"Time is an illusion of perspective," said Papa, his holographic image, white tunic and silver hair, glowing brightly from the inside of the folio. "I can only imagine how this last year must have flown by, whipped and driven by the inclement winds of uncertainty. And, I can only imagine how you have grown in the fertile soil of adversity. I miss you more than these words can convey and can only marvel at the leader you have become. With this journal, I officially pass the baton. You are a special one my dear. I feel privileged to have walked by your side on the beaches of Valla. All my love to you my dear sweetest one. Carry on." The image gently faded.
Through misty eyes Kyra closed the folio and ran her hands over the gem encrusted cover; the central gold and blue shell, the crown jewel from Papa’s own personal collection. Papa had handed her the folio on the dock, a gift locked for one year. She had trouble sleeping last night knowing today was the day—one year from that moment on the dock, from that last goodbye. The precious folio had served its sentence. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to find, which only made the anticipation all the more intense. That Papa had given her his personal journal, what amounted to his autobiography, was like the gift of a guiding star to one lost at sea.
“Dear Kyra, are you okay,” asked Goldie.
“Yes, yes,” answered Kyra, her smile like the sun shinning in the midst of a afternoon shower. “So good to see Papa again wasn’t it? Who would have thought.” Kyra stood and walked to her window. Standing before the massive pane she looked into the cosmos and clutched the folio tightly to her chest. “I love you too Papa. I do.”
Commentary: The Folio
Categories: Story, Kyra, Papa, The Folio, Goldie
This chapter marks the one-year anniversary of the story and the 200th post.
From the entire crew of Bravo-Four-Zero, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for following the story and leaving so many incredible and wonderful comments filled with love and encouragement. Without those comments, I do not believe this story would be here today. Love and Peace to all.
Love and peace right back at you, darling BBB!!
Happy Anniversary...
[and celebrations?!]
Wonder how many comprise the Bravo -Four-Zero crew?
And I thank the crew for the feast you offer here :)
a regular anon
Anon, the literal crew comprises eight (Kyra, Rog, Von, Yul, Emy, Trev, Mairi, Kieran). Your kind words are warmly accepted and appreciated--from the whole crew. :-)
As for celebrations, one of my readers actually sent me a package with party hats, a cake and chocolates. So, yes, we did have an actual celebration this morning. :-)
Hey BBB. {returns wave} :-)
Congrats on your 200th post and the anniversary of the story. It's been an honor to read it and share in your fulfillment of the story. It's excellent. Great audio post as well, such a sexy voice ;-)
*BIG HUGS* to you and Jack. I toast to both of you on this occasion.
Thanks Karen. Jack and I have throughly enjoyed having you along for the ride. We both appreicate the happiness and joy and mirth you bring. As for the voice, well, its the only one I've got so I'm glad you like it. :-)
If you haven't listened to the audio on Caribbean Canopy (posted one year ago today and the post that started the story) you might want to give those readings a listen. If you do, let me know what you think. Oh, and a glass or two of water handy would be recommended. :-D
I will check on the commentaries; I don't think I listened to them before.
I'm honored to bring mirth to you as you do for me too.
Sexy voice indeed; especially with your slight accent. *swoon* I will have some cold water near by when I listen to the other commentaries. ;-)
Karen, I did them only after I started with the audio, which was several months after the post. I thought they were a bit racy, so I didn't exactly publicly announce that I had gone back and done the audio--actually two different versions of the reading along with commentary. Those that have heard them say they like them.
Of course, after "Frail Me," I suppose no reason not to let those that would enjoy the reading know that they are there. ;-)
I enjoyed the commentary; I listened to some of the others when you added those but I missed this one. Thanks for letting me know about that one.
After "Frail Me," I hope there will be more? Perhaps without tools and vials? I'm such a hopeless romantic, but I think it's a large part of life and with your characters fighting for their lives every day, they need to be reminded (or we do LOL) what they are fighting for.
Karen, in time we will see more, and without the tool and vial. I agree, the intimate is a very important part of life and the characters would not be the same or as whole without that aspect. Of course, I've got to figure out a way to get my babe Kyra involved. Haven't figured that one out yet. Kinda wishing I hadn't killed off Kieran now. :-D
Congratts mate! U r a skilled writer that always leaves me spellbound.
Hugggggggggz Tre!
Oh Keshi, flatter me some more sweetie. :-D
How's be you this morning?
Okay, first things first, I need to go visit another cafe today where I will be able to listen to the audio. No way am I waiting 1-2 days for that!
This was so nice! What we cannot help wishing for, to see a lost one one more time and Kyra got to do that. :-)
Again congratulations on the year long journey (nicely done on this being the anniversary since the ship left the dock too:) and congrats too for number 200!!
Happy Monday, x
"Time is an illusion of perspective,"..."I can only imagine how this last year must have flown by, whipped and driven by the inclement winds of uncertainty. And, I can only imagine how you have grown in the fertile soil of adversity."
Tree, this is what makes your story so good. The character's emotions are so human...so much our own. You make us connect with them this way.
Beautiful writing.
Congratulations on one year and 200 posts.
I hope this little note finds you well.
Much love under the moon.
Aggie, the only thing I want to find under the moon is you, in a bow and, of course, the boots. :-D
I'm doing well. Your visit and your kind words are very much appreciated, almost like a special treat. What a great way to start the week. Okay, now I need to get my concentration back. :-D
Hugs and kisses my dear sweet sexy woman.
Sunshine, I see the 27th was not 27th. Mmm, well, you don't want to miss this audio since I have a special message just for you in it. :-)
Thanks, my dear Sweetest for your enthusiastically kind words. I do so love seeing your comments and the energy they bring. Fingers and toes crossed. :-)
Hey! I just wanted to say that I hope you and yours had a nice Thanksgiving. The weather has been FAB the past few days - hope you are enjoying it! =)
Congrats on the blog milestone, too!! WOot!
Thanks Jamie. Been a labor of love. :-)
We had both girls in town for the holiday so mom was very excited. And the weather, wow, I don't think we could have asked for anything better, just spectacular to say the least. Thanks for stopping by. Just so you know, your blog has been an inspiration to me. I even started a WordPress version, thanks to your influence. :-)
Cool 200 posts! Happy Click and Comment Day!
Thanks Blog girl. :-)
Thank you Steve. Writing the story has been an incredible ride.
Thanks Meg. I hardly know how to respond to such a warm response, so I'll just say Thank You. I hope you had a wonderfully peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving. So good to see you back in the blogosphere. Take care my friend. :-)
You've put more blood, SWEAT and tears, into your 200 posts than anyone could have ever imagined. It has been a fabulous ride, and I thank you for your hard work and your impossibly vivid imagination. I've enjoyed being in on all the fun times, with Autumn, Trace, Lisa, and many more. Never a dull moment around here, that is for sure.
Terry, it really has been a labor of love and I wouldn't have missed the ride for anything. You guys have given me so much via the comments, and although I thank you guys each and every time, I still don't feel like I'm able to convey just how much those wonderful and kind and encouraging comments have meant to me. So I say again, thank you for being here and for reading and commenting. Without you guys, I don't think we really get this far, I really don't.
I still want a little tag in the front, when your book comes out... :-)
Terry, consider it done. :-)
Im good ty :) and u?
Now that you are here my dear southern angel, I am much better. :-)
Congratulations Tree!! Mwah Mwah from a "warm and enticing one"! :)
Awww, Chicky, what a most excellent way to start the day. :-)
Hey, something came up and I couldn't make it in, been thinking about your audio all night though :-) And then to come in and hear what was also amongst, well, what can I say other than it has absolutely been my pleasure! And what a great pleasure. :-)
I'm stuck for time again, but in short, the commentary was very nicely done as always. More later, but for now, I really liked hearing you speak of how Kyra might feel seeing this holographic image (better than star wars:-D).
Take care, safe journey, see you soon, love and hugs, xxx
So glad you got a chance to listen to the audio. If this story was a movie, I would have loved to have seen this scene with Kyra and Goldie (I almost put in a part for Goldie asking about Blu). I would love to see her face as the folio opens and then listen to the musical score as she walks to the window clutching the folio to her chest and whispers those words and then the scene fades to black. :-D
Hugs and kisses my Sweetest one.
Happy Anniversary Trée, It has been a great year of reading and seeing your beautiful art. Continue on, with the Great Story.
Thank you DJB. I will do my best to carry on. :-)
Happy Anniversary! Great work.
Thank you Cat. I really like your stuff too. :-)
Happy Anniversary Trée! Wow, a year and 200 posts. Thank you for taking us along on this wonderful sci-fi ride. I especially like the 'edge-of-your-seat' chapters. Way to go!!
Deb, you are more than welcome. I'm sure we will have plenty more "seat of the pants" chapters to come. :-)
Perhaps she should have someone new; a man who makes her crazy with his attitude and actions and she does the same to him. Let their passion build and then let their guards down. ?? Just an idea... you've got the gift of developing characters, not me.
Ideas are always welcome Karen. I do believe we need to see Kyra in that setting. How, well, somehow, someway we'll figure it out. :-)
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