Rog paced back and forth. Half of Kieran’s sheets were now dark red with Kyra’s blood. Kyra’s trembling no longer looked concentrated and controlled but rather odd, rather unnatural. Then a tear. Not a normal tear but a red tear. He felt his heart rise into this throat. Did she really know what she was saying when she asked him not to interfere? Should he, could he just stand by and watch her throw her life away?
Hey sweetie. You out there?
Short. Big. :-)
The frac is amazing!
I'm here Aggie.
Thanks Sunshine. :-)
Hi hon. I'm 250 miles from the home PC and I'm trying to figure out where the version of Apophysis. The one you and I have been using. It's not on the Apop web site.
What version do you have?
(and I'm glad you're there. :) )
I'm using version 2.03c, which I believe has to sit on top of the official 2.02 version to work. I could be wrong on that. Version 2.04 is in the works and I hear it is a very interesting upgrade. How may I be of help this afternoon?
Sounds like it is all piecing itself together and will come out when good and ready!
Have a great rest of the day, x
Aggie,is this where you are looking: Apophysis
Do you remember where to get v2.03?
I searched the comments from your Oct/Nov 05 posts. I know it's in there somewhere but I can't find it.
I'm going to go google with my fingers crossed in the meantime. :D
Aggie, once you download 2.02 from the official site, you can then go here: 2.03c to download the latest version.
Thanks Sunshine. I did a fractal this morning that looks like the back of Emy or Yul's head, at least the hair. These girls are using some interesting colors in their hair. I'm tempted to post the frac just for the fun of it. They could be trend setters. :-D
Got it hon. Thanks a million.
I'm setting up the new laptop. Soon I can rejoin the blogosphere with overwhelming enthusiasm. hee hee
Hugs to you and Autum. Y'all have a good day.
Glad you made it to Houston in one piece. Do I take your comment to mean you have a new lappy?
Great little post and graphic. Did you make it using Tierazon??
I did Jenni. The details on the image are described on the first part of the commentary. Thanks for the kind words. I've started the conversation between Kyra and Kieran. If the words will continue to flow we might see another post later today or tonight. But I won't force it so no promises. I never know when several pages will just flow and when all of a sudden there is an impass.
Rog is such a good example at this point, from his first conversation with Kyra in her quarters when she first told him that the animus virus was on board, how he jested, how he understood, how he moved when needed, as the capable and confident pilot, asking Em about her father, with Yul in her quarters, knocking out Trev, questioning and asking the question of whether Trev was indeed correct, a face so expressive he need not talk, trusting though he has doubts, deciding upon faith and allowing for incomprehension and keeping his promise, it's small wonder he was quickly loved. The quaidesque smile not mentioned yet just sealed it into forever. ;-)
October 23rd 2007, so much has happened in those intervening 18 months but the magic was there, as it is now, as it has been throughout, created in that very first chapter. One fractal like a key unlocked it's flow and it's been flowing ever since. That day, this day, the story is magic, real magic. A flow of love, within the story, for the story, because of the story. It's a beautiful thing.
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