“You read the note.”
“Well what?”
“Did you know?”
“Rog, there was much in that note. Can you be a little more specific?”
“Come on Kyra, I lost my humor on the stone cold floor and search as I might, I can’t frailing find it! Did you know she was not supposed to be on Bravo?”
“Not at first.”
“So you knew. At some point you knew.”
“Yes Rog. What’s your point?”
“My point? What’s my point? Are you shiotting me. My point. I’ll tell you my point. Here it is. When were you going to tell me?”
“I wasn’t.”
“Ooooh, is that right. Well that’s just frailing great. If you weren’t . . .
“Weren’t what?” Go ahead, finish your sentence. You got something to say, then drop some frailing gonads and say it.”
“Okay, okay. You want to hear what’s on my mind. Well, I’m sick and tired of your holier than thou attitude about this ship and everyone on it. I don’t give a runt who your frailing grandfather was, the truth is not your toy to play with as you choose. You had no right to withhold that information from me. How the frail do you think I feel right now, knowing every step of the way you knew. You knew, and you said nothing. Nothing Kyra.”
“Rog, let me ask you a question. Would—“
“I don’t want to hear no Zing Tao pampus shiott. Geeesh, do you have any idea how sick and tired everyone is, and I mean damn frailing drag my hide home tired sick, of hearing about Papa this and Papa that. And just look , where has all that Zing Tao crap gotten us. Uhmm, where Kyra?”
“You ungrateful little shiott. If I recall, your sniveling pathetic little scene in the bathroom wasn’t gonna bring Yul back now was it? Answer me. Was it Rog? Was it gonna bring Yul back?”
“That’s a cheap shot and you know it.”
“Oh, I see. You can dish it out but you can’t take it. Get back to me when you grow some.”
“Kyra, that’s not what I meant.”
“Is that an apology? Well, I’m all ears.”
“Look, the point is, you had no right to withhold that information from the rest of the crew.”
“The crew? Or you? Which is it? Forget that. What difference would it have made if I had?”
“That’s not the point.”
“Well, what exactly is the point then?”
“That you should have told me. If I’m going to follow your lead, I’ve got to trust you. That’s the point.”
“I’m going to ignore that last comment. And I say again, if I had told you, what difference would it have made? Would you have thrown her out of your bed? Maybe left her on Neraj? Ostracized her from the rest of the crew? Exposed her to the Animus virus? Tell me Rog, what possible benefit would it have been to any one, including Yul, to have divulged information known only to me. And by the way, I only had a head start. The clues were there for anyone to reach the same conclusion I did.”
“I’m listening.”
“The only information I was privy to was the flight manifest. Standard background information, which is not always accurate—for a variety of reasons, both official or otherwise. The real clues were revealed in time, for those who had the eyes to see and the ears to hear. You were in love Rog, blissfully blind love, and the Yul you loved was as real as the hand in front of your face. She didn’t deceive you. Love never does.”
“I don’t see how can you say that. Everything she represented herself—“
“Shut up and sit down before you say something that is really gonna piss me off. Now look at me and open those big ears of yours because I’m only going to say this once. I didn’t bring Yul back. She came back for you.”
“What the—“
“She loves you Rog. Can’t you see that? She didn’t have to come back. She heard the beat of your heart and she made a choice. She chose love.”
“But how can I—“
“Rog, have you been completely honest with Yul on every personal detail of your life?
“If that is true, then you should thank Janus she still loves your sorry hide. If it’s not, well, tell me Rog, where is the line between you and her?”
“This is more Zing Tao crap isn’t it?”
“Yes, Rog, very high level top secret stuff. Don’t tell anyone.”
“What a pampus hide I am.”
“Yes, well said. Apology accepted. By the way, what is that smell?”
“Goat’s milk. You like?”
“Janus no. Dismissed. Now. Go.”
Categories: Story, Kyra, Rog, Yul
Excellent! Simply. :-)
Seems our little Yulie has a few secrets. :-D
So good to see you Sweetest. Your kind words are like gold in my eyes. Hope you are having a wonder filled weekend.
Don't we all. :-D
Thoroughly intriguing of course is that little tidbit, anticipating that we might here more hereof at some point, perhaps in that letter.
Thank you, sweetheart, hope you are too, xo :-)
We rented a van this morning and we're moving stuff from one garage to another and back again. Sometimes I think my stuff owns me. I moved so much in my younger days I developed a very strong distaste for moving "stuff." I don't mind moving "me" but its the stuff that kills me. Good thing I have the whole gang to help. :-D
Even the word 'Stuff' is just scary, scary as in how suddenly great mountains of it appear, seemingly out of nowhere, at least so it seems. Good luck, know you'll need it off the back of recent memories of moving my own stuff back and forth. :-)
Later, xo
Wow, I have some catching up to do. You have some great looking fractals there Trée. I really really like this one.
Thanks Deb. You've been missed. So nice to see you around again. :-)
Awww...thanks, I missed you too. I'm so glad to be back :)
I really enjoy this stuff! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Doctor Fong. You are welcome back anytime. :-)
I've missed this, I've missed you. There's so many beautiful things in here, even the painful things take on a precious beauty.
Here's heart hugs to you--and a few naughty kisses ;)
Crystals with undiscovered powers... magical!
Hey Sweet pea and the gang, missing you all terribly, but thankful for Internet cafes so that I might come here to see you at least sometimes. Hope you have an exceptionally wonderful week up ahead. Love and hugs to you, x
MAGNIFICENT! Crystalline! Breathtaking.
Hi sweetie. I'll keep this short because Blogger is rejecting me, and I simply cannot handle all this rejection. Hah!
Check me two blogs down.
Hugs and love.
Hugs and love and more hugs to you my dear sweet sexy blogger babe that I miss like the moon misses the stars. Have a great week Aggie and as always, thanks for those very kind words. :-)
Sunshine, likewise, the whole gang wishes you and M a great week. Take care. Fingers crossed for seven more days. :-)
Oh, thank you Chicky. I too think this one is magical, just like you. :-)
Morning my Beautiful Soul. Naughty kisses, mmmm, let me think . . . okay, sounds good to me. :-D
Thanks for your kind and sweet words Oliviah. I always worry about you when I don't see you around much. I do hope you are doing well and if I don't see you, have a Great Thanksgiving! Love and hug and kisses, naughty and not. :-)
Keshi, :-)
That's what I like to hear. :-D
Thanks Meg. I find this an interesting chapter from several points of view:
(1) I made the choice to write it in pure dialogue. I've debated whether to rewrite the dialogue with a more traditional narrative backdrop, and who knows, I might still do it, since although the scene and motivations are very clear in my mind, I'm sure the reader could use a little guidance. Still, I like leaving the dialogue alone, letting the chapter stand on just the exchange rather than my telling you what is happening.
(2) We learn Yul was not suppose to be on Bravo.
(3) Although Rog is upset in that he feels Yul deceived him and that Kyra withheld information, I think the most interesting question is what is happening with Kyra. That is, she seems to over-react to Rog's attack in a very unlike Kyra way, or so it seems from the conversation. So the question is, is her response calculated and controlled or is something more going on. I think the truth, like most things, lies somewhere in the middle.
(4) So, then, what is bugging Kyra? That, I think is the question in this chapter. Why did she come back so hard and personal on Rog?
(5) For clues, I would point to recent events both on the planet and in the bathroom. Also, I think Rog's response, many months ago, to what he witnessed in the iso ward with Kyra and Kieran (if you remember how he reacted with Yul in the days after) gives us some insight in what Kyra may or may not be experiencing. I will say this: her response is not educated by any one thing, but rather by several factors that together are pulling her strings.
Just my two cents. Good to see you Meg. How are those hips? :-D
Ohhh, why can't Rog just admit it?! Or am I totally off here?
Karen, not sure I follow you. What do you see Rog not wanting to admit?
Oh bother -my last comment didn't stick! Hmmm, I think I was commenting upon how odd and different it is to see dischord between our favorite heros. I still am reeling from your last post where Yul was seemingly beyond all hope - that chapter will linger with me for a long time.
Terry, there is a lot of stress on Bravo right now and this chapter only highlights it. Our two main characters are not connecting and right now their worlds are worlds apart.
Rog is feeling confused and insignificant. Confused at what was in the note and what he feels is a deception on the part of Yul and a withholding on the part of Kyra. Right or wrong, he doesn't feel he can trust either of the two women in his life. Both, in his mind, have been less than fully forth coming with him, and it really pisses him off that he feels he has bared all in both relationships. Rog is Rog so to speak and the fact the Yul has not been Yul and is still not anyone he feels he knows, and that Kyra is both, in his mind, secretive and operating from some pedestal--not to mention she always gets the best of him in these verbal debates, just grips his arse to no end.
He is feeling really insignificant for several reasons, but mainly because he knows Kyra was right. She saved Yul, not him. Left to himself, she would have died. So, he questions his worth, his value. That Kyra tried to tell him Yul came back for him--well, even though it is true, he feels she is just patronizing him and it just further fuels his distrust, which is why we see him throw the "T" word out there. I don't think Kyra, who is caught in her own world with her own issues, really understands where Rog is coming from with that charge. She summarily dismisses it as absurd, which from her view it is, but fails to take into consideration that from Rog's point of view, it is the hinge of all that he is feeling. He gets no satisfaction from her blowing him off and it only further alienates him from her and creates more distance in their relationship.
Kyra, on the other hand, is weary, tired, exhausted and, quite frankly, lonely. Going to that place to bring Yul back literally sucks the life out of her. She still doesn't fully understand it. She feels she failed on the mission to get Mairi and now another man, not Papa, has to step in and save the day, and that just isn't sitting well with her. On top of that, she has one crew member who just tried to commit suicide and another pissed at her to no end. And then, there is the issue with Kieran. There is no one onboard, not even Von, that she can talk to about these things. No one she can confide in, no one who can possibly understand. And now, Rog attacks her for the very things she never asked for, the very thing that has saved Yul. So she is feeling under siege and under appreciated. She is also in a similar boat as Emy in the chapter "Seasons." Kieran was her chance, and although he is around in spirit, she can never have the life with him she had dreamed.
These last two chapters have taken a lot out of me. I almost don't even want to come back to my own story. Never thought I would get to this point, and I know we will move past it, but my attempt to make my characters more real has only led me to want to leave them to their own lives and work out their own problems.
And a Happy Holidays to you too. :-D
when I meet u on the bridge u mean? :):)
Of course my dear southern angel. :-)
then I wouldnt say a word...I would just give u the biggest hug ever :) And then we can proceed with lunch LOL!
o Im such a big flirt :):)
Make sure you clear your schedule for the rest of the afternoon. :-)
Well, this only shows me that these characters are more meaningful than ever to you. It is perfectly okay to let them get out of their own lives... close that book for a while and let things progress in another time/place, out of range. What a novel (get it... novel) idea that you actually CAN let them go for a bit, unlike our own real-life situations :-) Perhaps it is just a good time for you to take a well deserved break from their rat race and breathe in, breathe out. Steady now :-)
Terry, if only it was so easy. Kyra has been whispering in my ear to spend more time with her. How could I say no? :-D
Expect the next chapter as soon as I can get blogger to post an image, which for some strange reason has been a challenge for me of late.
I wouldnt even know if its day or nite ;-)
True, because heaven on earth knows neither. :-D
Now brace yourself. The gates of pleasure lie before, or behind as the case may be, us. :-D
ooo lala yep :):)
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