, ice cold is the only way I serve beer. Today, we have Fosters' in the oil can, which is really the only way to enjoy the full richness of a Fosters. The bottled version is simply a completely different tasting beer. :-)
Chicky, yes you are. :-)
Climbed a mountain (of boxes:) to come wish you good morning. Good morning & happy Wednesday. :-), x
Afternoon Betty. Hope you are dressed for the occasion. You don't want any loose clothing when mountain climbing, so form-fitting is good. Light-weight material is best too. Oh, and a bead or two of sweat would be a nice touch. :-)
Check. Check. And check. :-)
Love to the gang.
S, after working in the UK for six years, I swore I would never drink another beer--import or otherwise--in the US. There are a few I tolerate. Foster's in the large oil can is at the top of my list. For whatever reason, the bottled version does not taste nearly as good. You would think just the opposite would be the case.
The bear showed me recently how to drink a Guinness - it was so fun! Did you know there is a ball inside the can? It made me clap my hands in delight!
Terry, that ball is called a "widget" and was patented by Boddington's, another very fine rich creamy beer with a marvelous head, which can be purchased in the states. The idea behind the ball or widget is to give a "head" to canned beer. My experience with both canned Guinness and canned Boddington's is that it works as advertised.
Did you ever find the Tsing Tao beer?
Nope. The whole gang has been out loooooooking too. Might need to head to a wholesaler in Nashville.
Hey good lookin' - how's your day cookin'? :-D
Just picked up a collection of short stories by Wolfe--couldn't resist. I love the short story format and from the cover it looks like several of these are ghost stories, which really excites me.
Just made some fresh coffee. Can I get you a cup?
She needs another tall one :-D
coffee much later.
Okay, twist my arm. Bar is open! Besides, tonight is the season premier of Ghost Hunters and I believe we are going to have a small quaint gathering to introduce the the margarita mosheen and mark the occasion. :-D
Jose is welcome to come.
I remember you talking about this show a while back. Excited for you, new season and all. :-)
At the time, you also were about to go on your second expedition - have you been again since?
As for the bar, I'm about done, one beer and one quart glass of red wine and that's me well done ;-), in other words I've been doing the mambo all over the house, in the shower, in the kitchen.. you get the picture.
Coffee sounds good. Thank you, yes, I'll take a cup. :-)
Not sure they ever did a second visit. Supposingly, although I never hard the recordings taken, there is a voice that says "Don't sign" when I was asked to sign the non-release form. That sound you just heard was me rolling my eyes. :-D
Doing the Mambo??? Were you listening to me play my steel drum? That is so funny - you have me cracking up! Awe come on, don't you want to share Jose with me?
Come with me to Somerset one day, there's a castle there where two little girls reside, it'll make even the firmest non-believer doubt. :-)
Sweetest dreams, x
I was having the best time too. :-D
Is that lesson number 3, Terry? By summer, we can have that concert on the beach. Now which beach, I'll leave that up to you to decide. ;-)
Well, if it is on one of those secluded Floridian vacation spots Trace always finds, then so be it. But if it is on the fjord in eastern Iceland... better bring a coat. I'll be wearing my fingerless gloves... :-D Yes, lesson # 3 - I'm getting good!
Ah, your fractals always enhance the story. Superb!
Terry, you need to send me a tape. :-)
Morning poppet, x
Thank you Deb. :-)
Afternoon my little mountain climber in lightweight tight accoutretments. How goes the Sirius in my sky?
Fruitcake. :-D!
Only if you are serving italian coffee in off-white cups with a slight lip. :-)
And how are you on this one and only glorious Thursday October 12th 2006?
That's something to be. Always better to be something than nothing. :-)
Love and hugs, Poppy boy, hope the rest of the day treats you well, x
Reflective isn't always serious... hope it isn't.
I would call this a neutral reflective, neither good nor bad, just reflectively reflective. :-)
Neue Tinte: new color?
New Ink--looked better than Nasser, which was "wet"
Now that all depends upon your reflections...
Hey how are you? i saw you over at George cosmos and thought I'd come over and say hi ((((Hugs))) somewhere down the line i lost touch, its good to see you again.
Kathy, I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. Always good to see an old friend drop by. :-)
thats great. I know wut u mean tho...cos Im at my best when Im not competing for anything.
Good luck anyways!
Thanks Keshi. I knew you would understand. :-)
Sweet dreams, x
Almost there. I need to stop reading ghost stories right before bed. :-D
I'll come check under the bed for the boogey man, if it'll help.
See you in the morn, x
Forget underneath. You need to come snuggle on top of the bed. I think that would help a lot. :-D
A happy day to you, my lovely, x
And to you too my dear Betty Sun. :-)
You're too kind, Tree :). I was referring to your creative talents.
Oh Chicky, I think you are the one with the talent. I just post alot and hope something is worth reading. Your blog is like a goldmine and your writing is very, very good and I never fail to feel like I take more than I give on your site.
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