“Whatcha got Trev? What’s abnormal?” asked Em, chest heaving and eyes wide.
“Well, I’m not versed on how to interpret this data plane, but it looks like we have multiple craft approaching at rapid velocity from contrary directions. All appear to be on a direct vector—.“ Blinding white light filled the bridge. “Em, are you there? Em, I can’t see! Em?”
“Tom, status report?”
“Five of the six patrol craft destroyed.”
“And the sixth?”
“Returning to base.”
“Jam all channels. Full pursuit. I do not want that vessel returning to the planet.”
“Taren, doesn’t seem to be our day. Notify Dr. X. Change of plans. He’ll know what I mean,” said the voice.
“And the Tearacs?”
“Can’t take them with us. Let them feast. And Taren?”
“I appreciate your loyalty.”
“Bravo-Four-Zero, this is Kulmyk command. Prepare to be boarded. We mean you no harm. Do not resist.”
“Tom,” said John, shaking his head.
“What? I mean every word,” said Tom. “I do, really.”
“Hellocks,” said Yul. “We’ve heard that before. Em, do you know where Von left the cache?”
“Yep, follow me. Trev, delay that boarding party.”
“Alright, alright.”
“And you wonder when they're gonna drop.” said Yul.
“Come again?”
“The boys. You know. Em, come on,” Yul replied as she grabbed her crotch.
“Oh, yeah, right, the boys.”
“Tom, you ready?”
“Yes sir.”
“At your command. Oh and Tom, we want to make a good impression this time. Weapons on quill. Understood.”
“Absolutely John.”
“Yeah, I mean it this time Tom.”
“Got it. You know me.”
John smiled. “Yes, Tom, I do.”
Foggy condensation filled the bay. A central dark grey blockish shape appeared haloed with bright white light. A high pitch whine wound down punctuated with two loud blasts.
“Don’t hold back Em, unless you want to end up like Mairi.” Yul braced her feet against the cold metal bulkhead, dual las canon firmly seated on her right shoulder. Taking aim on the right portal she squeezed off three more bolts in rapid succession. “That’s for Rog you bastards.”
“T-o-m,” said John, lowering his chin, eyes rolling up.
“Damn it John, we are under fire.”
“Big picture Tom and wipe that grin off your face. Besides, do you really want the blood of two unknown females with minimal weapons on your hands? How would I explain that to command? Weapons to quill. That’s an order. Now open the hatch and put that cannon down. Geessh.”
“Trev, seal off the bay,” commed Yul.
“No frailing buts, do it, now! Em, take aim on the left side. Em? Frail, where did you go?
Categories: Story, John Discovery, Yul, Emy, Trev, The Voice, Taren
Just a little bit fuzzy for me to follow this one, but then, I'm no neo Trekki either. The war mentality just sort of bumbles me up. Good writing though :-D
Waited around for the Parmaritas ...
Terry, this is the second chapter I've done where the action jumps around to and fro from one scene to another. I'm not sold on this technique and I can understand being a bit fuzzy.
As for the Pamaritas, hell woman, I waited for five hours so you left me with no choice. I drank them all. :-D
Good chapter, it was a little bouncy but I hung on.
I hope you and Jack have a great weekend! *HUGS*
By the way, this image can only we appreciated by clicking on it and viewing the larger version.
Good ole Yul, with her around things could only be much better than they would otherwise have been. :-)
Like this flicking style very much, keeping us on our toes. Excellent.
Wish I had more time. :-)
Happy Saturday, sweet pea, x
Afternoon my dearest Sunshine. Hope and trust your travels have been uneventful. Missing you terribly. I think you will like the commentary on the post below. I have to warn you, it is seventeen minutes and some change long--my longest to date, but the post demanded it, since, in my mind, it is the deepest foray into a character so far out of almost 190 chapters. Did I say how much I was missing you yet? :-)
Yul is a keeper. As always, thanks for the very kind words Sweetest one. :-)
Oh my (pout, stamping feet, wanting to cry;), wish I had opportunity to listen today - gotta get off now - will do asap, hopefully tomorrow. Very much looking forward to it, 17 minutes, what a treat. :-)
Missing you like you wouldn't believe!
Have a wonderful Saturday/weekend, xo
Sweetest, you will really like the commentary. I think you will hear the love I have for this story in my voice. Eighteen minutes of unrehearsed love spilled all over Em.
By the way, you always know just what to say to make me smile.
Sweet Pea and The Gang
Wow! This is like an eye staring right at you.
Chicky, I hadn't thought of it as an eye. I need to go back and look again.
I can tell this is really great writing. I just wish I could have followed this. Here's a great big hug for you anyway, you sweet sweetie pie~~~
Oh my dear Beautiful Soul, I'll take that hug and raise you two. :-)
As always, I do appreciate your kind and wonderful words.
I'm sorry, I'm confused. Why are John and Tom firing on Bravo 4 Zero?? I think I have literally lost the plot on this one. :(
The fractal is misty and ethereal, much like the chapter. I know you have this planned out in your head and that the next one will reveal the silver thread that ties together what everyone is worrying about -- the same they do in the movies when we're not sure what's happening for a while. :)
Thank you Y. :-)
Jenni, John and Tom have saved Bravo and it is Yul and Em that are firing upon them. Here is what is happening:
(1) John and his crew have arrived on location
(2) They immediately realize that the Arc'teryxians have launched a number of attack craft that are heading directly toward Bravo with ill intent.
(3) The blinding white light that temporary blinds Trev on the bridge is the fire from John's vessels, who are on the opposite side of Bravo from the six attack craft (thus the fire passes right in front of Bravo's bridge), which destroys five of the six attack craft.
(4) John announcing they are boarding Bravo and intend no harm.
(5) Yul and Emy are confused as to who these guys are as is reference by Yul's shout that "this is for Rog" as she fires. Obviously she thinks the boarding party is Arc'teryian.
(6) Yul is the one that opens fire on the landing party.
(7) Tom is chomping at the bit to return fire, but is ordered and reminded more than once by John, that that is not why they are there, weapons on quill only, which is the same as stun mode.
(8) Call this chapter "the fog of war" since no one really knows what is going on; ie., John and Tom do not know who Bravo is (they call it the unknown craft) nor do they know what they are going to find when they get onboard. Likewise, Bravo has no idea what is happening from Trev and the data plane, to the blinding white light, to the boarding of their ship.
(9) The Voice, however, does seems to know exactly what is happening and exactly what he needs to do, which is get out of dodge so to speak.
So, that is where we are. John and his crew are about to open hatch and respond to Yul and Emy, on quill as the order stands. What exactly happens is for a future chapter.
Interesting that this chapter confused everyone with so much fast paced action, when the chapter below (Seasons) should have. In fact, on Seasons I left 18 minutes of audio to explain that the letter was not what it appeared to be. I was certain that chapter would be the one to get this type of response. It is the deepest and most meaningful one I've written to date.
As always, thanks for reading Jenni and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Liz, I have to smile because you are right. As confusing as this chapter has been to most, the action is crystal clear in my mind and I hope with the explanation to Jenni above is clearer to everyone else what is happening. The nature of this style of prose--almost all dialogue and very little explanation, which jumps from place to place in rapid order, simulates the confusion onboard the ship but has the ill side-effect of also confusing those reading the story. :-D
Always good to see you stopping by my friend. :-)
Thanks for the explanation! All is now clear again. I am bad in that I don't listen to the audio. Am too impatient and prefer to read the text rather than listen to the commentary (even though you have a cool voice). Weird I know.
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